Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Easy Organic Pack 2
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6 Mar @ 6:23pm
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Berlangganan untuk mengunduh
Easy Organic Pack 2

Dalam koleksi 2 dari Endymia
Easy City
Item 740
Easy Parks
Item 92
Easy Organic Pack 2

includes 9 growables

Easy Organic 2x1 11 produce
Easy Organic 2x1 12 produce
Easy Organic 2x1 13 produce
Easy Organic 2x1 14 produce
Easy Organic 2x1 15 tables
Easy Organic 2x2 16 produce
Easy Organic 2x2 17 produce
Easy Organic 3x1 19 canvas art
Easy Organic 3x1 20 produce

Park Version

You can change the props with BOB, the Tree and Prop Replacer by Algernon

I replaced the barrels and crates with the following props:
HK Plastic bottle crates by Uncle Misha
HK Cardboard fruit boxes by Uncle Misha
Hong Kong Cardboard Boxes by Jeremychit
Handcart Props by Spence!