Team Fortress 2
Оцінок: 132
gm_fork But It's Domination 6CP
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6 берез. о 2:22

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gm_fork But It's Domination 6CP

All credits go to Blueberry_pie for the original map

This is gm_fork with modified Standin game logic. Each point captured reduces your team's respawn time. All points must be captured to win.

A few modifications were made for TF2 accessibility purposes.


Game Logic VMF:
Коментарів: 20
Six the Kush 7 квіт. о 9:04 
That's Map is Garry's Mod
sore AFK 29 берез. о 1:35 
surely the compile was worth it (9 Hours complete) UNLESS if you optimizied it well done
Ураган хокаге 22 берез. о 0:48 
Ураган хокаге 22 берез. о 0:48 
Toji Fushiguro 15 берез. о 18:48 
make something original
Magi 14 берез. о 21:03 
this feels so wrong
ThatYoinkySploinky 14 берез. о 10:12 
is there any server with this map?
CommieTommy 14 берез. о 8:57 
woooww thats lit
Pandora 14 берез. о 6:47 
I feel like this would be one of the few maps that would go well with the 50v50 player cap
Cristy #FixSFM 11 берез. о 15:02 
gm_fork is a good map but holy hell does it cause some lag