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[AV] Mechanoid orbital traders
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29 juil. à 7h16
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[AV] Mechanoid orbital traders

This mod is about acquiring mechs from sources other than gestation. Namely trading (orbital or not), drop pods, questrewards & ancient dangers loot. While giving the player full control about which of those features are active.

All base rimworld and biotech DLC mechanoids (excluding Apocrition and War Urchin) are supported. Modded Mechs can be allowed in the mod settings.
Once the mech is purchased, it joins your colony, but is uncontrolled and must be linked to a new overseer (mechanitor).

The marketprice for each mechtype is calculated by the game based on the following:
  • bandwidth cost
  • weight class
  • type of work (combat or labour)
  • mech age (brand-new or hijacked)
  • additional cost for mechbosses
  • additional modifiers from this mods settings
So if another mod changes the bandwidth costs, this will be reflected in the price.
This price is also different from the price the game uses for raid calculation, so the (mech) raid strength and colony wealth remain exactly the same.

While this mod started out as a supply trader for my other (currently unreleased) mechanoid-based mod, I thought this mechanic was versatile enough to share as a completely separate thing.

All of the following features can be toggled on or off. Make sure to check the modsettings!

Orbital trader: mechanoid factory
  • sells brand-new mechanoids
  • sells small amounts of mechanitor supplies that rarely contain mechboss chips
  • acts as a supplier for my (currently unreleased) mechanoid-based mod

Orbital trader: smuggler
  • has small amounts of silver
  • sells hijacked mechanoids
  • a mixture of exotic trader, combat supplier and slave trader with small amounts of items, but a wide range of goods

Exotic trade caravan adjustment
  • might sell basic hijacked mechanoids
  • just keep in mind that you need a mechanitor to control that mechanoid

Added item types:

Added incident:

Ideolgy DLC: Ancient Danger adjustment
  • Added mechs as possible loot from hermetic crates

Quest rewards adjustment
  • Added mechs as possible quest rewards

This mod does not touch much code of the base game and therefore shouldn't be able to break another mod.
The only thing that could break is if another mod completely changes how existing mechs or pricing works.

Requirements / Load order:
This mod should be loaded after biotech and harmony.
Hijacked mechs also need an active mechanoid faction to work properly (the vanilla one, not a modded one).

Supported mods:
If activated in the modsettings, all modded mechs found (which are not driven by limtied power cells) will be added as tradeables. This requires a game restart to take effect.
If you find any mechanoid (from other mods) that should not be tradeable (because they don't work as a controllable mech), write it in the comments, so I can blacklist that mech.
Bossmechs require their own balance and tracking, currently the bosses of these mods are tracked:
  • AlphaMechs
  • Kraltech

Can this be added to or removed from an ongoing safe?
This mod does not touch much code of the base game and therefore should be safe to remove from or add to an ongoing safe.
If you are adding this mod to a safe without a mechanoid faction check the "simplify hijacked mechs" option in the settings. They will not work without that faction.
Removing this mod will result in one-time errors on the next loading of your safe (just like any content adding mod).
But just to be clear: ALWAYS back up your safes before adding or removing any mod to an ongoing run.

Why can't we sell mechs?
Because it's no fun. I did have a working version that would let the player sell mechs, but it was just annoying.
This mod doesn't actually sell mechs to the player, it just fakes it.
In reality, you buy a crate that spawns the mech as soon as it appears on the map.
This also gives me (und you!) the freedom to change the marketprice of that said crate without disrupting vanilla raid difficulty calculations.

Why can't we acquire apocritions?
An apocrition was not designed to be used by a player. A base game apocrition would just be a pikemen in the hands of the player, with skills which just won't work.

Can you add modsupport for X mod?
As this mod already generates tradeoption for every modded mechanoid (if you allow for it in the mod-settings), your mod is probably included.
Should there be boss-mechs which this mod does not recognize, write it in the comments.
If you want more tradeable items from other mods for the orbital traders, I might add them if the theme fits. Just write it in the comments.

I've got feedback or a bug report!
Please write your feedback in the comments and bugreports in the pinned discussion, but keep in mind I am just a human with the lazy trait and might go on I-dont-want-to-play-or-mod-rimworld mental breaks for months. If I slack off, most other modders can easily change/add/remove mechanoid for trade with simple XML.

The traders are selling not enough boss-chips!
Intended, use a different mod if you want to have easier access to boss-chips.

Me, myself and I.
The tradeship on the preview artwork is made by AI.
Special thanks to the official rimworld discords modding-channel, the people running it and its precious search function.
Without this awesome community this mod would not exist.
Discussions populaires Tout voir (2)
29 juil. à 7h18
ÉPINGLÉ : Bug reports and potential mod conflicts
9 avr. à 10h05
bug or just misunderstanding
27 commentaires
J 27 juil. à 4h53 

Got you, just wanted to hear someone else’s thoughts on this—like I said, it’s more of a question than an actual issue.

>Check out the comment from ‘a quality meme’ if you want to spoil an example to yourself.

Oh yeah, I actually did the same thing, which resulted is some quality cinema.
Veltaris  [créateur] 27 juil. à 0h23 
Termites are quite tanky for their bandwidth requierement and can deal with cover or mech cluster buildings pretty well, so I never considered them useless to the player.
However, they are more on the ‘worse’ side of the drop event as they have a higher chance of triggering hijacked beheivior.
Check out the comment from ‘a quality meme’ if you want to spoil an example to yourself.

But in general the plan is to make every mech toggleable, I just haven't been able to achieve it yet without Rimworld throwing a tantrum.
J 26 juil. à 16h33 

It’s not a big deal, but I just got a termite crashing in a transport pod; termites can’t be created in Biotech by default, because they’re rather useless for a player (at least that’s my understanding of it). Thoughts on removing termites from the pool or maybe making them toggleable?
Velxra 26 juil. à 15h07 
I was thinking of a couple mech ships or mech traders. though looking forward to what you have planned either way.
Veltaris  [créateur] 26 juil. à 8h00 
(unrelated to this mod)
I've got a few mechs, items and buildings in the making but they are not tied to SOS2.
Making stuff for SOS2 is something I'm leaving to other modders, even though I have a few ideas, just doing the quality control would take forever, when a normal SOS2 run takes months to complete.
Velxra 25 juil. à 1h03 
Had a laugh when I saw this mod. But realized it makes a lot of sense given how you set it up.

Would you ever do a SoS2 expansion for more mech items or even mech ships?
Veltaris  [créateur] 2 juil. à 10h41 
I liked this idea. Since I already had a system to create custom mechlink implants, there is now a mod for a tribal mechlink. It just took me a while to make it more modular. But I have no idea if it works with mechlink removing mods.
Queen or Else 22 juin à 15h09 
Just dropped by after playing with it for a bit to say this mod fucks hard.

Also the mod options menu is AMAZING. You absolutely know how to make one. Being able to fine tune everything is great.
Riei 10 juin à 10h02 
This is great!!

now if only we had a way to make a medieval mechanitor (most tech limiting will remove mechlinks from the game, rimedieval even makes the mechanitors undraftable , sadly)
Flockerkill 27 mai à 21h56 
Well it could be seen as an inactive (hibernating) mech in that way