Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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l4d2 guide
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Dead Center

Dark Carnival

Swamp Fever

Hard Rain

The Parish
Left 4 Dead
Tier 1
Pump Shotgun Submachine Gun
Pump 1 Smg 1
Tier 2
Auto Shotgun Assault Rifle Hunting Rifle
Auto 1 M16 1 Sniper 1
Left 4 Dead 2
The following weapons are found in Left 4 Dead 2. The original Left 4 Dead weapons also make an appearance in Left 4 Dead 2, although some of them appear to be slightly tweaked, renamed and have a new reload animation.

Tier 1
Pump Shotgun Chrome Shotgun Submachine Gun Silenced Submachine Gun
Pumpw 2 Chromew 2 Smg 1 Smgw 2

Tier 2
Tactical Shotgun Combat Shotgun Hunting Rifle Sniper Rifle
Auto 1 Spasw 2 Sniper 1 G3w 2
M-16 Assault Rifle Combat Rifle AK-47
M16 1 Scarw 2 Akw 2
Other Tier
There are only two weapons that don't qualify as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 that can be found in Left 4 Dead 2. These are sometimes classified as Special Tier or Tier 3 weapons.

Grenade Launcher M60 Machine Gun
Launcher W M60
Other than primary weapons, Survivors are provided with a sidearm weapon at all times in case their primary runs low on ammo. Sidearms are unique in that they have unlimited ammo, and in the case of firearms, the magazine is not depleted to 0 when reloading, giving the user the ability to switch to and from the sidearm easily.

Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead only features one sidearm, the M1911 Pistol, which can be dual-wielded.

M1911 Pistol
Pistol 1

Left 4 Dead 2
Unlike Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2 features two functional firearms and thirteen melee weapons (with two being exclusive to the PC version) under the sidearms section for use. There is a third firearm, the Glock, which only appears when dual-wielding the P220 Pistol, therefore sharing their performance.

P220 Pistol Glock
(only when dual-wielding P220 Pistol) Magnum Pistol
Pistolw 2 Glock 2 Deaglew 2
Melee Weapons
Other than handguns, Survivors can also use close combat weapons and improvised items they find throughout the campaigns to deal with Infected on close range.

Fireaxe Baseball Bat Cricket Bat Crowbar
Axe Bat Cricket Crowbar2
Frying Pan Golf Club Guitar Katana
Pan GolfClub Guitar Katana
Machete Nightstick Pitchfork
(PC-exclusive) Shovel
Machete Tonfa Pitchfork Worldmodel Shovel Worldmodel
These melee weapons are highly effective, dealing varying maximum health percentage-based damage to various Infected. The following is the amount of melee weapon hits required to kill certain types of Infected and their corresponding damage values in Versus, assuming maximum health.

Common & Uncommon infected: 1 hit (damage equal to health)
Jockey, Spitter: 1 hit (damage equal to health)
Hunter, Smoker, Boomer: 5 hits to the legs (x0.75 multiplier damage),[1] 1 hit everywhere else (damage equal to health)
Charger: 1 hit to the head (damage equal to health), 2 hits everywhere else (500 damage each)
Witch: 4 hits (250 damage each)
The Tank: 20 hits (5% of full health - damage per hit depends on difficulty or gamemode)

Special Melee
Unlike most other melee weapons, the Chainsaw does a static 100 damage 10 times every second.

Other Weapons
Counter-Strike Weapons
Main article: Counter-Strike Weapons
These weapons were originally exclusive to the German copies of Left 4 Dead 2 to make up for the censorship. Since the Last Stand Update however, non-German version players can now find them in a normal, unmodified playthrough.

Tier 1
Tier 2
SG 552 Scout AWP
SG-552 Scout AWSM
Melee Weapon
Css knife

Weapon Upgrades
Special items lay scattered across maps to boost a weapon's abilities. Only found in Left 4 Dead 2.

Explosive Ammo Incendiary Ammo Laser Sight
Explosivecan 2 Incenbox 2 Lasersight 1
Each of the Survivors can carry at any time one of the following grenades.

Molotov Cocktail Pipe Bomb Bile Bomb
(Left 4 Dead 2 only)
Molotov-1 Pipe 1 Bilebomb-bggrey
Usable Items
These items are found throughout campaigns, all portable save for the explosive barrel. While carrying one, shoving is the only avaliable action. They contain volatile substances and will often detonate if hit by bullets, explosions or incendiary attacks, releasing their payload in a certain area. Area denial provided by them are often valuable during Crescendos or Finales.

Gas can Oxygen tank Propane tank Fireworks
(Left 4 Dead 2 only) Explosive barrel
Gasoline tank Oxygen-tank2 Propane-tank2 Fireworks closeup Explosive Barrel

Special Items
These items, like the items above, take over all of the Survivor's abilities to use weapons, and can be used to knock back Infected. However, these are special in that they are only found in specific places and are used to complete specific tasks. Only found in Left 4 Dead 2.

Cola Gnome Chompski Scavenge gas cans
Cola1 Gnome model Fuel
Fixed Weapons
Over the course of the campaigns, the Survivors find fixed gun emplacements left behind by the military in their failed attempt to contain the Infection. They appear at certain finales and crescendo events and have an infinite supply of ammo. However, they are prone to overheating, which renders them temporarily unusable. When a Survivor uses a mounted gun, they cannot move and can only fire in a fixed arc.

(Left 4 Dead)
Heavy Machine Gun
(Left 4 Dead 2)
(Left 4 Dead version of "The Sacrifice")
Minigun 1 transbg Hmg transbg

Damage modifiers
Weapon damage to the Infected is subject to hit location, damage drop-off over distance and the game's difficulty.

Common & Uncommon Infected
Instantly die from:

Any damage to the head;
Any damage from scoped rifles (except on Realism), Magnum pistols and M60 Machine Guns;
Being hit directly or by splash damage of Explosive Ammo and the Grenade Launcher.
Within 100 game units (1.91m or 6.27 ft), shotguns deal 5 times their normal damage to any Common Infected, and received body damage is modified by the game's difficulty:

Easy: × 2 — Realism: × 0.5
Normal: × 1 — Realism: × 0.375
Hard: × 0.75 — Realism: × 0.25
Expert: × 0.5 — Realism: × 0.25
Special Infected
Original (Hunter, Smoker, Boomer):

Head: × 4 from bullets, × 1.25 from shotgun pellets
Torso: × 1.25
Arms: × 1
Legs: × 0.75
New (Charger, Jockey, Spitter):

Head: × 4 from bullets, × 1.25 from shotgun pellets
Right arm: × 1.25
Rest of the body: × 1
Computer-controlled Chargers take × 0.66 less damage while charging. This does not affect player-controlled Chargers in Versus. Similarly, in single-player and campaign, computer-controlled Smokers are much weaker when grabbing a survivor (only having 50 health as opposed to 250).[2]

The Witch receives 5 times damage from shotguns at point blank range (except on Realism), and received body damage is modified by the game's difficulty:

Head: × 1
Body: × 2 — Realism: × 0.5
Head: × 1
Body: × 1 — Realism: × 0.375
Head: × 1
Body: × 0.75 — Realism: × 0.25
Head: × 1
Body: × 0.5 — Realism: × 0.25
The Tank receives same damage everywhere, takes only × 0.85 damage from automatic shotguns in L4D2 (x 0.75 in L4D1) and × 3 damage from the Grenade Launcher.

Cooldown is the minimum length of time in the Left 4 Dead series that a Survivor or an Infected needs to wait after using an ability before they can use it again.

The Survivors
Main article: Fatigue
In Left 4 Dead, the Survivors have no special abilities other than healing, shooting, reloading, and simple melee shoving and striking — at which tasks they can function endlessly without incurring any fatigue penalties during normal gameplay. Presumably, this was a deliberate feature put into the game by Valve in order to reduce development costs, gameplay frustration and programming complexity.

However, players are now constrained by a variable called Fatigue. In close quarter combat, after four melee uses, a Survivor is obliged to wait up to three seconds until this attack can be used again. Repetitive use of a melee attack thus incurs a series of short time-out intervals to stimulate the body's need to regather its strength for the next strenuous exertion. Melee Fatigue was retrospectively introduced into the game after Valve received complaints of players who simply shoved their way to victory through Versus and Campaign matches without ever needing to fire a weapon. When the Left 4 Dead DLC known as the Survival Pack was released, Valve added the Melee Fatigue feature, but only left it out of the game's Campaign mode for unknown reasons. Later on, fatigue was then included as a universal mechanic in all Left 4 Dead 2 game modes.

The Infected
The Infected have different abilities, and therefore different cooldown times.

Hunter pounce charge
Meter shown when charging a pounce

All, save for the Tank, have a secondary melee attack which takes a second to cool down.
The Boomer has to wait 30 seconds before being able to vomit again.
The Hunter does not have a cooldown on pouncing, but he must charge it for 2 seconds if standing up.
This can be avoided by backing up into a wall, facing away from it, jumping then immediately pouncing. However, this technique does not work if the Hunter has already pounced on a Survivor.
The Smoker's tongue takes 15 seconds to regenerate if it bends or is destroyed by a Survivor. In Versus and Scavenge, it takes 3 seconds to rewind if it misses.
The Tank takes 3 seconds after a melee attack to be able to punch again; the same goes for its ranged rock throwing attack.
The Charger has to wait 12 seconds to be able to charge again. AI Chargers have a 66% damage resistance to all sources while charging,
The Spitter has to wait 20 seconds before she is able to spit again. Spitting also heavily reduces the Spitter's movement speed for several seconds.
The Jockey has to wait 1 second after he lunges if he misses a Survivor, 3 seconds if he makes a Survivor hang off a ledge while riding them, 7 seconds if he is shoved or knocked off of a Survivor, or 30 seconds if he incapacitates a Survivor while riding them.
Game modes
Game modes
Left 4 Dead 2 includes 5 regular game modes:

Campaign: up to four human players fight against the Infected to make their way through Campaign stages; any Survivor not controlled by a human player is controlled by the computer.
Singleplayer mode allows players to play without intrusion from human players, working through the Campaign stages with three computer-controlled Survivor allies.
Versus: up to four other human players take control of various Special Infected to try and prevent the Survivors from completing a stage. Special Infected are randomly assigned to Infected players; they cannot control the Witch or any Common Infected. Occasionally, as determined by the AI Director, certain players will become the Tank. The two teams swap sides once per stage, and are scored based on their stage progress as Survivors. If both teams make it to the saferoom with all four Survivors, a 25-point tiebreaker is awarded to the team that dealt the most combined damage as Special Infected.
Survival: a timed challenge where the Survivors are trapped in a section of the campaign maps, and try to survive as long as possible against an unending onslaught of Infected.
Scavenge: a new 4-on-4 mode that requires the Survivor players to collect and use as many fuel cans scattered about a level to fill up a power generator, while the Infected players attempt to stop them.[15]
Left 4 Dead 2 also features a Realism mode, which can be enabled at any difficulty for either Campaign or Versus. This mode removes some of the video-game aspects from the gameplay: Survivors cannot see each other's silhouettes, and dead teammates can only be revived with defibrillators and will not respawn later in the level.[16] Weapons and other items will only glow when the player is within a few feet, forcing the players to search the levels more thoroughly. Headshots to enemies deal more damage, whereas limb or body shots require more shots.[17] In addition, the Witch enemy can kill any Survivor she would have normally incapacitated (on difficulties other than Easy). Designed to force players to work closely together and rely on voice communication, Valve created Realism mode to give players a way "to be challenged as a team" without having to increase the difficulty level of the game.[16]

Finally, in later versions of the game, there is a Mutation option, in which players can select from a menu of 30 variations, some singleplayer, some multiplayer (and some of the latter cooperative, some versus, or both). Each variation changes one or more major game dynamics, such as: constantly draining health, solo mode with no Survivor allies, death upon incapacitation, only one kind of weapon available, coop that later switches to versus, shooting or targeting constraints, an enemy type with increased power, increased numbers of Special Infected, etc. One of these modes, named GunBrain, is a weapons stats analyzer.
Special Infected
The Infected
While also referred to as zombies, the Infected are humans who have contracted a mutated strain of an infection, though neither the source nor nature of this "Green Flu" are made clear in the games. The most numerous Infected encountered by the survivors are the common Infected. Though individually weak, they can swarm and overwhelm the Survivors, especially when separated from their teammates. Damage to the infected in Left 4 Dead 2 is portrayed more realistically, with bullets and melee weapons ripping off bits of flesh and, in some cases, limbs.[18] A new addition to Left 4 Dead 2 is the Uncommon Infected unique to each campaign. By virtue of location and equipment worn pre-infection, they possess abilities that separate them from the Common Infected. For example, the Dead Center campaign introduces infected CEDA agents in hazmat suits, making them fireproof;[19] Dark Carnival includes clowns, whose squeaking shoes attract small hordes of Common Infected;[20] and The Parish includes infected private security contractors in riot gear, making them bulletproof from the front.[21][22]

As in the first game, there are special Infected whose mutations grant them special abilities that make them highly dangerous, which act as bosses. The presence of such Infected nearby is hinted at by sound effects or musical cues unique to each type. The five Special Infected from the first game return in Left 4 Dead 2, some with modified behavior and skin models:

The Boomer: an extremely bloated Infected who vomits bile. The bile attracts a horde of Common Infected on contact with Survivors and also momentarily blinds them.[23] Upon death, they explode and can also spray bile onto nearby Survivors.
The Hunter: an agile male Infected that can pounce on and incapacitate Survivors from great distances, tearing at them until the Survivor dies or another Survivor shoves him off/kills him.[24]
The Smoker: a male Infected with a long tongue that it uses to ensnare Survivors from a distance, continually choking them. Upon death, he releases a cloud of smoke that can obscure the Survivors' vision and cause them to cough, should they come in direct contact with the smoke.[25]
The Tank: a gigantic, extremely muscular Infected male with the strength to punch Survivors off their feet some distance, as well as toss cars and concrete slabs.[26] Unless the Survivors work as a team, they will be quickly incapacitated or even killed by the Tank's inhuman strength.[27]
The Witch: a crying Infected woman who, when provoked by either damage, loud sounds, light, or proximity of survivors, will attack the provoker and any other Survivors after her provoker is dead. She can incapacitate or even kill a Survivor in one hit.[28] Left 4 Dead 2 introduces a variant of the Witch that wanders aimlessly in the open.[3][28]
Left 4 Dead 2 also introduces three new Special Infected, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker:

The Charger: a male Infected with an enormous right arm,[29] and can charge into the Survivors, capturing and carrying one Survivor away from the others, sending any others in his path flying to the side after a capture and stunning survivors upon hitting an obstacle in a charge. He may then pummel his captured Survivor into the ground, rendering that Survivor helpless until one of their teammates helps them by killing the charger or stunning it with frag rounds.[30][31]
The Spitter: a female Infected that spits out balls of stomach acid that splatter across an area, quickly eroding the Survivors' health as long as they remain within it. She also leaves a puddle of goo upon death. The longer the goo lingers on the ground, the more damage it deals.[32][33]
The Jockey: a male Infected that jumps onto a Survivor's back and steers them into other Infected or environmental hazards until the player is incapacitated, killed, or the Jockey is shoved off.[34][35]
Versus is the basic competitive mode for the Left 4 Dead series. Two separate teams of 4 players take turns playing as the Survivors and the Infected, competing for the most points. Points are only awarded to teams playing as the Survivors. Before a game starts, the lobby leader chooses a specific campaign to play and the players can choose which team to play on by choosing whether to start as Infected or Survivors.

Each Round of a versus game consists of two turns. One team plays as the Survivors and the other plays as the Infected. When the turn ends, the teams switch sides. As Survivors, the goal is to make it as far as possible in the chapter before being overwhelmed by the Infected (ideally, all four Survivors will make it into the chapter's safe room). On the other hand, the objective of the Infected is to incapacitate or kill all of the Survivors as fast as possible in the chapter.

Versus games are played on Normal difficulty.

Up to four human players can play on each team; however, while the Survivors can have A.I.-controlled players, the Infected team will only have as many Special Infected as there are human players. A.I. only occurs in specific situations, generally being when a human player spawns as the Tank (the Special Infected that they were playing will revert to being A.I. controlled) or if the Tank becomes too frustrated from not being able to see the Survivors in time; control of the Tank will be given to someone else on the same team. However, an update in Left 4 Dead 2 has added Special Infected bots in its Versus mode, so now it is possible to have very few players (two players minimum, one on each team), while bots on both teams fill in the missing player slots; this way Versus games can be fair and even. Compared to Campaign mode, the Infected also attack and deal damage faster. Both teams need at least one human player in order for the game to start or continue properly; otherwise, the game ends and all remaining players are returned to the lobby (even if a player switches teams before the server completely shuts down or unless sb_all_bot_game is set to 1). Some maps are also slightly changed to make it harder for the Survivors, such as removing closets or areas where Survivors can hold out for an indefinite amount of time.

Since each chapter of a campaign is played through twice (once for both teams), it should be noted that all the objects and some Special Infected (the Tank and the Witch) that spawn in the chapter will be nearly identical for both sides (i.e., weapons, healing items, and other objects will spawn in exactly the same place for both teams when they play as Survivors, and the Witch and the Tank will usually spawn in similar places for both teams, though slight variation does occur). The teams switch sides as soon as the Survivors reach the end or they are all incapacitated or killed. At the end of each round, all players see their current team scores. After a chapter end for both teams, whichever team currently has the highest score will play as Survivors first in the next round. In the event of a tie, the team that played the Survivors first for the previous round will play them first again in the next. Once the campaign has been played through entirely, the final scores for each team are displayed, and the game returns to the lobby. For help as Infected or Survivors, review some tactics.

A hidden statistics screen was discovered using the console on the PC version of Left 4 Dead. It shows how much damage you did to specific Survivors, and information specific to the Infected you were before you died. It is not implemented in Versus mode.
Survivors will spawn at the beginning of each chapter as usual, but they will not retain any weapons, health, gnomes, or items from the previous map, and they will begin with Tier 1 weapons at the beginning couple of chapters, and usually Tier 2 weapons during the last. Items from the safe room that were used during the previous round are respawned as well. Survivors do not respawn in Rescue Closets when they die, unlike the Campaign mode. However, in Left 4 Dead 2, a dead Survivor can be brought back to life if another Survivor happens to have a Defibrillator; this results in a Defibrillator penalty of -25 points the team's score.

Player-controlled Infected can spawn in any unblocked space, provided that they are not too close to the Survivors or too far from them, they are not in the Survivors' line of sight, and they are not in a restricted area (such as the safe room at the end of a map, or the starting safe room prior to the Survivors vacating it). After they are killed, the player-controlled Infected respawn after a certain amount of time, which depends on the number of Infected players there are and the length of time since the player's last spawn. The respawn timer appears a few seconds after the player Infected is killed. When there are four Infected, players can wait up to 30 seconds to respawn, although the average is closer to 20 seconds. Originally, a "team" of one single Infected player could respawn in around 5 seconds, although later patches added AI-controlled Special Infected to fill empty slots on the Infected team. The spawn timer remains at only 5 seconds for single players on the infected team, however.

After waiting out the respawn time, the Infected player will enter spawn mode which is indicated by a blue tint on screen. The player must choose where they want to spawn. The Infected player cannot be seen by the Survivor team. Other Infected see spawning players as a blue outline. Unspawned "ghost" infected can move through destructible objects and physics objects, such as doors and certain barricades. These unspawned Infected cannot be harmed by other players, either Infected or Survivor, although they will be killed without spawning if they fall into instant-kill zones (such as off a bridge into water); Infected who "die" in ghost mode restart their spawn timer as though they had actually died, and will respawn similarly. Once the Infected player has spawned, they are active and should attack the Survivors.

The AI Director determines which Special Infected "class" each player will spawn as once their spawn timer runs out and they enter spawn mode. The Director rarely chooses a combination of four "pinning" Special Infected. "Pinning" Infected are the Smoker, Charger, Hunter and the Jockey (or any other combination, such as three Hunters and one Smoker). This is so the Infected team cannot simply pin all four players at once, ending the round. The Spitter and the Boomer do not pin in their attacks; instead, they play a support role to the other Infected (Special or otherwise). In Left 4 Dead, the Director will typically give the Infected team two Hunters, a Smoker and a Boomer. In Left 4 Dead 2, the Infected team will almost always consist of four different Special Infected. While this is the most common configuration of infected, there are occasional exceptions. The Tank is a special spawn, randomly occurring, with a maximum of one instance per level aside from mandatory Tank spawns in finales and other fixed locations. Control of the Tank is given to a player on the Infected team randomly, with the odds of selection increasing with the player's score. You cannot play as the Witch, Common Infected, or Uncommon Infected.

Some of the Special Infected also have different attacking mechanics from Campaign mode in Normal:

The Boomer can aim upward to let the puke fly in an arc, splashing the Survivors from a further place, sometimes even from where the Survivors cannot see him. He can also move his aiming reticule mid-puke to alter the trajectory of the outbound puke; doing so can let him hit Survivors who he had initially missed.
The Hunter can now deal damage on impact by pouncing: the further they jump into the air, the more damage they do when they hit (up to a 25-point maximum). The pounce will also stumble nearby Survivors. Experienced players can also do multiple wall jumps to attack the Survivor from higher positions; however, they lose the ability to jump away instantly when being attacked.
The Smoker now deals damage when he is dragging the Survivor.
The Spitter's acid can now destroy scavenge-style gas cans (including the finales of Dead Center and The Passing) that have been picked up and dropped by a Survivor. The auras of these gas cans will show up as white before they have been picked up, and as yellow once a Survivor has dropped them.
The Jockey's leap can also stun the Survivors just like the Hunter's pounce.
The Tank has 6000 health points. The Director will also spawn them on the map when the Survivors enter a designed area, and let an Infected player take control immediately (in Campaign and Single Player mode, the Director will put the Tank on the map and let the Survivors alert it by themselves if not in a finale). Originally, the Tank was slowed down while on fire (in Left 4 Dead Campaign and Single Player modes, the Tank will actually move faster when on fire); this loss of speed from fire in Versus was removed by patches in both games in October 2010.
When the Tank spawns, control of the Infected the player controls is overridden. The Special Infected will then turn into an AI Infected if already spawned.
As human-controlled Special Infected, there is no delay when spotting a Survivor to attack them. They can also spawn in during non-finale Tank fights, before starting a Crescendo event/finale, and can spawn in the starting safe room provided that the Survivors vacate it. They are not able to spawn in the ending safe room, which is exclusive to AI Special Infected. AI-controlled Special Infected will still have their attacks delayed.

Controls of the Infected
Each Special Infected has their own unique special attacks, but most have similar attack controls. The Special attack is used with the left-click button on the mouse or Right Trigger on the Xbox 360, and the Melee attack is the right-click or Left Trigger on the Xbox 360. The Tank's attacks are in the reverse order, as his melee attack is intended to be his primary means of attack.

The Infected player can also see Survivors or other Infected players by their outline:

Survivors who have health over 40 (permanent and temporary) will have a green outline.
Survivors who have health between 10 and 39 (permanent and temporary) will have a yellow outline (between 25 and 39 health in Left 4 Dead 2).
Survivors who have health lower than 10 (permanent and temporary) or incapacitated will have a red outline.
Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2 who have health lower than 25 will have an orange outline.
Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2 who have exactly 1 health after being incapacitated without healing or are currently incapacitated will have a red outline.
Survivors who are covered in boomer bile, regardless of their health, will have a purple outline.
Infected Teammates, spawned or not, will have a blue outline.
Docile Witches will have a white outline.
Witches in the process of being startled will have an outline that slowly changes from white to red, depending on how close the Witch is to being startled.
Startled Witches will have a red outline.
The outline will appear when Survivors have recently performed these actions:

Shooting with any weapon.
Using their melee weapon.
Using their Melee shove.
Using consumable items.
Moving without crouching or holding the walk key.
Being pinned, constricted, pummeled, ridden, or covered in boomer bile.
Under attack.
Using a microphone.
Talking - either by scenario, interaction with the environment o
The sv_cheats console variable is a prerequisite command to many of the game-altering commands found in the Left 4 Dead series (including other Valve games, such as Half-Life). In the Left 4 Dead series, by setting sv_cheats to 1, most commands are then recognized by the game. It is with sv_cheats 1 that most of the exploits were found by users in the demo during its pre-order era.

Enabling cheats disallows unlocking achievements. This includes Grind Achievements, which are achievements based on your lifetime performance (i.e. killing 5,359 Zombies in Crash Course) and any other Achievement that uses a Counter-based system to acquire (i.e. Collect 10 Boomer Bile Bombs off Dead CEDA Agents) as well, so any Infected killed with cheats enabled will not count towards Zombie Genocides or any similar achievement. Even when turned off, achievements are still disabled. Only restarting the particular game will allow achievements. Achievements can still be earned through an online game as long as cheats were never enabled on that server.

Unfortunately, enabling cheats in Left 4 Dead 2 is more complicated than in the previous game. Cheats must be enabled in the main menu, before starting a game, and even then you must use the map command to load a game with cheats enabled - starting a local server via any of the lobbies will disable cheats.

Annotated list of commands
Knowing all the commands isn't quite as good as knowing what they do. The following will describe what each command does and its default value.

Important things to know about your cheat console:

Some commands require you to be the game host (such as sv_cheats).
It is assumed that you have cheats enabled for the commands described in this section.
If you turn on cheats then turn them off, many settings are discarded!
The console can auto-complete commands, making it inefficient to type more than you need to; just type a few letters and then hit the up/down arrows.
Commands can be chained. Example: sv_cheats 1; z_spawn boomer; z_spawn hunter; z_spawn smoker; z_spawn mob; sv_cheats 0; enable cheats, spawn a boomer, hunter, smoker, horde, then turn off cheats, all in that order.
You can store your commands in the "autoexec.cfg" file you create in a text editor like "Notepad" (Notepad++ is recommended for this) and put it in <steam install directory)/steamapps/common/left 4 dead/left4dead/cfg. While it isn't necessary to store it in the autoexec file, doing so will allow automatic execution of the commands saved when your server runs. You can also execute a particular config file, for instance, "die.cfg", by inputting "exec die" in the console.
If you are not sure of the correct spelling of a command, just type the first set of letters that you know and press "Tab." A list will appear below the input field listing each command beginning with what you have just typed. Press the "Tab" key to cycle through the commands listed.
Noclip out of the map
Want to go to the sky or go out of the map? Than use these commands.

This disables collision and physics, which allows you to fly through walls and in the air around the map. Now you can get a good picture.

This command allows you to change the speed at which you noclip. Be cautious as to not set the speed too high, as you can get yourself lost outside of the map.

God mode
God mode. Useful for being like a god as you'll take no damage at all. May hell fear you.

god 1
Survivors do not take any damage, and will not be slowed by Special Infected attacks. The only real way to lose is to somehow leave everyone hanging on a ledge. The only realistic scenario for that is that you are hanging off the ledge, while the ai tries to help you, but just falls to their doom instead.

Tip: If a Survivor has fallen from a ledge, or pinned somewhere out of reach, use the warp_all_survivors_here command to save them.

Budget god mode
God mode is obviously OP, but what if we nerfed it a little bit?

It is somewhat similar to godmode in that you cannot die, but you still receive damage. However, if you aren't the last survivor alive, you'll still be incapacitated as per normal gameplay. If you are, then whenever you take a hit that'd deplete your health, it will be reset to 10 instantly, thus protecting you from dying or incapacitatation. However, sometimes it can still kill after receiving damage rather than just incapacitation or restored HP, so just be careful.

Stopping the apocalypse
This command will stop the Director from spawning any Infected, so you can explore the map without fights, or you're filming like a video or something.

To start the Director again, type in:

Note: This code will not de-spawn any living Special Infected. Note: Infected in map design will still spawn, including the bride Witch in The Riverbank, Witches in The Sugar Mill, the Tank in train car in The Docks, as well as every Tank during the finales.

The witch is calmer...
z_witch_anger_rate 0.2
This command makes it so the witch will start to get angrier slower than usual, allowing anyone to get close to her with more time. You can also increase this so that the witch is really pissed, You might have to kill your AI to even pass this witch without anyone dying.

Spawning in Props
Do you feel like the map doesn't have enough props? Now you can spawn in a blockade so you can't progress through the map!

cl_precacheinfo modelprecache
This command gives you an advanced list of items. After you choose what you want, you need to place it after the following:

prop_dynamic_create // creates prop with animation potential

prop_physics_create // creates prop with gravity, mass, and collision properties
Want to play as someone else?
Looks like you're playing as Nick or Bill. You don't want to play as them, but rather, as someone else. Now you will be the ultimate identify thief.

Type in this command to switch between Survivors.

Entering this command while looking at another Survivor will switch to that one. If there are no Survivors directly on the crosshair, it will pick the one closest to it.

Put the name of a Survivor bot following the command to switch to that Survivor; for example, sb_takecontrol zoey will let you control Zoey.

Also, in online gameplay it is possible to change your designated Survivor at joining the game by opening the console and putting in:

jointeam 2 <name of bot>
It is possible also to do this when in mid-play, you just need to change your view to spectator:

jointeam 2 <name of bot>
Spawn in some infected
These commands can be used to spawn in additional enemies, in case you want to test something out, or your just really bored.

z_spawn tank
z_spawn witch
z_spawn boomer
z_spawn smoker
z_spawn hunter
z_spawn common, z_spawn, z_spawn horde (the first two commands spawn a single common infected; the latter spawns a horde.)
z_spawn mob (Mobs last a LOT longer than the usual horde)
Just be sure you don't spawn in too many infected, as it will crash your game.

Removing infected
To remove Specials, use the kick command, followed by the name of the special in question. For example, if a Jockey was riding you and you're a lone player, type kick Jockey and it'll magically disappear. This command does not work on Witches or Common Infected. To bind multiple kicks to a key, it is safer to use the wait command in between the kick commands.

bind K "kick Tank; wait; kick Boomer; wait; kick Smoker; wait; kick Hunter"
This stops each command executing simultaneously, instead it waits at least one frame before parsing the next command.

Spawning more than one of the same Special Infected causes their names to go into a numbered list starting with no number. For example:

When you try to kick a Hunter and it doesn't work, then there may be more than one Hunter on the map.
When you try to kick a Hunter and it doesn't work, then there may be more than one Hunter on the map.

If you want to remove those sum-of-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Common Infected and Witches too, give them a threatening stare and type down z_kill. Any Common Infected and Witch that are under your crosshair will be killed instantly.

Note: For some reason, if you throw a Bile Bomb at a bunch of force-spawned Uncommons, they will start pushing rather than hitting each other, like when you bash one with your weapon. Also, if you throw a Bile Bomb on Jimmy Gibbs Jr., the Purple Aura remains on him even after the effects have faded, thus lighting him up through walls.

True single player
If you hate your teammates so much you want to do actual solo, then this is going to be your favorite command!

Kick francis
Now that biker dude disappeared, only his weapons and whatever other items he was carrying as the only evidence as to his existence. Now you can finally enjoy some actual single player whilst kicking the special infected out of the server.

This also kicks them out forever, so you'll never see them again.
Counter Strike: Source weapons
Having a CS:GO weapon in left 4 dead might sound weird, but it exists.

type in give in the console, and then the item names will appear.

give smg_mp5
give sniper_awp
give sniper_scout
give rifle_sg552
These originally did no damage until entering a safe room with the weapons, however this was fixed when CS:S' weapons were added as official content globally in The Last Stand Update. However, CS:S weapons were available and functional before the update in Germany and Australia.

Want more melee weapons?
These are the melee weapons that are either made by individual authors or can be found in some custom campaigns & survial mapssuch as Suicide Blitz 2, Blood Tracks, Left 4 Evil Dead, Necropolis, Kink, Death Mountain, Deathcraft II, Redemption II, Dark Wood, Mellow Manor, Farewell Chenming, Session 9, The Bloody Moors, Fall in Death, TRAPPED, Helm's Deep Reborn, Energy Crisis, Helms Deep: Reborn, and The Scrap Yard. Some of them are either part of the maps, hidden in the map files, or can be downloaded as standalone VPKs.

Now, I must warn you, there is like a hundred melee weapons in the list below. So don't freak out over which weapon your going to pick, because you are.

give 2_handed_concrete
give aetherpickaxe
give aethersword
give arm
give b_brokenbottle
give b_foamfinger
give b_legbone
give bajo_roku
give bamboo
give barnacle
give bigoronsword
give bnc
give bottle
give boxing
give bow
give bt_nail
give bt_sledge
give btorch
give chains
give chair
give chair2
give cleaver
give cleaverfast
give combat_knife
give computer_keyboard
give concrete1
give concrete2
give custom_ammo_pack
give custom_shotgun
give dagger_water
give daxe
give dekustick
give dhoe
give didgeridoo
give doc1
give dshovel
give dsword
give dustpan
give electric_guitar2
give electric_guitar3
give electric_guitar4
give enchsword
give extbaton
give fishingrod
give flamethrower
give foot
give fubar
give gaxe
give ghoe
give gladius
give gloves
give gman
give gpickaxe
give great_sword
give gshovel
give guandao
give guitar
give hammer
give hammer_roku
give handax
give helms_anduril
give helms_hatchet
give helms_orcrist
give helms_sting
give helms_sword_and_shield
give hylianshield
give iaxe
give ihoe
give ipickaxe
give isword
give kanasaibo
give katana2
give kitchen_knife
give kukri
give lamp
give legosword
give leon_knife
give lightsaber
give lobo
give longsword
give long_sword
give m72law
give mace
give mace2
give mastersword
give mirrorshield
give mop
give mop2
give morning_star
give muffler
give nailbat
give old_cleaver
give oz_roku
give panic_chair
give paper_bat
give pickaxe
give ping_pong
give pipehammer
give pot
give queue
give riotshield
give rockaxe
give roku_bass
give roku_cymbal
give roku_guitar
give sabel
give scup
give scythe_roku
give sentry
give sh2wood
give shoe
give shotel
give slasher
give sledgehammer
give sokka_sword
give spickaxe
give spikedbat
give sshovel
give ssword
give stun_rod
give syringe_gun
give thrower
give tireiron
give tonfa_riot
give trashbin
give vampiresword
give wand
give water_dagger
give waterpipe
give waxe
give weapon_chalice
give weapon_morgenstern
give weapon_shadowhand
give weapon_sof
give woodbat
give wpickaxe
give wrench
give wshovel
give wsword
give wulinmiji
give zuko
give zuko_knife
Demo Weapons
Surprise Surprise! There are still demo weapons in the game itself!

These also work in the full game, with the exception of the grenade launcher:

give autoshotgun
give hunting_rifle
give health
give rifle
give pistol
give smg
give shotgun
give pain_pills
give first_aid_kit
give pipe_bomb
give molotov
give vomitjar
give propanetank
give gascan

ent_create weapon_grenade_launcher
In the full game, the Grenade Launcher can be spawned via the give command as with the other weapons, but because the grenade launcher was never meant to be obtainable in the demo, it must be created using ent_create as shown above.

Dropping Armageddon
Using this will immediately spawn a throwable under your feet whenever you use it. Just make sure to get out as soon as you type in this command.

fire // drop a Molotov in the center of the character lighting you on fire, so move fast
boom // drop a Pipe Bomb in the center of the character ready to explode
How many more zombies would you like?
By default, the game limits how many zombies are drawn at any given time. You can bypass this limit to get any an absurd amount of zombies to spawn and for your computer to beg for their lives.

z_common_limit 30
By doing this, well, more zombies can be spawned in at one time. So if you give the director like a limit of 500, they could spawn in 500 zombies, because if there isn't a limit, why waste it? But how can we get more zombies in a horde? Simple!

z_mob_spawn_min_interval_expert 90
z_mob_spawn_max_interval_expert 180
z_mob_spawn_min_size 10
z_mob_spawn_max_size 30
Now, when the director spawns in a horde, they can spawn even more zombies to challenge you. This is where the game might start to crash, so don't go that crazy.

But that's still not enough? Hmm... Perhaps you need a MEGA MOB!

z_mega_mob_spawn_min_interval 420
z_mega_mob_spawn_max_interval 900
z_mega_mob_size 50
Now, you can truly fill the map with so many zombies you could forge evidence to saying that you killed 3,000 zombies!

But what about the zombies themselves? They are too sluggish in reaction time and wander too little... We can fix that.

z_must_wander 0
z_acquire_far_range 2500
z_acquire_far_time 5
z_acquire_near_range 200
z_acquire_near_time 0.5
Now the zombies can see you much further, patrol the map, and react near instantly! This is tougher than you might think. Okay, if you've gotten this far without dying, we're gonna need more special's around. And luckily, we can make it so there is no shortage of special's.

z_special_spawn_interval 45
z_exploding_limit 1
z_gas_limit 1
z_hunter_limit 1
z_minion_limit 3 // This limits the total number of special infected alive at a given time to 3, regardless of what combination that might be.
If you were to set the minion limit from 3 up to 6, there could be, at most, 6 special infected alive at one time. However, since the limits for each specific type are set to 1, you could not get more than 1 boomer, 1 hunter, and 1 smoker. Similarly, if you turned the hunter/smoker/boomer limits all up from 1 to 2, but left the minion limit at 3, you could still only have 3 specials alive at one time, but you could end up with 2 hunters and a smoker, or 2 boomers and a hunter, etc... turning minion limit up to 6, and then each individual limit up to 2 would theoretically allow you to have 2 boomers on the field at the same time as having 2 hunters and 2 smokers all running around, although it's possible that a slot is reserved for a tank.

Now, let's say you want a massive horde right now. Sure, why not?

This will spa
This will spawn a mega mob to try and stop you, and if you set it so the director can spawn in more zombies, it will also follow that rule.

But if you want an endless horde to beat the crap out of, well. Here's the command.

director_panic_forever 1
Whenever a mega mob spawns, it will never, and i repeat, NEVER stop the horde. You can't even move past them at this point. But you can't decide how you wanna play? Well here's a challenge!

z_special_spawn_interval 45
z_exploding_limit 1
z_gas_limit 1
z_hunter_limit 1
z_minion_limit 9
z_spawn mob
z_spawn tank // you WILL be overrun with lots of Infected if you try this
Combine the last two commands together and try to beat a single level without any cheats or game-breaking mods.

Be sure not to spawn too many zombies, as it will lag your game out or worse; crash it.

No more rescues...
Do you want to be trapped in the level forever? Now, perishing is a guarantee.

The variable "rescue_distance" controls how far your teammates must get beyond your corpse before you can be rescued. Set to minus one to preclude that ever happening. The second variable, "rescue_min_dead_time", controls how many seconds must elapse after death before you come up for reincarnation. Set to "-1" to preclude that possibility.

rescue_distance 4500
rescue_min_dead_time 60
Deadlier zombies
Do the zombies deal too little damage? Now no longer! You can change it so they can kill you in a single hit!

hunter_pz_claw_dmg 10
z_pounce_damage 5 // There's a delay of 1 second where a teammate
can knock it off and you don't take this damage
tongue_choke_damage_amount 10
z_hit_from_behind_factor 0.5 // If a zombie hits you in the back,
multiplies the damage done
z_witch_damage 100
But what about the environment and those unknown damage multipliers? We can change that too.

inferno_damage 40 // Damage per second when getting flamed
survivor_extra_damage_ammo_factor 1.25 // Appears to multiply the overall amount of
friendly fire damage. At zero, it does no
damage, even on expert though a decimal with
many places will still do a good chunk with
the Auto Shotgun. Does not appear to change
damage on Infected at all. TODO: test this
z_gun_damage 10 // Melee damage done to doors, boxes, and the like, but not Infected
Sprinting towards hell
You might think the survivors are too slow. Now you can change it so they are a bit faster.

survivor_walk_speed 85 // For reference base, movement speed is 210 and base Infected speed is 250
Just be sure you don't set it to be too crazy, or you'll fling yourself out of the map.

Teleporting to your demise
Is everyone too far away from you? Now you can force them to be with you by making them teleport to you or anywhere else!

Just don't send them to a tank.

warp_all_survivors_here // Warp all survivors to the player's cursor
warp_all_survivors_to_battlefield // Warp all Survivors to the battlefield
warp_all_survivors_to_checkpoint // Warp all Survivors to the exit checkpoint
warp_all_survivors_to_finale // Warp all Survivors to the finale radio
warp_far_survivor_here // Teleport the farthest away Survivor to your cursor position
warp_to_start_area // Warp yourself to a Survivor spawn area
However, for this command to work, you need to be the game host.

Versus for the man with no friends
NOTE: This has been patched, but if you go to the other "NOTE", you'll find away to fight the bots again.

Okay, the title might have been too harsh, However, if you truly have no friends, you can fight the bots themselves.

(This has been patched. This has been kept as an archive.)
sv_cheats 1
sb_all_bot_team 1
vs_max_team_switches 99 chooset
sb_unstick 0 // stops bots teleportingeam // or use "M" or whatever key you have assigned to team
change mp_gamemode versus
With this command, you can play versus mode with bots.

Do note that the Survivor Bots will walk through the stage well enough, but may get hung up when it comes to pushing certain buttons or leaving certain areas. Simply switch teams again, accomplish the goal, and switch back. Do take note that the map that you are playing is still a co-op map and may end prematurely once both teams have played through. To avoid this, vote for a change in campaigns to load the Versus version of the maps.

NOTE: This cheat has been patched. In order to do this, you must enter sv_cheats 1; mp_gamemode versus. You must then finish the level and you will switch teams afterwards. If you want the AI to play with you, enter mp_gamemode coop. The AI will then spawn other Infected to play with you. They won't make the best decisions, and you will likely be the only one killing anyone. You can also play survival mode by entering mp_gamemode Survival. You cannot use this method for Left 4 Dead 2, as mp_gamemode is not recognized by the Developer Console. You must enter map mapname Versus. For example, to play Versus Mode on The Hotel, you must enter "map c1m1_hotel Versus". This will allow you to play Versus for the entire campaign. The switchteams command is also not recognized, so you must enter "vs_maxteamswitches" and then set it to something big like 999. Often, you will spawn in on the second or third map as the wrong team, so you can still switch. Sometimes, you will even spawn in as a Spectator. You will have all AI teammates, unlike the first Left 4 Dead where playing Versus by yourself meant by yourself.

The Survivor Bots won't leave the safe room unless you enter "sb_all_bot_team 1". They will move through the level very fast, but they won't sit in the safe room for hours.

NOTE: With the release of The Sacrifice, the sb_all_bot_team command is no longer recognized in Left 4 Dead 2, and has been renamed to sb_all_bot_game, which will only work with the command line option +allow_all_bot_survivor_team 1. This is not a console command. This can be added by right-clicking on the game in Steam, selecting "properties," clicking "Set launch options," and adding it there.

If all of those don't work, try this:

sv_cheats 1

sb_all_bot_team 1
sb_all_bot_game 1
If that doesn't work:

director_no_human_zombies 0

Then hit the team change key (M by default). You can choose if you like to be an Infected or Survivor.

LAN game
To play offline on a local LAN (works with Steam in offline mode and you only need one Steam account)

Set launch option -console
Launch the game on server and clients
On the server, bring up the console (~) and type:
sv_lan 1
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
Then without hitting enter after "map", you will see a list of available maps. typing the first letter of the map name will give you more choices.

Wait for the game to start
Vote for the difficulty level you want.
Input net_start to check the IP
On the clients, bring up the console and type the following, replacing IP_ADDRESS with the servers LAN IP address:
connect IP_ADDRESS
Bile/Rock Target Practice
With this command, you can practice Vile and Rock throwing as a Special Infected. Now your prepared to take on the survivors.

sv_cheats 1 // You'll need this for all the commands
map l4d_airport03_garage Versus // This level provides an extremly good practice environment, but you should try other maps, too.
sb_all_bot team 1 // Without this, the game will shut down because there aren't players on the other team.
sb_stop 1 // Without this, the Survivors will get in the way of your game; best to put this cheat in before sb_all_bot_game 1
Now you've got those stupid bots out of the way, you can begin your practice. Lets start with throwing some rocks.

z_spawn tank
z_tank_rock_debug 1 // Creates a small cube where your rock hits, helps get an idea of where your throws land
where your throws land
z_tank_throw_interval 1 // Makes the delay between throws nonexistent; just dont get used to throwing rocks like a submachine gun
z_spawn boomer // These provide excellent target practice
Now you've mastered rock throwing, you can do the same with bile.

z_spawn boomer
z_vomit_debug 1 // Similar to z_tank_rock_debug 1, only it creates lines to show where the puke hitboxes travel. In other words, shows where you barf)
z_vomit_interval 1 // What progress do you expect to make only
puking every half-minute? Now you can do
it every second. Again, don't get used to
puking like a submachine gun
Lighting to kill your eyes or to save them
Is the map too dark, or too bright? Now, you can change that.

Pitch Black Mode
To fully embrace the nightmare and to fight the dark, this command is all up for that.

sv_cheats 1
fog_override 1
fog_enable 0
It disables the white background fog to play the game without the unrealistic lighting effect. This was the original way the game was designed per the development team: Left 4 Dead takes place in a variety of dimly lit night-time environments. Because of this, play testers weren't able to see zombie silhouettes in the mid-ground and background. Because of this, they were repeatedly getting mobbed. While sudden zombie attacks were unarguably scary, they were also frustrating—players weren't being given the information they needed to react. They wanted that "Here they come!" moment, and we weren't giving it to them. The solution was light-colored fog. While not as realistic-looking as actual fog in some settings, it meant play testers could see attackers in the distance. Once they were able to anticipate attacks, play testers started to have a much better time."

in L4D2, disabling fog also disables rendering of water, leaving empty spaces everywhere where there used to be water.

Full Bright
If you wish to explore the map in full daylight mode use this.

mat_fullbright 1
No Textures
mat_fullbright 2
This will cause the models in-game to not be textured. Why would you do this?

Alternatively, if you wish to use your flashlight to see the difference between daylight and normal map lighting, use the following commands:

r_flashlightconstant 1 // select constant attenuation instead of linear or quadratic light fall off.
r_flashlightfov 179 // default is 53 degree cone.
r_flashlightfar 9999
Better screenshots
To hide crosshair and other overlay elements:

sv_cheats 1
hidehud 4
0 returns to normal. 2 and 3 toggle certain elements on/off. Even though it does not look like you can change weapons, cl_drawhud 0 might help you more.

Change Player Name
This allows a player to use a name different from their Steam name.

setinfo name example
This allows the name change to be bound to a key as well. Additionally, this is temporary and only lasts on the game you are on until it's finished or you leave. To use names that have spaces in them, surround the whole thing in quotes, so if you wanted Example Name as your temporary name, you would type:

setinfo name "Example Name"
using "kill" will kill the target player immediately. To kill a player, type "kill [player's name]". But the name must be the player's NPC name. So, to kill Bill, type "kill Bill". You do not need to type the whole name; to kill Louis, for instance, you can simply type "kill L" . This won't work if someone else has L at the beginning of their name. Note that this is not efficient when hordes of tank spawn, so try "kick Tank" instead.

Note: The following only applies in Left 4 Dead 1: Using this code on Boomers will neither cover Survivors around him/her in Bile nor stumble anyone standing too close.
A bug in L4D2 caused the players to commit suicide if they use "kill N" (For example, when killing Nick, the player dies instead, even if they are not Nick himself, and this trick also seems to work if a versus match allows cheats and you play as any of the infected.)
Replacing Kill with "explode" works too.

Enter "respawn" to respawn your character.

Additionally, you can type "respawn_all" to resurrect bots and other dead players.

"thirdperson" or "thirdpersonshoulder" to get a view from your shoulder.

Note: By default, the crosshair in third person shoulder mode isn't aligned properly, so all of your shots will go either left or right of the crosshair, depending on the distance.

The command burn gives you the fire overlay below your screen and the ability to light movables by jumping on them. This command does no self-damage.

Speaking Character
Type "Vocalize Response" to have your character speak. Most people have been observed as (over)using "Vocalize Playerdeath". Nearly all of the commands for this command start with "player." An update on February 19th, 2010 has disabled this command for Left 4 Dead 2, but this is still available in the original. This does not require the use of "sv_cheats 1". Some players have made their own radial voice menus (x and z key commands) as an add-on in order to still have that feature in Left 4 Dead 2.

No Special Infected
Enter: director_no_specials 1. In finales, there might still be certain Specials that will still spawn, however, you can get rid of them by kicking them out. For example, "kick tank" or "kick hunter," you can bind the kick command to a key so when they show up, press the key you bound it to and they will disappear.

Infinite Ammo
To have infinite grenades, ammo, or chainsaw fuel, just type in console Sv_infinite_ammo 1. Or if you just want it for your primary weapon, type Sv_infinite_primary_ammo 1.

Items Spawn Chance
To visually see all items that spawned (yellow), and that could possibly spawn in the map (white), use

director_debug_scavenge_items 1
General AI status
To see the general status of the AI Manager (Director), use:

director_debug 1
Left 4 Dead 2 Commands
To activate cheats within Left 4 Dead 2 start a map using the map command. Achievements will be turned off, however. Most commands from Left 4 Dead work in Left 4 Dead 2, but some have been removed:

If you use the command z_spawn mob in Left 4 Dead 2, some of the Uncommon Infected that appear in that level will be mixed in with the regular Common Infected. The new weapons in Left 4 Dead 2 can be acquired using the following commands.

As all of the original Left 4 Dead weapons appear in Left 4 Dead 2, you can spawn all of them (except for the M1911 Pistol, which got replaced with P220s and Glocks!)

NOTE: Some melee weapons can only be spawned in certain campaigns. For instance, Crowbars cannot be spawned in "Swamp Fever" unless you edit the text files in your games directory to be able to do so.

give weapon_grenade_launcher // some people may have to rely on '''ent_create weapon_grenade_launcher'''
give rifle_desert // Gives the Combat Rifle
give rifle_ak47
give pistol_magnum
give shotgun_chrome
give shotgun_spas
give sniper_military
give smg_silenced
give vomitjar // Bile bomb
give defibrillator
give electric_guitar
give machete
give frying_pan
give katana
give rifle_m60
You can also use the console to give your weapon any of the three upgrades in Left 4 Dead 2.

upgrade_add LASER_SIGHT
upgrade_add explosive_ammo
The explosive ammo can be modified with the following commands. Setting one of the force commands too high will result in the game crashing.

upgrade_explosive_bullet_force // explosive force for all weapons other than shotguns
upgrade_explosive_slug_force // explosive force for shotguns
upgrade_show_explosive_ammo_radius // changing to 1 causes a sphere to be shown whenever an explosive shot is fired, showing its area of effect
The Special Infected new to Left 4 Dead 2 can also be spawned:

z_spawn spitter
z_spawn jockey
z_spawn charger

Playing any Mutation
The following commands will all
Playing any Mutation
The following commands will allow you to play any of the revealed Mutations with bots.

map <map file name> mutation#
//Replace # with a number:
mutation1 = Last Man On Earth
mutation2 = Headshot!
mutation3 = Bleed Out
mutation4 = Hard Eight
mutation5 = Four Swordsmen
mutation6 = Nothing
mutation7 = Chainsaw Massacre
mutation8 = Iron Man
mutation9 = Last Gnome On Earth
mutation10 = Room For One
mutation11 = Healthpackalypse!
mutation12 = Realism Versus
mutation13 = Follow the Liter
mutation14 = Gib Fest
mutation15 = Versus Survival
mutation16 = Hunting Party
mutation17 = Lone Gunman
mutation18 = Bleed Out Versus
mutation19 = Taaannnkk!
mutation20 = Healing Gnome
community1 = Special Delivery
community2 = Flu Season
community3 = Riding My Survivor
community4 = Nightmare
community5 = Death Door
community6 = Confogl
rocketdude = Rocket Dude
tankrun = Tank Run
It is recommended that sb_all_bot_game is set to 1 if playing a competitive Mutation alone as the game will disconnect due to lack of players.

*Notice* Mutation called "Versus Survival" is playable on main menu.

Realism mode
Like with Survival mode, playing a single-player Realism mode in Left 4 Dead 2 is as follows:

map (map) realism

Force Uncommon Zombies

z_forcezombiemodelname common_male_(Infected);z_forcezombiemodel 1;z_spawn
Replace (Infected) with the names below:

ceda = Hazmat CEDA zombies from Dead Center.
jimmy = Jimmy Gibbs zombie from Dead Center's last level.
fallen_survivor = The Fallen Survivor from The Passing.
clown = Clowns from Dark Carnival.
mud = Mud-Men from Swamp Fever.
riot = Riot Cops from The Parish.
worker = Workers from Hard Rain.
If you use the Fallen Survivor, you might want to use these:

z_fallen_kill_suppress_time 1
z_fallen_max_count 30
Complete list of commands
See: Complete list of console commands

Bots copy actions
You could manipulate the actions your CPU-controlled allies and the CPU-controlled Special Infected (Special Infected who are playable in Versus Mode). Every movement you make will be followed by these bots, thus negating their A.I. functionality. These are all applied with the console command bot_mimic 1. The command is quite self explanatory - every movement you make affects the movement of the bots, you shoot, the bots shoot (in the case of Special Infected, using their Special abilities is the equivalent of shooting), you walk forward, they also walk forward. This is a strategy if you want to direct the actions of the bots around you. Such as when you are ridden by a Jockey, this console command allows you to control both your player and the Jockey itself!

When this command is enabled, the human player cannot use items, pick up weapons, etc. (deactivating the Use key), it is up to them to direct the bots to the items, since they can do it instead.