Astral Party

Astral Party

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Get Any Season 1 Character Easily
By Yuu
You can earn any 1 character you want in a few minutes as a new player.
Step 1: In Main Menu click on the question mark (?) on the bottom right corner of your screen under Gacha

Step 2: Click confirm and follow the tutorial

Step 3: Go back to main menu and click on Bag

Step 4: Click on Chest and pick your new main

Congrats, you're a winner~
Yuu  [author] 19 Jul @ 7:42pm 
Updated title. This only works for characters originally available at launch.
The Protector of Kawaii 25 May @ 6:12pm 
So y isnt Destiny girl a choose in the pack and the .99?
hell yeah im going in blind
hold me back bros
Yuu  [author] 28 Feb @ 7:46pm 
or you can skip the tutorial and play the game blind
up to you:100percent: