The Secret of Retropolis

The Secret of Retropolis

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The Secret of Retropolis - 100% Achievements Guide
By FunkeymonkeyTTR
Fully guided point-and-click adventure game. Most achievements are missable. Replay the final scene after the credits roll and then choose the other option for both endings. ~1.5 hours to 100%.
The Secret of Retropolis is a fun point and click adventure game. This guide only explains how to get the achievements and is not a game walkthrough, However it might contain some spoilers.

if you do get stuck at any point in the story I recommend checking out This Video for solutions.
Part I
Office Scene

You're a Fan
Spin Philip's fan 10 times.

Shortly after starting the game, look up and click on the ceiling fan 10 times.

Find a clue to mankind's end.

Look over at the bed to your left and click on the mouse hole underneath.

A Job!
Get a job so you can pay the rent.
˃ Storyline, Unmissable.

Backstreet Scene

It's Not The Size That Matters
Try to smoke some carbon steel.

Turn around and grab the bolt from the smoking bot, then put it to your face and take a hit.

Apartment Scene

All Fixed Up
Become the proud owner of a black eye.
˃ Storyline, Unmissable.
Part II
Try to steal all of Jenny's belongings.

Take all 3 items out of Jenny's bag and try to stash them in your suitcase.

Watch all channels Retropolis Broadcasting Network has to offer.

There's a television on the wall, keep turning it on until you run out of things to watch.

Bar Scene

Don't Lose Your Head
Find Douche-bot's head.

Click on the gambling bot 3 times until he knocks Douche-bot's head off, then click on the head.

Drive Host-bot 5000 to the limits of his programming.

Turn around and keep asking Host-bot 5000 for a table until he has a small meltdown.

Basement Scene

The Crowbar Achievement
Uncover a reference to another VR game.

Look above the doorway you entered from and click on the ventilation system.

Smoke & Mirrors
There are bigger forces at hand. Find the picture of the mysterious figure.

Click on the drawers next to the police drone so a photo drops out, then click on the photo.

Check out all the movie posters in the basement.

There's 3 movie posters on the wall to your left when you enter, click on all 3.

I Think Therefore I Scan
Induce an existential crisis in the police drone.

After picking up the police drone, use it to scan the blueprint behind where it was sat.

Final Scene

Case Closed
Find the Sapphire Nucleus.
˃ Storyline, Unmissable.

The following 2 achievements will unlock based on the final choice you make, luckily the game gives you the option to replay the ending after the credits so you can easily try both choices.

The Reboot of a Beautiful Friendship
Be the only good guy in Retropolis.
˃ [Pick the top choice]

An Offer She Can't Refuse
Be the bad guy, nothing ever changes in Retropolis.
˃ [Pick the bottom choice]
Sight & Sound
See and hear all the content of the Extras section of the game in one sitting.

The music will autoplay each track, just view all 59 images and then wait for the music to finish.
if you enjoyed the game the developer recently released a sequel! you can check it out here:

Hope this guide helps you in some way, any criticism, ratings or awards are appreciated.

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Freshkey 3 May, 2024 @ 8:42am 
Thank you so much!!!
medium-size marla 16 Apr, 2024 @ 11:36am 
thank you so much! :cookieheart: