Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

Woke Raider - starring diverse raiders
v00d00m4n  [author] 2 Jun @ 8:30am 
Are you kidding? 🤣 Those 2 guys amputees on a video barely walk, they climb with support group that climbed before them to set up safety measures, dudes climb slowly and awkwardly, most likely with montage whee unsuccessful moments was cut, and in a middle of video dudes prostetic leg has fallen of his half leg and dude barely can move without it and only managed to finish this climb because there was group of people above and bellow him to lift him his fallen prosthetic leg. Dude it's just a pathetic show off that only proves my point that in reality such people are helpless if they are alone and would fall and die. Also this is only rock climbing, Lara does way more than rock climbing and its absolutely impossible to be like her with prosthetics.
gertrudmargareta 20 May @ 3:12pm 
Fine, here's a video with double amputee Hugh Herr climbing a wall that looks pretty on par with the climbing we saw in the Tomb Raider reboot:

Also, the woman does look more like a weightlifter than a fat person; {LINK REMOVED}
In fact, she looks about the same size as Jonah in the front, would you call him fat too? If you think that the woman in the picture looks fat just because she isn't as thin as Lara Croft in her more cartoonish depictions, you should go outside and touch grass.
v00d00m4n  [author] 11 Mar @ 7:18pm 
If there is a dinosaur in story it doesn't mean that basics of reality principles and logic can be altered and that anything is possible in this game. There are couple of over the top moments in cutscenes, but when you see Lara doing that you can believe it, but if you imagine fat women on prosthetics doing same tricks as Lara does you stop believing it because it way beyond normal realistic world logic. Learn the concept of suspension of disbelief why people can't suspend their disbelief in fat women on prosthetic legs being able to do Lara tricks.
v00d00m4n  [author] 11 Mar @ 7:18pm 
And yeah dinosaurs and monsters is more about story department, but even those not so realistic story elements exist within realistic context that makes it more realistic and believable than generic woke tomb raider fat ass girl on prosthetics who supposed to be as good as Lara at everything. And dinosaurs exist within realistic gameplay and its physics, and even dinosaurs has their mass and needs 2 natural and developed legs to support their bodies and run in game world. Give dinosaurs prosthetics and will barely walk and stand. You are trying to compare soft to warm and making huge logical mistake.
v00d00m4n  [author] 11 Mar @ 7:08pm 
Now compare what those barely walking constantly assisted couple of people do to what Lara Croft does in game and when you "doing research", try to not just read misleading headlines of press but actually look at video footages and see what you talking about and how it looks in reality.
And learn at least basic biology and physics and also observe a real world a little to be able to understand even without your "pathetic" research how unrealistic it is to be able to climb tombs, run, jump, swim and even do a basic walk like Lara does when there are no legs and only a couple of basic prosthetics.
v00d00m4n  [author] 11 Mar @ 6:56pm 
These are your
couple of amputee mountain climbers, they barely can walk with those prosthetics and totally can't run and jump and require to use sticks to support their stance and also require assistance from other people and whole thing is just promotional stages setup story where promo group filmed him and helped to climb:

And they are not a climbers you think they are, they those who mostly walk into mountains and can climb over couple of not very high hills with help of other people, who set up ropes and stairs for amputees.
gertrudmargareta 9 Mar @ 3:14pm 
On one hand, I dislike all the badly written side characters they've tried to pair up Lara with since the reboot, though in the defence of the prostetic design, there has been several double amputee mountain climbers in real life, just recently, the former gurkha soldier Hari Budha Magar made the news for climbing Mount Everest with two leg prosthetics. Do your reaserach before whining about realism in a franchise where the heroine fights undead monsters and dinosaurs.
Fideo 29 Feb @ 1:35am 
Why does Crystal Dynamics hate curvy women?
Woke Tabletop game and woke game in UE5, the best thing that can happen to the saga is the Crystal Dynamics bankruptcy.
v00d00m4n  [author] 28 Feb @ 2:28pm 
This Lara is very fat if anyone didn't notice. Her arms are wide than her boobs!
OyajiBR☕ 28 Feb @ 1:58pm 
See the bright side, no bow and tears. This Lara has 2 pistols, braid, backpack, thick lips and doesn't look hopeless. But I know, that annoying Jonah is there as if more than 5% of players liked him, the same I say about Amanda if the blondie is her.