Last Epoch

Last Epoch

This needs to stop...
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20 kommentarer
Nine \\\ 27. apr. kl. 7:18 
i buy games only to review bomb them then ask for a refund. Yes it's wrong. That's why it must be done so Valve changes it's policy. accelerate
Arcos Bangalter 21. apr. kl. 15:18 
Blizzard is an exceptionally low bar. They know their copium addicted fans are already conditioned to bad launches and will buy their overpriced products regardless. Any loss from refunds and chargebacks is less than the cost of supporting 1-2 weeks of interest.

These issues existed for years before EHG decided to move to 1.0 . Its not a launch load issue, its a code issue. The game only performs well with ideal connection scenarios with limited hops and consistently low latency. Consumer internet rarely meets that standard though.

The game seems to lack any code to handle these issues, glaringly evident as they frequently occur when transitioning zones or portaling. The servers should be able to keep track of players and put them where they are supposed to be once any network issue clears, not disconnect or crash the client.

Supporting and shilling for publishers and studios that implement this shameful marketing strategy of launching broken games is what needs to stop
xxxDENNIMONxxx 3. apr. kl. 21:21 
the devs did launch a post stating all the obvious reasons what went wrong on launch day..they explain in detail on steam notes patch all the details how they had to change certain things..WOW failed on launch....D4 failed on launch..WOW one expansion failed so much that servers were broken over a month..happens to many games..some devs are good and fix the issues..its their name on the game and what people think of them..some fix things quickly..and some take their time

LE was fixed in a few days..thats quick
McGirk 20. mar. kl. 18:48 
Diablo 2 came out 20 years ago and was broken, it happens, they fixed it, people still play it. Diablo 4 sucks, not holding my breath on them fixing that. I bought this one, in EA and it did things that no other ARPG did, and many going forward will likely copy, I waited, because launches suck, started playing it again a couple of weeks ago, and have had no issues. There are some shit developers out there, but I can't see bashing the hell outta this game, because you got disappointed for a couple of weeks. My life doesn't revolve around this game, if it doesn't work I can do something else until it does. Lighten up a little. If your burger is bad, it could get you sick, if a car is unsafe it could get you dead, and if a game doesn't work you are forced to find another way to waste that time. See the difference?
Wicked 4. mar. kl. 21:13 
Launching games that dont work as promised needs to stop.

I dont want a hamburger that tastes like crap and then suddenly tastes good tomorrow.

I dont want a car that doesnt have working headlights for a week until the automotive company decides they want to fix it.

I dont want internet that cant be used unless I only visit google.

I dont want to pay for a game that advertises multiplayer, only to be able to play offline.

You would give negative reviews for the food, the car, the ISP... but giving a negative review for a game "needs to stop."

No, accepting mediocrity and poor launches need to stop. They have conditioned so many of you to expect less. Stop simping on these companies and games and have some respect for yourself as a consumer.
Origami 3. mar. kl. 21:57 
the game runs good over all. its a bit laggy in towns/cities but who cares, play the game, dont stay in the city... no problems to play with friends at all. i even bought the 30€ supporter pack, worth it. i even plan to spend more to support a good game. if people want to cry, cry less please and stop to bother other people, thanks.
Drago 3. mar. kl. 6:45 
How does he know if they had enough server capacity or not ?, he doesn't he is only going off what the devs said and people have a right to use what they paid for
Blackbow™ 2. mar. kl. 5:44 
rot 2. mar. kl. 1:11 
it still doesnt work btw, shill
Stroghetti 1. mar. kl. 9:42 
It's important to note that this game's servers went down the day before the 1.0 launch and stayed down for 6 consecutive days without any positive progress. Steam needs to add the ability to leave multiple reviews for games after a certain amount of time has passed or some sort of attached update. It's important to know that EHG wasn't prepared for the launch of their game and fumbled around for 6 days attempting to get a fix in, but that also doesn't mean that the game itself isn't good.