Last Epoch
This needs to stop...
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28 коментара
BangL 14 септ. в 4:09 
@UnknownOne freedom of speech does not protect you from getting called out for talking trash freely. in fact.. calling you out for it, is practicing freedom of speech. freedom of speech is something that counts for all, you know?
UnknownOne 17 авг. в 12:25 
Also, forgot to add, this guy hates freedom of speech. LOL!
UnknownOne 17 авг. в 12:23 
I think the general consensus is that Last Epoch isn't very good. The end game systems they developed, the boss battles, the balance, and the general direction they are taking just isn't fun. The average player is lasting about 1 week before they leave. The guy in this video is hilarious. With all due respect, people have a right to trash this game. It's a bad game.
everythingsucks 30 юли в 1:36 
shill af
Swayne [NOR] 13 юли в 11:02 
I have a lot of fun with the game :)
MrFenix 2 юли в 4:55 
last epoch is the best hack and slash game I ever played!
proudy666 19 юни в 12:36 
The modern gamer believes they know everything about everything about games and gaming. Most of them are just full of sh1t. They made me quit mmos because of their insidious, sociopathic, entitled attitudes. I say to them, show us lesser mortals one of your immaculate games you've created before complaining for the sake of complaining or understand just how difficult it is creating a modern game whilst having the money to keep on doing so..
DivineLion 17 юни в 18:45 
POE2 will definitely have issues at launch as well.
Nine 27 апр. в 7:18 
i buy games only to review bomb them then ask for a refund. Yes it's wrong. That's why it must be done so Valve changes it's policy. accelerate
Arcos Bangalter 21 апр. в 15:18 
Blizzard is an exceptionally low bar. They know their copium addicted fans are already conditioned to bad launches and will buy their overpriced products regardless. Any loss from refunds and chargebacks is less than the cost of supporting 1-2 weeks of interest.

These issues existed for years before EHG decided to move to 1.0 . Its not a launch load issue, its a code issue. The game only performs well with ideal connection scenarios with limited hops and consistently low latency. Consumer internet rarely meets that standard though.

The game seems to lack any code to handle these issues, glaringly evident as they frequently occur when transitioning zones or portaling. The servers should be able to keep track of players and put them where they are supposed to be once any network issue clears, not disconnect or crash the client.

Supporting and shilling for publishers and studios that implement this shameful marketing strategy of launching broken games is what needs to stop