Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

Hurykles 31 Jul @ 12:00am 
people still mad about it and making it a bigger problem than it really is?
Frost Spectre 12 May @ 4:51am 
Very like how people used to try appease religious puritans before. Which is very sad reality, that another group has become the today religious puritans, and they are not a religion in definition.
Jill valentine - (DAXIE) 13 Apr @ 11:52am 
Feel free to add me up for dead island coop male age 36 from Cape town South Africa name is Daxie and also a huge fan of tomb raider remastered games starring Lara croft.
Skulduggery 13 Apr @ 6:38am 
They removed it after the backlash. People called it out for what it was, petty jealousy on Crystal Dynamics' part. "You shouldn't be playing these clearly problematic classic games that everyone loves! Play our far superior Uncharted clones instead, they're for the modern audience!"
pepper_bros 12 Apr @ 2:39am 
Miss the time when the media and forums weren't overrun by snowflake crybabies... Hope that the developers will grow a pair of balls in the future *sigh*
Elrodeus 3 Apr @ 9:33am 
@zornige You don't need to have your "feefees hurt" to point out that a videogame publisher opens their game by insulting the person that just bought the product. And if you're a person with any kind of dignity you may decide not to purchase those products if the publisher continues to insult you at the start of their game.
angwy Queen ònó 2 Mar @ 10:45am 
You're a crybaby if your feefees are hurt by that.
Xigbar, the Freeshooter 1 Mar @ 12:34am 
Damn guys! CHILL! It is JUST to cover their asses so noone can go "Awwwww! They got racist stufffff!" and try to cancel the game. Yes, we all know that back then times were different. Does it make it racist? Maybe. Who cares? It only shows one time. I didnt think twice about it. I read it, thought "alright. cool. They acknowledged and calmed the woke community." And went on playing. WHY is this an issue? LMFAO
Fenrir Warsong 27 Feb @ 6:47pm 
"Contain offensive depictions of people and cultures rooted in... blah, blah deeply harmful, inexcusable, blah, blah not align with out values at etc, etc (What values, lol?!)"
That has to be one of the most ultra regurgitated pieces of ESG-Globohomo-Corpo shit i've ever laid eyes upon.
GARDEN_SAVIOR 27 Feb @ 6:14am 
Hello Crystal Dynamics. Yeah shut the hell up and go eat shit. We don't need or want to hear your narcissistic moral posturing and virtue signalling. take your cancel culture bullshit ans shove it up your ass