Crystal Project

Crystal Project

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860.717 KB
2024년 2월 16일 오전 8시 52분
2024년 4월 27일 오전 11시 52분
변경 사항 2개 ( 보기 )

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A physical class focusing on Vitality and high HP that is capable of being a tank, support or damage-dealer. The notable difference between other tanks in the game is that the Barbarian can't wear armor, instead having passive damage reduction.

Inspired by Diablo Barbarians with their focus on using different shouts to buff themselves and allies and by older DnD Monks/Barbarians not capable of wearing armor. The class pairs well with a great number of others and keeps to the spirit of the base classes.

Class Passive: Toughness - Can't wear armor in exchange for 25% reduced Physical and Magical damage taken.

The Crystal can be found in the first cave in Sara Sara Beach. The area is rarely visited during progression and the Crystal is accessible as soon as you get the Ibek. The Class Master is in the same cave. In lieu of Class Armor given their passive, an Axe is craftable in Jade Cavern.