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Divide and Confer
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2月14日 9時59分
2月18日 16時35分
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Divide and Confer

Divide & Confer is a highly compatible and customisable 100% script mod which disables all AI from offering diplomatic confederations and the AI will dynamically trade regions through very specific criteria!

Quite often in my campaigns AI Reikland just swallows up the rest of the empire very fast which can often mean he's expanded way too fast and cannot maintain all his settlements that well, leaving him actually pretty weak. This also sucks if you have mods like Mixu's Legendary Lords as you don't get chance to see the minor factions be their own faction for very long.

Save Game Compatibility:
This mod should work fine adding to save games. It can't undo confederations that have already happened but should disable any more. The priority for the faction's original capital also is only stored on a new game so that priority won't be there however their current capital is quite often in the same location their original is so i shouldn't be too much of an issue.
Removing from save games is mostly ok, the main issue is that confederations will still stay disabled after removing this mod, everything else though should be gone completely.

Mod Compatibility
Should be compatible with just about everything, yep IEE, TOW, SFO, mods that change starting locations for factions.
This mod should overwrite other mods which may enable confederations for some AI factions, like Your New Empire

Remove Bordergore - while it should work fine with this mod, because we both make ai trade regions it will lead to some probably very weird results. I would recommend either disabling the region trading of this mod through the mct and use the remove bordergore mod, or just not use the remove bordergore mod at all.

I also recommend using a building slot mod and Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords alongside this mod as this allows AI factions in smaller provinces to contribute a bit more later on into the game rather than just being almost empty space to another larger late game faction, and they won't miss out on legendary lords due to not being able to confederate!

How does this mod work?

This mod makes minor factions not just survive, but actually thrive as their own faction by doing two things. First it disables diplomatic confederation for all AI factions. They can still confederate through unique mechanics like Greenskins defeating faction leaders; they just cant offer it diplomatically.

The major part of this mod though is the region trading between AI. So that minor factions aren't just left on one settlement for like 70 turns of a campaign, they will trade for more settlements depending on many factors, all of which are customisable:

- Warriors of chaos, Beastmen and rebels won't trade regions.
- Vassals won't gain their owner's regions but the owner can gain the vassal's regions.
- An initial 50% chance that a faction is looking to trade this turn
- A 15 turn wait time when you start a new campaign before any trading happens to let factions stabilise a bit first.
- A minimum of 30 relations between both factions before they'll want to trade so that factions that hate each other don't trade
- A 7 turn wait time on a specific region whenever it changes hands through any means so it allows a faction to make use of it first before its available for trading, like if they were using it as a forward base in a war.
- A 5 turn wait time when a faction trades a settlement so that they don't suddenly gain entire provinces or larger factions dont snowball super fast.
- No trading will occur in a province in which a player settlement is present, or if the faction its checking is at war with another faction in that province.
- Trading happens at the start of the AI's turn so that they can utilise the new region straight away, just like a player would do

There is also a priority system for which region they will want to trade first:

1. Factions will favour their starting capital province so will try and gain every region in that province. They will not trade settlements in another factions capital province unless that faction is dead.
2. Factions will then prefer to trade a region in the province in which their current capital is located in case it gets changed from their original location, like if you were using the Capital Fix mod by Dux or if they lost their original capital.
3. Factions will then trade for a region if the province is at least a 4 region province, and they control all but one of the regions.
4. Factions will then just trade for regions in a province in which they own the province capital, provided they pass all the other checks.

If AI gain a region through this mod, it will destroy all buildings in the settlement, apart from ports, and give both the faction gaining and losing the region money based on how many buildings and what tier were destroyed up to a cap (all customisable). It will also lower the settlement level down 1, to a maximum of level 3 for major settlements. This should prevent a sudden massive boost in power for a faction, and it allows them to build what they want rather than being stuck with what was already there. The idea behind both factions gaining the gold is that the losing faction are receiving it as compensation for the money they would've invested in the region and the gaining region would've gained gold if they dismantled the buildings themselves so the boost in gold should help them develop the new region

This should hopefully mean you will see more minor factions and they will be holding entire provinces, or at least their capital province. I also believe this makes the later game more intriguing as I find the AI performs better with many smaller factions in an alliance as opposed to one large faction.
90 件のコメント
Ero-sennin  [作成者] 8月9日 13時00分 
Ahh, np! Have fun :)
Arawwn 8月9日 12時53分 
My bad, it was maybe a error on my side, since our exchange and just a Steam/Mod Manager restart, and new campaign seems to work! Sorry for loss of time, with a lot of time on Mod Manager to make work big modlist I think to become a lttle bit crazy x)
I use your mod with "Equal faction potential" and "No Handycap for minor faction" and all of this make IEE+LCCP campaigns lovely! <3
Ero-sennin  [作成者] 8月9日 11時23分 
Hi! Are you definitely sure it's this mod causing a crash? It should be compatible with everything and is super unlikely to ever crash. I'd appreciate any info you have though so I can look into it when I have time! Also turning on script logging and sending me the script log when it crashes could also help a lot too! You could send it here if you want, you could also send it to me on discord, I am @erosennin on there. Thanks c:
Arawwn 8月9日 11時08分 
Hello @Ero-sennin!
I want to say thank you for your mod, it's an indispensable now!
But I have a problem, since this mod make CTD with my modlist, I have make a little list of mods who potentially conflict with yours, maybe this can help or you can confirm incompatibilities, maybe is possible to exchange not here for clear your comment section?
Ero-sennin  [作成者] 6月25日 15時37分 
thanks c:
warbossrok 6月25日 14時47分 
cool mod! Award given
Ero-sennin  [作成者] 6月22日 9時15分 
Also yeah, don't use both together cus we are both doing similar things c:
Ero-sennin  [作成者] 6月22日 9時14分 
Remove bordergore compared to this has much looser restrictions on which factions will trade so you will probably end up with more single owner provinces earlier.

This mod, while it does eventually want single owner provinces, it doesn't do it as aggressively and focuses more on the factors a human player might consider when trading a region.

Overall I think this mod focuses a lot more on the actual trading of the region and tries to simulate some smart decision making whereas remove bordergore is focusing more on making single owner provinces, basically doing exactly what it's name suggests!
Not_My_Spiderman 6月22日 0時18分 

Forgive me for the very blunt question but is your mod just an all around better version of Remove BorderGORE mod ? There would be no point to use both correct ?
Ero-sennin  [作成者] 6月1日 17時09分 
I don't think the ai has access to that so no unfortunately