Dota 2
7.36b (Core) | la senda central
由 Español 制作
Elementos estratégicos clave a tener en cuenta al jugar a Leshrac
  • You should use Split Earth or Lightning Storm to secure ranged creeps during the laning stage.
  • Use Split Earth when opponents are likely to be stationary, e.g. when they are going for lasthit or deny.
  • Split Earth breaks trees which can be useful against certain heroes.
  • Diabolic Edict pulses give you a hint where the opponents` invisible hero is.
  • Alert your teammates to stack for you as you can clear stacks as soon as you hit level 6.
  • Leshrac is really good at taking building early on due to wave clear and Diabolic Edict.
  • You can damage a building with Diabolic Edict by hiding yourself in trees next to it.
  • Itemize for survivability and mobility to be able to position yourself in the center of the fight.
  • Leshrac is great at splitpushing due to mobility, waveclear and tower damage.
  • When opponents get Black King Bars you typically need to kite those and itemize to survive their duration.
  • Pick up Aghanims Shard if you need to defend high ground or siege.

Nivel de potencia durante el juego:
  • Fase de aterrizaje: Medio (1.8 de 3)
  • Fase media: Alta (2.3 de 3)
  • Fase avanzada: Alta (2.5 de 3)
  • Juego muy tardío: Alta (2.2 de 3)

This guide was written by 8k MMR player and coach eidandota:

Find out more about Leshrac in our Heropedia:

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