Where is Ms Dusa card?
"Steam top menu -> Community -> Market -> in the Search box, type: The name of the card (Ms Dusa)

Due to a Steam BUG causing a market listing problem for some tradable cards, this is the procedure to find this item and know its current market price.

Menu superior do Steam -> Comunidade -> Mercado -> na caixa de pesquisa, digite: O nome do cartão (Ciri, Geralt, Hades, Dusa, etc etc)
Steam üst menüsü -> Topluluk -> Pazar -> Arama kutusuna şunu yazın: Kartın adını (Ciri, Geralt, Hades, Dusa, vb.)
Верхнее меню Steam -> Сообщество -> Торговая площадка -> в поле поиска введите: Название карты (Цири, Геральт, Аид, Дуса и т.д. и т.п.)
Steam 顶部菜单 -> 社区 -> 市场 -> 在搜索框中,键入:卡的名称(Ciri、Geralt、Hades、Dusa 等)
Steam トップメニュー -> コミュニティ -> マーケット -> 検索ボックスに、カードの名前 (Ciri、Geralt、Hades、Dusa など) を入力します。
Верхнє меню Steam -> Спільнота -> Ринок -> у полі пошуку введіть: назву карти (Ciri, Geralt, Hades, Dusa тощо)
เมนูบน Steam -> ชุมชน -> ตลาด -> ในช่องค้นหา พิมพ์: ชื่อของการ์ด (Ciri, Geralt, Hades, Dusa, etc เป็นต้น)
Steam 상단 메뉴 -> 커뮤니티 -> 마켓 -> 검색창에 다음을 입력합니다. 카드 이름(Ciri, Geralt, Hades, Dusa 등)
Menú superior de Steam -> Comunidad -> Mercado -> en el cuadro de búsqueda, escriba: El nombre de la tarjeta (Ciri, Geralt, Hades, Dusa, etc, etc.)
Steam top menu -> Community -> Market -> in the Search box, type: The name of the card (Ciri, Geralt, Hades, Dusa, etc etc)

If you want to know more about this bug, this is the post sent to Valve via the bug feedback forum https://steamproxy.net/groups/SteamClientBeta/discussions/0/3820783808430732013/
And this is a complete report about what this bug is causing https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2944038815

If you prefer this is the direct market link https://steamproxy.net/market/listings/753/1145360-Ms.%20Dusa"