Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition

Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition

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DMC3SE PS3 Controller Support [2023]
By ProjectXsent
In this guide, I'll show you how to configure your PS3 controller for this game in its Vanilla state (no Style Switcher mod).
Pick one or it could cause software conflict with each other.
- DSHidMini[] (Windows 10 and above)
- ScpToolkit[] (for older version of Windows)
Method 1: DSHidMini
- Follow the instructions from this site.[]
- Once you're done with the installation, run DSHMC.exe as Admin.
- Plug your controller and click the device's name.
- "HID device mode" should be set to "DS4Windows". If not, change it and "Apply Settings" then unplug and plug the controller again.

Why not use XInput Mode in DSHMC?
Because L2 and R2 within "joy.cpl" window was read as Z-axis instead of buttons. This could lead to GPadCfg to fail even with XInput Plus.

DS4Windows: XInput/Xbox Mode
- Follow the instructions from this site.[]
- Run DS4Windows.
- By default, DS4Windows will use an Xbox Profile.
- Keep the app running then head to XInput Plus section below.

DS4Windows: DInput/PS4 Mode
- Run DS4Windows.
- Create a New Profile > Click Yes > Presets: Gamepad, Output Controller: DualShock 4 > Apply.
- Use GPadCfg and assign the buttons then Save or you can open DMC3SE.ini with Notepad then copy/paste this config:
[Wireless Controller] START = 9 SELECT = 8 CIRCLE = 2 TRIANGLE = 3 SQUARE = 0 CROSS = 1 L1 = 4 R1 = 5 L2 = 6 R2 = 7 L3 = 10 R3 = 11 L<->R = 0
Method 2: ScpToolkit
- Follow the instructions from this YouTube video.

The video showed that Bluetooth and PS4 driver unchecked since they used the Wired method. For laptops, do not use Bluetooth Driver if you don't have a dongle or it could cause errors to your laptop's main Bluetooth Driver.

- Once you're done, run "joy.cpl" to check your PS3 controller and it should emulate an Xbox controller on the list of devices.

- Head to XInput Plus section.
XInput Plus
Now that the controller is detected as an Xbox Controller/XInput device, do this procedure. This will also work if you have an Xbox controller by default.

- Download XInput Plus.[]

- Run XInput Plus and click Select on Target Program and find DMC3SE.exe.

- Go to the DirectInput tab and tick the Enable DirectInput Output.

- Click the drop-down button beside LT/RT and select Button 11/12.

- Click the drop-down button beside GUIDE and select Button 13.

- Click Customize then do the following:
Left Stick-X = Y_Axis Left Stick-Y = X_Axis

OPTIONAL: Head to Setting tab > Others > disable the Enable Init Beep.

- Click on Apply button, confirm everything and close XInput Plus. New files will appear in the game folder (dinput.dll, dinput8.dll, XInput1_3.dll and XInputPlus.ini).

- Launch GPadCfg and assign the buttons. Click the Reverse Icon and double-click the Save icon to Save

or you can open DMC3SE.ini with Notepad and copy/paste this config:
[<insert Xbox Controller Name from joy.cpl window>] START = 7 SELECT = 6 CIRCLE = 1 TRIANGLE = 3 SQUARE = 2 CROSS = 0 L1 = 4 R1 = 5 L2 = 10 R2 = 11 L3 = 8 R3 = 9 L<->R = 1

- Run the game to test the controller.
PS2 Controller
If you have a PS2 Controller with a single PS2 to USB Adapter and is detected as a PS3 Controller, this guide should work for you.