Arma 3
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European Tactical Realism - Public Server
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European Tactical Realism is a miltary realism unit based around Arma 3. We play using light infantry combat tactics utilising a range of current military equipment,tactics and communication procedures,always seeking to achieve a balance between gameplay and fun. We run a 24/7 Public Arma Server which is available to all players (not just members/recruits). The Public Server missions are developed by the Group and incorporate a combination of third party mods and our own Group developed mods and functions to provide a challenging and immersive experience.

In addition, Recruits and Members may participate in Operations created by the Members within our community, these Operations run every Fortnight on Saturdays at 7pm UK time.
Our Members/Recruits come from a wide range of countries including the US,UK,Germany and the Netherlands amongst others. We recognise that Arma is a game and have a very flat and relaxed structure and also understand that people have other interests and affiliations and therefore do permit ‘dual clanning’.

At the heart of our Community is our dedicated Teamspeak server ( Whether you are an Arma novice or an experienced player please feel free to hop on and say hi or ask for any help that you might need either with Arma or to play on our Public Server.

Allowed optional mods:
Articles (17)
Créé par acemod
Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) ACE3 is the collaborative efforts of the former AGM and CSE teams, along with many of the developers from Arma 2's ACE2 project. This mod is entirely open-source (we are hosted on GitHub), and ev...
Créé par ACRE_Team
ACRE2: Advanced Combat Radio Environment ACRE2 is a full fledged communications suite for Arma 3, allowing realistic radio and voice communications through TeamSpeak 3. Features Accurate simulations of AN/PRC-343, AN/PRC-77, AN/PRC-148, AN/PRC-117F, AN/PRC...
Antistasi Ultimate - Mod
Créé par Silence Antistasi Ultimate is a fork of Socrates Antistasi Plus. We aim to add more templates, maps, and features that will completely change your experience. 11.0 Save Notice Old saves (Pre 11.0.0) will no longer show up. To get th...
Créé par CBATeam
CBA: Community Based Addons for Arma 3 What does the name Community Base Addons mean? It is a system that: Offers a range of features for addon-makers and mission designers. Aims to have community wide acceptance and to be used as much as possible by commu...
CUP Terrains - Core
Créé par CUP Team
CONTENT This is the TERRAINS - CORE pack, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)". It contains all the core data for maps from Arma1, Arma 2, expansions and DLC's. This pack contains: all terrains core data like models and configs...
CUP Terrains - Maps
Créé par CUP Team
CONTENT This is the TERRAINS pack, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)". It contains 16 maps from Arma: Arma: Armed Assault and the expansion, Arma 2 and the expansion and DLC's. For credits and other information, see our web p...
CUP Terrains - Maps 2.0
Créé par CUP Team
CONTENT This is the Maps 2.0 pack, the successor of "CUP Terrains - Maps". It will contain all upgraded CUP Terrains. For credits and other information, see our web page. This pack contains: Chernarus 2020 ISSUES THIS WORKSHOP PAGE IS NOT MONITORED BY THE ...
CUP Units
Créé par CUP Team
CONTENT This is the Units pack. It contains all the units of the original Arma 2 and Arrowhead as well as the DLC. Right now, there are a lot of placeholder units that do not look like the original ones but are instead stand-ins using default Arma 3 unifor...
CUP Vehicles
Créé par CUP Team
CONTENT This is the VEHICLE pack. It contains all the vehicles from Arma 2 and the expansion and DLC's. All vehicles are ported with Arma 3 standarts and features. For credits and other information, see our web page. This pack contains: almost all vehicles...
CUP Weapons
Créé par CUP Team
CONTENT This is the WEAPONS pack. It contains all the weapons, assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns, grenade launchers, pistols, sniper rifles, and whatever else goes "boom" in Arma 2 and the expansion and DLC's. All weapons are stripped of their attachm...
Enhanced Movement
Créé par AppleCalypsoNow
________________________________________ Enhanced Movement - BETA ________________________________________ DONATE: ________________________________________ TO LEARN HOW TO B...
Enhanced Movement Rework
Créé par Sceptre
CURRENT VERSION: 1.0.4 Enhanced Movement Rework is a ground-up rework of BadBenson's "Enhanced Movement." This strictly uses the animations with new lightweight scripts. The goal of the mod is to simplify the functions, expand functionality, and get rid of...
ETR Public
Créé par Jasper
This is an official ETR mod required to play on our public server. More info can be found in our collection linked above.
ETR Transfer Content
Créé par Jasper
This mod allows the player to mass transfer items easier between two inventories. By using the ACE interact on any inventory, such as ammocrates and vehicles, you can then select a target object to which you want to transfer to/from. A menu opens up which ...
Federally Administered Tribal Areas
Créé par Tacticool Larper
10×10 km Map, based in Tribal Areas, Pakistan. Explore the map by yourself, have a lot to find (especially the caves), have a lot of natural cover and some interesting places for firefights around the river bed....
Gruppe Adler Trenches
Créé par Salbei
Gruppe Adler Trenches (short: GRAD Trenches) retextures ACE trenches based on the ground texture. Consequently, the trenches seem more natural and blend in with the environment. Features: - Camouflage your trench with small bushes - Place trenches in 3DEN ...
KAT - Advanced Medical
Créé par Tomcat
KAT Advanced Medical introduces a whole new world to the ACE medical system. We make medical personnel matter while not hindering the medical experience for regular soldiers. KAM adds more realism with simulating airways, breathing and circulation with dif...