

Not enough ratings
By Elleyden
Hello, I note that Palworld is currently in E.A. and that the game suffers from a lack of personal balancing in my opinion, and I am going to suggest adjustments that allow you to make it more difficult in managing your base without breaking your game.
I personally think this is the best experience settings for any player looking for challenge, co-op/multiplayer. It depends on what you're looking for, if it's just chilling out and capturing PALs, this guide isn't for you
If you want HARD SURVIVAL+ for a group of 4 players, increase the following settings:
Player Damage Rate Defense: 5.0 (for a more darksoul difficulty to dodge based )
Player Stamina Decrease: 2.0 (make accidentaly dodging more punishing)
Pal Stomach Decrease Rate 3.0 (To make your management of PAL at the base more difficult on food on the survival aspect and hard strategic choice)

If you want a "pokemon like" with invincible player:
Player Damage Rate Attack: 0.00000r1
Player Damage Rate Defense: 0.000001

*I recommend the settings for a small group of players and more, it can be very difficult for a solo player
let's go to the standard parameters of the guide:
-Death Penalty: ALL (I would recommend losing everything (PAL included), I prefer it because it makes the game smarter, you'll think twice before crossing a desert in a straight line without being prepared. and this makes it useful to have a second replacement team to help you)
-Pal Damage Rate Attack 1.0
-Pal Damage Rate Defense 1.0
-Pal Stomach Decrease Rate 1.0 (possible to modify up to 2.0 :if you want more challenge and not overflow with easy food production in your base and his will also reduce easy use of mount as food consumption will be high for long journeys)
-Pal Stamina Decrease Rate 2.0 (the skills of the PAL will consume much more when they are mounted, this avoids making the game easy to attack and run against a mamorrest +15lvl for example)
-Pal Auto HP Regenerate at 1.0 (by default, beyond the regen makes the PALBOX useless)
-Pal Auto HP Regenerate In Sleep at 2.0, this allows you to regenerate your PALs in PALBOX 2x faster (this setting does not increase your K.O recovery speed by 10min)
-Player Damage Rate Attack 1.0
-Player Damage Rate Defense 3.0 (or 2.5 if that seems too hard for you, makes it useful to have epic and legendary patterns without making you invincible)
-Player Stamina Decrease Rate 1.0 (very good, this allows you to have a very comfortable game from 200 stamina)
-Player Stomach Decrease Rate: 0.8 (because the player's hunger demands too much in a day, it doesn't make sense to devour 30 eggs and 40 berries per day)
-Player Auto HP Regenerate 2.5 (makes regeneration faster 15~HP seconds from 1900HP, making your entire life in around 2minute~)
Build Object Damage Rate 1.0 (don't change it, your PAL's already have a damage/defense balance making raids normal)
for a little server (-16players):
Drop Rate Collection 0.450000
Collection Object HP Rate 0.3
Collection Object Respawn Speed Rate 4.0
Enemy DropItem Rate 0.350000

for a community server
Drop Rate Collection 0.450000
Collection Object HP Rate 0.8
Collection Object Respawn Speed Rate 2.0 (will ensure that your objects respawn a little longer, around 5x the same fruit tree in a day, this avoids easily camping a strategic point)
Enemy DropItem Rate 0.350000 (This will make the game sufficiently balanced, drops allow a small group of 5 human enemies to collect for example: 1-3 sphere pal, 3-8 ammo, 50 gold, 1-3 arrows)
---------->for server (please do not copy and do not deleted the lines after ----ServerPlayerMaxNum=32

With my settings you gain:
->BETTER SUPPORT for elemental resistances/weaknesses, allowing real strategy without ending too easily on the game relying solely on drop rate and luck
->A FAIRER HARVEST, allowing us to explore more of the world
->A BETTER SURVIVAL EXPERIENCE PALS will be 2x hungrier, you will think more before easily using a mount, for example running on foot, choose a mount that consumes less, and using the grappling hook will have better utility
->BETTER LIFE REGENERATION for the player, reducing less waiting in combat
->FASTER LIFE REGENERATION IN PALBOX, reducing the need to wait too long for a PAL that is sleeping and inactive
->MORE BALANCED RAIDS, giving real strategic importance to defenses
-> A setting which for me is balanced in normal difficulty for a survival game... the normal mode of PALWORLD being really too easy....
->GROUPS OF WILDS PALS, COUPLES OF WILDS PALS, AND SINGLE WILD PALS, NO DOUBLE BOSS, do you find it normal to have an isolated PAL or two maximum in 1.0? The Pals reproduce among themselves and live in communities for some, and you will not have 2x more bosses too
->A PUNISHING BUT FAIR DEATH, the loss of PAL makes it all the more interesting to fill your Palbox and make choices, you already have a lot of Teleportation locations in the game
->QUALITY DIAGRAMS MAKE A SENS, equipment diagrams after the common quality become important again and the legendary quality do not make you invincible

Personally I have fun with the settings presented, I play in co-op, I am not a hardcore gamer and I do not have an optimized PAL, I play with a controller, but I believe that the reward is better with a little difficulty and less unnecessary waiting.. have fun ! <3
((I use google translate, don't hesitate to tell me if there are any translation errors please))