Unearthing Mars VR

Unearthing Mars VR

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Unearthing Mars VR - 100% Achievement Guide
Da FunkeymonkeyTTR
Fully guided story-driven adventure game. Survivors can be missed and require another playthrough if you pick the wrong dialog. Ace Pilot requires special attention in chapter 3. ~2 hours to 100%.
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Storyline Achievements
The achievement for completing chapter 9 is bugged and will unlock after completing the first battle. The Martian astronaut achievement does not have to be done in a single session.

Chapter 9
Completed Chapter 9

Chapter 1
Completed Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Completed Chapter 2

Chapter 3
Completed Chapter 3

Chapter 4
Completed Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Completed Chapter 5

Chapter 6
Completed Chapter 6

Chapter 7
Completed Chapter 7

Chapter 8
Completed Chapter 8

Chapter 10
Completed Chapter 10

Martian astronaut
Completed Chapter 1 to 10
Ace Pilot + Survivors Walkthrough
The choices you make in this game determine whether Katherine survives at the end, its unknown exactly what choices affect the ending but none of them were obvious to me and I managed to fail on my first playthrough. Thats when I decided this game needs a guide.

Note: The numbers represent the order the answers are presented to you from top to bottom

Chapter 1
1 Let me spin the map around
1 I'm feeling adventurous. Let's go!

Chapter 2
1 All green, Commander.
1 Something doesn't look right.
2 All green, Commander.
1 25°C
1 Minus 2 degrees

Chapter 3
All the tasks and questions in this chapter are on a timer, you must do all of them correctly and before the timer runs out to unlock Ace Pilot, getting them wrong may also affect Survivors.
This isn't very difficult, the console instruments will be highlighted when you need to use them.

˃ Tap the small screen to your lower left.
1 65%
˃ Tap the center screen on the dashboard.
1 Around minus 17 degrees
˃ Push forward the lever next to your seat on the lower left.
1 Yes I think so.
2 Airspeed 760NM
˃ Pull down the 2nd lever to your left, directly to the right of the first screen you tapped.

Ace Pilot
Completed forced landing without any misoperation on chapter 3

Chapter 4
1 How do we get back?
2 Let me take a look.
1 Oxygen regulator is damaged.
⮩ Grab the backpack from Katherine and then teleport over to the cupboard and grab a new one
1 No problem, Commander
2 It's an honor to be here with you.

Chapter 5
2 Vulcan 30 base is a great milestone
1 Charlie 3, run another analysis here.
1 Roger that, Commander

Chapter 6
2 Yeah... Is that you Charlie 3?
2 Maybe it's a bad signal.
1 I think I saw something.
1 Roger that.
1 I've got a bad feeling about this...

Chapter 7
1 I'm fine.
2 We were exposed to it for a short while...
1 Absolutely
1 Clear as day, Commander.
2 They're saying... hi?
⮩ Drive to a tree, Teleport up and collect 3 green/yellow fruits then feed one to each animal
1 Let's take the Evolution.

Chapter 8
1 Yes..., I can hear you...
1 I see a crystal pillar and stairs.

Chapter 10
If everything went right you will see Katherine in a coma on a bed to your right.

Katherine has survived
Hope this guide helps you in some way, any criticism, ratings or awards are appreciated.

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