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Player Damage/Gobfin Build
By ZoomBeast
For players who want to be the main damage dealer & not care about pal IVs.
This guide is for players who want to be the main damage dealer in place of their pals. It will cover which technologies to learn and a rough levelling guide. Normal settings/difficulty and drop rates/quantities are used for this guide. Hard & above difficulty settings are not recommended.

This build works by breeding gobfins with vanguard and stronghold strategist to boost player damage & defense. Each 4 star gobfin with vanguard passive gives approx 30% dmg increase on normal difficulty. When paired with high player attack stats & high damage weapons, players can expect to deal alot more damage at the later levels.

+High damage in end game, normal difficulty
+You dont need to breed a full team specifically for each element
+You dont have to care about IV/stats on your pals.
+The only legendary mount you need is Frostallion to fight jetdragon.

-Slow middle to mid-late game progression
-Mobility can sometimes be an issue as not all "apply element to player damage" mounts are flying
-Low carry capacity
-Very ammo dependant. No ammo, no damage.
-Equipment dependant. (you're bringing a gun to a pal fight)
- Not recommended on hard difficulty & above due to player damage reductions.
Stat Points
The priority of stat points is as follows:
1) 140-150 Stamina & 800-900 Weight
2) 8 to 10 points to HP (You cant deal damage if you're dead)
3) Rest into attack

Player Attack stat works by increasing your damage by 2% per point.
10 points in attack is a 20% increase.
20 points in attack is a 40% increase.

In palworld, damage increments stack additively, making player damage a very viable option in normal gameplay. By investing in player attack stat, gobfins, mount & food buffs, we can achieve approx 280% damage increase on normal difficulty.

Memory Wiping Medicine @ Level 43:
At Level 43, you can consider reducing points in stamina to increase hp or attack as you will be mounted for practically all your engagements.
Pal Passive Skills
These are the passive skills your pals should have.
Critical skills are skills you MUST have.
Recommended skills are skills you should try to obtain.
Optional skills are skills that make little or no difference to gameplay.

Last but not least, if you want to min/max and breed legend into your pals that are not caught with it by default, I wont stop you. Personally, its too much effort. I'll put legend under "Recommended Skills" for those hell bent on min/maxing.

Critical Skills: Stronghold Strategist & Vanguard.
Optional Skills: Logging Foreman, Mining Foreman, Artisan, Burly Body, Hard Skin
  • I didnt bother w the optional skills. You can do without them.
  • Burly body & hard skin are useful when you need the gobfins to take damage in place of your mount.

Elemental Conversion Mounts
These pals change player attack element AND add to your damage WHEN RIDDEN.

Critical Skills: Vanguard, Burly Body
Recommended Skills: Swift, Masochist, Stronghold Strategist, Hard Skin or Legend
  • I personally prefer to have swift on Ragnahawk as this is my main mount.
  • Consider stronghold strategist on Beakon/Helzyphr especially if you plan to pair it with Ragnahawk to cover its weakness to water. This provides you with additional 10% player defence.
  • Ragnahawk is the only flying mount that can squeeze through all caves/tunnels without dismounting.

Critical Skills: Vanguard, Burly Body, Masochist
Recommended Skills: Hard Skin or Legend
  • Chillet & Azurobe do not have good mobility and will take hits.
  • Raising their defence is probably the best option to avoid losing them in battle.

Frostallion/Frostallion Noct:
Critical Skills: Legend, Burly Body, Vanguard
Recommended 4th Skills: Stronghold Strategist, Masochist, Hard Skin or Swift
  • If you're not fighting Jetdragon/Astagon, there's no need to get Frostallion.
  • Frostallion converts player damage to Ice & does not increase player damage.
  • Frostallion Noct converts player damage to dark & doesn’t increase player damage
  • Frostallion Noct can have higher hp/defence stats than Helzyphr. This is partially offset by Frostallion Noct’s bigger hitboxes.

Element Conversion Pals
These pals change your attack to their respective element WHEN FIGHTING ALONGSIDE YOU. Currently there is little or no need to build these pals but if you feel the compelling need to, here are some suggestions.

Critical: Vanguard, Earth Emperor, Burly Body
Recommended Skills: Muscle Head, Ferocious, Stronghold Strategist or Legend
  • There currently arent any electric pals aside from Axel/Orserk that pose a problem.
  • I personally wouldnt bother breeding this pal for fighting.

Critical: Vanguard, Burly Body
Recommended Skills: Stronghold Strategist, Hard Skin, Muscle Head, Ferocious, Spirit Emperor, Legend
  • There currently arent any ground type pals that pose a problem.
  • I personally wouldnt bother breeding this pal for fighting.

Alternative Mobility Options
These pals are meant to provide you with an alternative means for movement. However, this reduces your damage output. Your team will comprise of one of these pals and 4 gobfins.

Critical: Vanguard & Stronghold Strategist
Optional: Logging Foreman, Mining Foreman
  • Not my style but you can use this to replace all mounts and greatly reduce the grind

Critical: Vanguard
Recommended Skills: Swift, Runner, Legend, Burly Body
  • You’ll have to balance between mobility/agility vs survivability.
  • You will be dependent on your mount’s mobility to stay alive and deal damage.
Level Progression
The following is a general guide. There's alot to do so it's fine if you find yourself completing some tasks at a later level than what's stated in the guide.

Levels 1-20:
  • Build your first base at a venue with ores (Recommended: Ores near Chillet Alpha)
  • Focus on automating food, wood, stone & ore mining
  • Catch 4 daedreams & craft daedream's necklace
  • Catch atleast 8 tombats. You will be rotating them in base for your ore mining operations.
    If you choose to keep chillet ore base late game, consider turning this into a ore/cooking/production facility. Move breeding & ranch to other bases.
  • Catch tanzee & caprity until you have a male/female pair with vanguard & stronghold strategist. You will use them to breed Gobfins.
  • Lv11 onwards, catch chillet daily
  • At lv15+ Defeat first tower boss with chillet and 4 daedreams.

Level 21-40:
  • Your top priority is securing and setting up a coal base. Sulphur isn’t important as you can always buy bullets. Get to lv15 base level as soon as possible.
  • You are going to do alot of breeding. Run dungeons n bosses while breeding and take things slow.
  • Breed chillet for Vanguard, Burly, Hard Skin & Masochist. You can make a 2 Star condensed Chillet to progress with the game while waiting.
  • Breed your tanzee/caprity for gobfins with vanguard & Stronghold strategist. Their IV/stats do not matter. Condense all four gobfins to 4 star. If possible, teach Shockwave to chillet to make catching gobfins easier. This provides you with a low damage electric attack that stuns & removes the need for stun batons. Use hyperballs to make this process easier. The higher catchrate reduces the grind and resource drain.
  • At lv 25+, defeat Lilly & Lyleen
  • Catch atleast 10 vanwyrms, craft saddle and condense to 1 star. The remaining vanwyrms will serve as transporters for your bases. The 1star vanyrm will be your main mode of transport till you hit lv 38.
  • With your vanwyrm and heat resist armour, fly to Fishing Village and buy a makeshift pistol and some ammo to pair with your musket. Bring atleast 20-30k gold.
  • Catch atleast 10 Beeguards and condense into two 1 Star Beeguards. Place 1 in ranch to start collecting honey. Switch them out if they get stressed. Condense further if playing coop.
  • If you have no plans to leave your starting ore base, build a coal mining base. Skip sulphur as you can buy bullets. To make life easier, consider catching Duneshelter’s green and red wandering merchants for an endless supply of bullets and resources.
  • At lv30+ start breeding ragnahawks for vanguard, swift, burly & masochist. This will provide you with a relatively fast ragnahawk with high defence. The biggest drop in DPS is always due to your mount dying. If you have trouble finding ragnahawks, you can breed Elizabee with Mossanda.
  • At LV38, Make ragnahawk saddle & condense your ragnahawk to atleast 3 stars. Raid lv45 ice dungeons for Assault Rifle & Pump Action Shotgun blueprints & two Attack Pendants +2. This will allow you to rapidly advance the game from this point on.
  • Catch Digtoise to replace tombats in your bases.
  • Catch and place 2 Petalias in each base to facilitate farming.
  • Catch Helzyphrs to replace Vanwyrms in base
  • Catch Foxicle to replace chillets in base

Level 40 - 50:
  • At Lv40+, fight Axel & Orserk. As this boss is relatively more challenging, you may wish to delay this boss fight. See tower boss strategies for details.
  • If you havent bred Anubis, use your pump shotgun to catch Anubis for your production base.
  • Breed Azurobe for Vanguard, Burly, Hard Skin & Masochist. Azurobe provides water elemental damage which is vital for fighting Marcus & Faleris. Run dungeons in frozen north ice caves while breeding to get assault rifle/pump shotgun schematic & attack+2 pendants. Condense to 3 star or better.
  • Level 45+ Defeat Marcus/Faleris with Azurobe
  • Level 50 Defeat Victor/Shadowbeak with Chillet
The following Technology points are CRITICAL:
Saddles: Chillet, Ragnahawk, Azurobe, Vanwyrm
Pal items: Daedream’s Necklace (for early game)
Utilities: Grapple Gun (Helps heaps when overweight)
*Weapons: Old Bow, Single Shot Rifle, Pump Action Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Lilly’s Spear (for chopping/mining)
*Weapons can be skipped if you are able to pick up their schematics.

The following Technology points are OPTIONAL:
Saddle/Pal Items: Rushoar/Astegon for mining & Every other element conversion pal/mount
Weapons: Bullets, Makeshift Pistol & Musket (Makeshift pistol can be bought @ Fishing Village for 17k, Musket can be bought @ Duneshelter for 37k)
Double Barrel Shotgun (You get the pump action soon enough).

The following items should be avoided unless you have excess points to spend.
Club/Sword/Stone/Metal/Refined Spear (It's generally very awkward/cumbersome to melee while riding your mount)
Cloth Armour (In the early game, you will rely on torches for light radius. Torches give warmth and light radius. Tundra armour is 1 point more & provides you with access to cold areas.)
Triple Shot Bow (Hardly better than old bow & quickly replaced by crossbow.)
Pistol (Does less damage than Makeshift Pistol)
Every other saddle in game.
Food Buffs
Starting level 41, food can be used increase player & pal attack & defence by 20% via Electric Kitchen.
To use these buffs, you will need to consume them and feed them to your pal.
I suggest building two electric kitchens to cook the food and leaving it there until you need them.

To reduce time spent collecting resources, consider feeding the defensive food item to your pal and consuming the attack food item yourself, just before entering a tough boss fight. It's not economical to use these buffs for every fight.

+10% food buffs will not be covered as it's too small an increase.

+20% Attack Food
Eikthyrdeer Loco Moco
  • 1 Eikthyrdeer Venison
  • 2 Red Berries
  • 2 Egg
Mozzarina Cheeseburger
  • 2 Mozzarina Meat
  • 1 Flour
  • 2 Tomato
  • 2 Milk

+20% Defense Food
Eikthyrdeer Stew
  • 1 Eikthyrdeer Venison
  • 1 Mushroom
  • 2 Milk
Rushoar Hotdog
  • 1 Rushoar Pork
  • 1 Flour
  • 2 Lettuce
  • 1 Flour
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Milk
Skill Fruits (Optional)
These skills are useful for your mounts. (Eg: Helzyphr, Beakon, Ragnahawk, etc)
Although these skills are low damage, they have their uses.

Damage Over Time:
These skills deal damage over time.
Currently damage over time is calculated as a percentage of the enemy's HP.
Players should try to stack DOTs that deal different damage types.

Ignis Blast
Type: Fire
  • Short cooldown
  • Chance to burn a single target

Spirit Flame
Type: Dark
  • This skill has a high chance to set an enemy on FIRE.
  • Three projectiles slowly chase an enemy
  • May pass through walls/pillars/rocks.

Poison Blast
Type: Dark
  • Short cooldown
  • Poisons a single target

Crowd Control:

Seed Vine
Type: Grass
  • Chance to entangle an enemy, reducing movement speed
  • Tosses a huge seed at enemy which breaks into smaller seeds/mines
  • Both giant and small seeds/mines deal damage to enemies
  • Can greatly reduce the distance of charging attacks

Type: Electric
  • Unleashes 3 low damage pulses of electricity around the pal
  • All 3 pulses can hit multiple targets
  • Each pulse has a chance to stun enemies

Blizzard Spike
Type: Ice
  • Sends a huge spike of ice, freezing the area of impact, hits twice.
  • Frozen enemies cannot move.
Upgrading Pal Stats
Do not waste pal souls on your gobfins. They’ll hardly ever be on the field.

Elemental Conversion Mounts: (Eg: Ragnahawk/Beakon/Helzyphr, etc)
Increase their HP & Defence stats. This will reduce the likelihood of them dying. Priority should go to Ragnahawk as it will be your main mode of transport once the saddle is available.

Elemental Change Pals:
The only 2 pals I would use in this category are Anubis & Verdash.
If you really have to use them, prioritise HP & Defence before increasing attack. The longer they live, the better your chances are.
Earning Gold
There will be points in the game you will require gold. Eg: buying musket/makeshift pistol/ammo, buying resources, etc.
Here are several methods for earning gold.

1) Black Marketeer:
The black marketeer drops 10-15k gold and 1 gold key.
The following is an easy solution to easily and effortlessly kill the black marketeer.
He will respawn when the server is restarted.

  • Learn Hanging Trap.
  • Use it to trap the black marketeer
  • Building a campfire below the black marketeer
  • Shoot arrows occasionally until the black marketeer dies
  • Pick up loot (10-15k gold + gold key)
  • Repeat the above by visiting another black marketeer. If you play solo, exit to title and start your session again.The black marketeer will respawn.

2) Baked Berries
You can sell excess baked berries to traders for additional gold.

3) Single Shot Sphere Launcher
Single shot sphere launchers sell for approx 10k each. If you have a weapon production line & materials to spare, you can make some to sell.

4) Farming Bosses
Low level bosses such as nitewing, gmoss, chillet, dumud, etc can be easily farmed for loot to sell for gold

5) High Level Dungeons
Lv45 ice dungeons can be quickly completed with ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ragnahawk & max condense gobfins by flying straight to the final boss room to kill the boss and collect loot. After the boss is dead, you can either continue looting the dungeon (all mobs will disappear) or simply head to another dungeon to repeat the process. You can start doing this at Lv38 if you have enough ragnahawks to condense.

6) Mau & Mau Cyst
Mau & Mau Cyst drop ridiculour quantities of gold in small amounts. However, this will likely oversaturate the base with gold, requiring a base specifically setup for collecting and earning gold.
This base should not have any mining/production/cooking/crafting, etc..

1) In a flat and raid immune area, build:
  • 4-6 Berry Plantations
  • Feed Box
  • 9 Fluffy Pal beds
2) Place the following pals:
  • 2 Petalia
  • 3 Helyphr
  • 1 Azurobe
  • 3 Max condensed Mau/Mau Cyst
3) Build a floating ranch atleast 3 walls directly above the palboard
4) Build a chest next to the palboard

7) Sybellex
Another potentially viable pal is Sybellex. Unlike Mau/Mau Cyst, you do not require a dedicated base.

1) Build a chest
2) Build a floating ranch 3 wall above the chest.
3) Place atleast 2 Sybellex in base, preferably max condensed.
4) Sell the high quality cloth
Tower Boss Strategies
Here are the general strategies for fighting the bosses. Dont forget to use the pillars for cover. Have fun!

  • Approx 30k hp on solo, normal
  • Weakness: Ground
  • Recommended Level: Lv15+
  • Team: Chillet + 4 Daedreams
  • Weapons: Crossbow, Old Bow, Musket (Optional)
  • Pal Item: Daedream Necklace
  • Use chillet as a distraction & freeze Grizzbolt
  • Your main source of damage are the 4 daedreams in your team. Stay just close enough for Daedreams to attack but be prepared to back off.
  • Withdraw Chillet when Grizzbolt targets it with a skill.
    WARNING: Gizzbolt may immediately target you and cast the skill. Hide behind pillars and watch out for AoE skills.

  • Approx 70k hp on solo, normal
  • Weakness: Fire
  • Recommended Level: Lv25+
  • Team: ⭐️⭐️Chillet + 4 Gobfins or Daedreams
  • Weapons: Musket
  • Pal Item: Chillet Saddle
  • Kite Lilly/Lyleen while riding chillet and shoot them in the face. Lyleen has a huge head, making her the easiest boss to headshot.
  • Headshots will deal approx 1000 dmg. Bring extra ammo incase you miss or bodyshot.

  • Approx 130k hp on solo, normal
  • Weakness: Ground & Ice
  • Recommended Level: Lv40+
  • Team: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Chillet or ⭐️⭐️Anubis or ⭐️⭐️⭐️Ragnahawk + 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Gobfins
  • Weapons: Assault Rifle, Rare Pistol, Pump Action Shotgun
  • Use Chillet or Anubis as a distraction. Chillet should use seed mine + ice moves, Anubis should use seed mine & ground moves.
  • If using Ragnahawk, ride it & kite orserk with assault rifle & pump shotgun.
  • Withdraw Chillet/Anubis when Orserk targets it with a skill.
    WARNING: Orserk may target you with it’s skill. Hide behind pillars and look out for aoe skills.
  • Orserk’s head is small compared to the other bosses and you wont have a suitable pal to fight him head on. This might be the hardest boss for this build at lv 40.
  • Dont be afraid to use your gobfins as distractions to give Chillet/Anubis time to recover. Angry Shark has a chance to freeze Orserk.
  • Musket & Single Shot Rifle are too slow & Orserk’s tiny head makes it hard to consistently deal damage

  • Approx 150k hp on solo, normal
    Weakness: Water
  • Recommended Level: Lv45+
  • Team: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Azurobe + 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Gobfins
  • Weapons: Pump Action Shotgun, Assault Rifle
  • Pal Item: Azurobe Saddle
  • Ride Azurobe & kite. One of the easiest fights in game.
  • At later levels you can use Marcus/Faleris to quickly level up pals without resorting to glitches.

  • Approx 201k hp on solo, normal
  • Weakness: Dragon
  • Recommended Level: Lv50
  • Team: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Chillet + 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Gobfins
  • Weapons: Assault Rifle, Rocket Launcher
  • Pal Item: Chillet Saddle
  • Ride chillet and kite
  • Although Chillet has damage resistance to most of Shadowbeak’s attacks, Shadowbeak does hit hard. Try to dodge as best as you can.
  • Consider raising screen brightness as it can be hard to see Shadowbeak’s head.
  • Shadowbeak has several attacks that may pass through walls. Dark laser, Pal Blast & Spirit Flame, Icicle Cutter. Dark Laser, Pal Blast & Spirit Flame deal significant amounts of damage. Although Spirit Flame is dark type, it has a high chance of setting you & Chillet on fire.
  • Shadowbeak knows atleast 3 ice moves. Although chillet is unlikely to get frozen, you are likely to get frozen by these attacks. Additionally these moves have a chance to flinch chillet and lock you in place.
End Game Alpha Strategies
Unless otherwise stated, all teams are fully condensed. Both you and your pals should be at the recommended level or higher. +20% food buffs are recommended for frostallion, jetdragon, paladius/necromus.

Recommended level: lv44+
Team: Ragnahawk + 4 Gobfins
Weapon: Pump Action Shotgun, Assault Rifle
  • A 3 star condensed Ragnahawk is sufficient.
  • Pump action shotgun works best per shell as anubis cant dodge all the pellets.
  • Single shot weapons are less effective as it may dodge.
  • Although Verdash is ideal, its really not necessary & not worth the effort breeding. There arent enough ground type bosses to justify the time spent. No food buffs required.

Recommended Level 45+
Team: Chillet or Beakon or Frostallion + 4 Gobfins
  • Jormuntide can be tricky due to location.
  • If you have not bred Beakon, you can ride Chillet or Frostallion to fight Jormuntide southeast of Investigator's Fork.
  • Frostallion will drown in water as it is still a ground mount.

Recommended level: Lv 48+
Team: Ragnahawk + 4 Gobfins
Weapon: Assault rifle, Rocket Launcher, Pump Action Shotgun
  • Use the rocks as shields.
  • Frostallion's charging attack will pass through rocks if Frostallion charges past the rock.
  • Ice breath can sometimes clip through rocks.
  • Not all of frostallion's skills require direct line of sight.
  • Icicle Cutter clips through rocks.
  • For store bought munitions, pump action shotgun is the most cost efficient. However, be careful if trying to capture frostallion as damage may fluctuate wildly. Frostallion's hitboxes seem to be somewhat odd/inconsistent.

Reccomended Level: 45+
Team: Azurobe + 4 Gobfins or Azurobe + Ragnahawk + 3 Gobfins
Weapons: Pump Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Rocket Launcher
  • Ragnahawk is just there for transport.
  • You should have a 4 star Azurobe by this point. Easy fight.
  • Be careful not to fly over lava pools while riding frostallion or you will die from burning damage.

Recommended Level: Level 48 +
Team: Frostallion + 4 gobfins
Weapon: Assault Rifle, Pump Action Shotgun, Rocket Launcher
  • Frostallion does not need to be condensed. Alpha Frostallion is sufficient.
  • Small enclosed space but it's an easy fight.
  • Be careful not to fly over lava pools while riding frostallion or you will die from burning damage.

Recommended Level: Level 49+
Team: Ragnahawk/Beakon + 4 gobfins
Weapon: Assault Rifle, Rocket Launcher
  • As of current patch, its not recommended to use frostallion to fight jetdragon as you will die if you accidentally fly over the lava pools.
  • Frostallion does not need to be condensed for this fight. Alpha Frostallion is sufficient.
  • Rocket launcher is available from lv 49 onwards

Paladius & Necromus:
Recommended Level: Level 49+
Team: Chillet, Helzyphr/Frostallion Noct + 3 Gobfins
Weapon: Assault Rifle, Rocket Launcher
  • Go at night, Paladius will be sleeping.
  • While riding Chillet, defeat Necromus with Assault Rifle & Rocket Launcher but be careful not to wake up Paladius.
  • While riding Helzyphr or Frostallion Noct, defeat paladius with Assault Rifle & Rocket Launcher
  • If you do not have a Helzyphr/Frostallion Noct, you can use Ragnahawk or Chillet but your damage will be lower. It is harder to dodge paladius’s attacks on Chillet and Chillet might be injured from your fight with paladius
  • Rocket launcher is available from lv 49 onwards.
  • At night, Paladius may die from 2 rockets if you are using Frostallion Noct/Helzyphr
FAQ + General Advice
Have you defeated Victor/Shadowbeak, Paldius & Necromus?
Yes. With this build, I beat Victor/Shadowbeak at lv46, captured Paldius/Necromus at lv47.
I dont reccomend going against them this early due to the level difference damage reduction.

Do not raise base level above 15.
At base level 15, you can build 3 bases, each with 15 pals. Raids get more difficult past this point and there is currently no benefit in getting lv20 base level.

Build 1-2 bases, not 3.
Less is sometimes more. With 1-2 bases, you have the option of using the spare palboards as teleports. Main priority are ores and coal. Suplhur is required only when you need to make rocket ammo.

Where should I build my bases?
Here are a few good locations. I will not be covering all locations as it is too time consuming and there’s 20+ videos on YouTube that cover this topic.

Ore Mining:
156, -395
3, -527

Coal Mining:
-96, -114 (Great for early game coal mining. 4 nodes are easily accessed by pals.)
-701, -637

Ore + Coal Mining:
188, -37

Why do you use chillet in the early-mid game?
Chillet is needed for fighting Shadowbeak and can be obtained early in the game. Might as well save some time and kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Why did you skip Univolt?
You'll outgrow Univolt too quickly. If you really want a univolt, I suggest condensing it to max 2 stars and dont waste souls on it. Your time is better spent breeding chillet, rangahawk & gobfins at that point in the game.

Your guide didnt specify how to get wool/cloth/milk/flour/eggs. How do I get these resources?
Milk/eggs/cloth/wool are probably best bought from the Wandering Merchant. High quality cloth is probably best sourced by placing Siblyx in your ranch. Flour/wheat is best obtained by placing 2-3 wheat fields in your base.

Why do you use burly, hard skin & masochist on your mounts?
In tough fights, you'll find your mount dying before you do. Increasing its defences and further upgrading @ statue of power will improve the likelihood your mount survives and continues providing you with a damage buff.

Why do you emphasise on Chillet/Ragnahawk/Azurobe?
Chillet works well for crowd control by freezing enemies & can be obtained early game to provide a damage boost & mild increase in mobility. Additionally you need it against the current final boss, Victor/Shadowbeak.
Ragnahawk is one of the most agile flying mounts in game and can fly in caves/mineshafts/dungeons. This makes it a breeze to clear lv45 ice dungeons quickly.
Azurobe is needed against Marcus/Faleris as Ragnahawk and Chillet are not effective. You can also use Azurobe to fight other fire type Alphas.

How do i breed my pals?
This is not a breeding guide so here's a summary.

To breed pals with 2 desired passives: (Eg: Gobfins)
1) Catch 2 pals, each with the one of the traits you desire. One should be male, the other should be female.
2) Breed until you have a pal with both skills.

To breed pals with 4 desired passives: (Eg: Ragnahawk)
1) Catch 4 pals, each with the one of the traits you desire. 2 should be male, 2 should be female. All 4 should not have any other skills.
2) Breed the first pair until you have a male & female with both skills.
3) Breed the 2nd pair until you have a male or female with the 2nd combination of skills.
4) Take the resulting pals from steps 2 & 3 and breed them until you have all 4 desired traits on one pal.

I cant kill alphas/bosses, help!
Level up until you are atleast the same level as the boss and check their elemental weakness.
There is a damage reduction if you are below the boss/alpha's level.

According to some sources, tower bosses are around the following levels as they are meant to be cleared as a party. This info could be wrong and subject to change as the game is still in alpha/early access.
Zoe/Grizzbolt Level 15, weak to ground
Lilly/Lyleen Level 25, weak to fire
Axel/Orserk Level 40, weak to ice & ground
Marchs/Faleris Level 45, weak to water
Victor/Shadowbeak Level 50, weak to dragon

My mount keeps dying, what should I do?
When your mount is on low hp, your gobfins can help to soak damage while your mount recovers HP. Try not to use your mount against mobs it's weak to. Consider bringing a second mount that doesnt share the same weakness.

Eg: Ragnahawk, Beakon & 3 Gobfins

Dont forget to:
1) Breed for vanguard, burly, masochist and hard skin
2) Condense to 4 Star
3) Upgrade hp/def at Statue of Power

The midgame grind is painfully slow. Any way to speed it up?
Change egg hatching time. On solo normal, egg hatching is 2x. If you are on multiplayer, set egg hatching time to 1x or 2x. By default, egg hatching is 20x on multiplayer.

I have trouble bringing my best team into the field to exploit the weaknesses of alphas/bosses weak to water/dragon/grass/ground. These elements do not have flying mounts.
Use your 3rd base as a teleporter or change your team to ragnahawk, element conversion pal & 3 gobfins. Pump shotgun, rifle, long range rifle & rocket launchers are your best friends.

Ground and grass do not have mounts that change my element. What should I do?
Two options.

Option 1:Maxing out Ragnahawk + gobfins
Condensing ragnahawk & gobfins to 4 Star should provide you with enough damage against most elements. At around lv44 , approx 20 shotgun shells will bring Anubis Alpha to low enough hp to capture.

Option 2: Verdash & Anubis
Fighting alongside Verdash & Anubis provides you with grass & ground type attacks respectively.

I want to further reduce the grind. How do I go about it?
Replace all mounts with fenglope, ray hound or galeclaw. Your damage will be lower and you will not benefit from damage type advantage. Dark type pals will take 50% less damage from your attacks. You are fully reliant on dodging to avoid dying. If you can live with these, you’ll be fine. Always carry resources to build a palbox with to teleport.

I occasionally run into situations where my entire team is weak to a specific element or my mount is ineffective against. How do I work around this?
Dismount and use your pals as meatshields, withdrawing them when they are targeted with a skill. You can further reduce this likelihood by breeding a gobfin ignis with vanguard/stronghold strategist or replacing a gobfin with a different mount/pal that applies X element to player attacks.
Notable Bugs Affecting Gameplay (In Progress)
The following bugs impact this guide's particular playstyle.

  • Ground mounts that fly (EG: Frostallion & Frostallion Noct)
    Ground mounts capable of flight will cause you to catch fire if you go over a lava pool.
    Its not recommended to fight Jetdragon using mounts such as Frostallion as the arena is full of lava pools.

  • Double/Triple jumping over lava will set you on fire.
    Players using Rayhound/Fenglope/Paladius/Necromus should take care not to jump over lava pools.

  • Ragnahawk currently cannot fly through most dungeon doorways. To be confirmed if this is permanent or a bug.
ZoomBeast  [author] 13 Mar @ 5:22am 
Some troll came and went, sorry folks for the spam.
ZoomBeast  [author] 9 Mar @ 5:25pm 
As of version, temperature and received damage seems a little wonky/bugged.

It might be a good idea to do a stat reset at lv43 when you have access to memory wiping medicine and replace your stamina investment with HP/damage investment especially before fighting Victor/Shadowbeak.
ZoomBeast  [author] 4 Mar @ 6:15pm 
I'll probably look into re-organising the tower boss section next.
ZoomBeast  [author] 4 Mar @ 6:14pm 
Further updated the lv30-40 section and how to deal with Axel/Orserk. TLDR: Schematics & equipment helps heaps.
ZoomBeast  [author] 2 Mar @ 7:24pm 
Good point on food buffs, I'll add that to e guide.
ZoomBeast  [author] 2 Mar @ 5:41pm 
Thanks, personally I’ve found it to be more reliable to use element conversion mounts (eg: Ragnahawk & Beakon) as you get 100% dmg increase at max condensation, excluding elemental advantage. Doesn’t matter if its a bodyshot or headshot.
Viper Snake 2 Mar @ 4:54pm 
Nice guide! This is almost exactly how I played except I used a Vanwyrm with Musclehead/Swift/Runner/Vanguard with my gobfin team. Headshots will do massive damage. Musclehead is so Vanwyrm can sneak in an attack during the Rocket Launcher reload animation. For bosses you can boost damage further by feeding yourself (and your mount) food that boosts attack by 20% before the fight.
ZoomBeast  [author] 25 Feb @ 9:11pm 
Some formatting and additional info being added. Once I’m done w the changes, I’ll be waiting for more game content.

Feel free to ask questions here.