

A settlement? And how do I work with this ♥♥♥♥?
由 Dr.Furr 制作
A guide for the Cult of the Lamb game. The beginning, the community, improvements and the like in one job
1. Base development
Build and upgrade various buildings such as apartment buildings, farms, quarries. This will help to increase the production of resources and improve the comfort level of the inhabitants of the settlement.

The game has a huge number of variations of your buildings, or rather, their improvements. For example, there are only two types of sawmills, while there is only one housing from single beds to dormitories, albeit for only three residents. The improvement gives you a buff for resource extraction and looks very good)

What specific resources can be produced with improved buildings?
Unfortunately, you can only produce raw stone and wood from resources, which can then be processed (ground, surprisingly) into boards and, Oh GODS, processed stone -_-

What conditions must be met to improve the buildings in the settlement?

Level, level, and level again. Improve the settlement, accumulate experience and faith in their prayers and take away your improvements. Of course, all this will not do without resources. Everything is also wood and stone, but here gold blocks or even SINS that came to us in a recent update may already be added, but they will not be discussed here (probably).

2. Food
Food is one of the most important aspects of the game. As the AI version of lamb told me: "The food in our settlement is grown and prepared with special love and care. This is the most important part of our life, because it ensures the vital activity of our mind and soul. We treat food as if it were our own bodies."

The land that you kindly provide to your residents is being used. the soil is cultivated and sown, after which, throughout every single day, you or the settlers fertilize and water this land, which turns into a routine that you will eventually forget about. Of course, unless you improve it all and automate the process. Next, the harvest is being harvested. From each plot you receive several units of the crop ready for further processing and its seeds. Where do the seeds come from? And here's a personal response from the lamb

3. Caring
Let's make it clear right away that we are committed to meeting the needs of all our residents. We take care to provide them with food, water, shelter, and protection from the elements. What does it mean? Yes, they simply need a place of residence. We provide them with all their needs, ensuring that everyone has a roof over their head and food in their stomach. Your settlement is a place of peace and healing, where everyone is welcome and accepted, which means that EVERYONE needs to be fed and treated, otherwise you will be disowned.

As for the interaction, you can cheer up the residents once a day. In this case, they will be imbued with your teachings and raise the LEVEL!!!! What? DO THEY HAVE A LEVEL? Yes, and with his promotion, they will give more faith in prayer, etc. Oh, yes. There is an opportunity to pay them (Corruption), which will have a similar effect.

We will not touch on their murder, because it is inhumane, you bloodthirsty brute -_-

You can conduct sermons once a day with one of the settlers, increasing his trust and level, respectively. You can treat them (They will fight in a drunken stupor and not only).

Oh, yeah. and the most important thing in this point... CLEAN UP THEIR WASTE PRODUCTS!!! Don't wallow in someone else's ♥♥♥♥, please.

4. Beautiful :3
About the main thing: how to make it beautiful... Everyone who has played this game has asked this question. Well, in short...

To make a settlement beautiful, some basic principles are needed: the creation of a balanced layout, the use of natural elements, and the inclusion of architectural solutions reflecting the individuality of the settlement. You should use a combination of building types and floor materials. Make paths and sidewalks for realism.

Will it take a long time? Definitely yes. But I'll tell you, it's worth it. No matter how much you want to make this village efficient, everyone knows that a beautiful cover gives +100% performance. It is important to use different structures to create a unique and visually appealing settlement. In addition, you should avoid repeating structures too often, as this can create a bad impression.

Finally, adding decorative elements such as plants, statues, and sculpture can help give the settlement additional beauty. We are adding some decorative elements to our settlement as a sign of SELF-praise and glory. We also use these decorative elements to enhance comfort. The beauty of our settlement is extremely important because it serves as a tribute. Decoration and beauty also play a role in improving overall morale and comfort, which helps residents stay determined and loyal.

A little farewell
So. it seems that everyone said what was needed. I tried to be brief and as helpful as possible. I hope that the information I provided was useful and helped you in solving your problems. I hope to see you again!)))

2 条留言
Servocherepok 4 月 23 日 上午 10:51 
pishi po russky syka
Servocherepok 4 月 23 日 上午 10:51 
Prosti I ne ponimay anglisci