120 人が評価
Trading House
Mod, 1.5
1.299 MB
2月7日 5時16分
8月7日 20時04分
19 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Trading House

Trading House

added a Trading House Interface which let player colony accept notification for upcoming Trading Day and participate in the event.

How to Use
  • once build, trading house console will show the time left until next trading day, which is random between 5 to 15 days.

  • during the waiting period. player can put item or Prisoner/Slave/Animal on auction

  • player can only put ONE item per console. and each console has separate auction cooldown

  • available payment method are Silver and Gold(more can be added by editing the xml def)

  • player are able to choose prefer item categories. or choose None for all item type.
once the trading start. random faction leader will raise on the item with random amount per raise.
the chance that someone else will raise corresponding to current price. the higher the price the lower the chance someone will raise.

if timer run out with your pawn as the last raise, the corresponding amount of chosen payment type will be deduct from your stockpile within range of trade beacon, then your item will arrive in dropped within 20 cell radius of
trading Console. if no available cell are in range, a random valid cell in map will be chose.

in the event your colony doesn't have enough money, you won't get the item but their are no penalty atm.

Q: Can this be added mid-save?
A: Yes. there should be no problem

Q:Can this be removed mid-save?
A:Probably yes. there should only be one-time error. but generally you shouldn't be removing mod mid-save
66 件のコメント
ebruli 9月3日 13時42分 
Is it any way possible to add a spot for deliveries? They always happen in roofed areas. A bit tired of my priceless items being damaged by roof collapses due to drop pod. Otherwise nice.
Trapus 8月18日 9時39分 
Please reinstate 1.4 support for this mod.
GodHatesYou! (EOA) 5月11日 8時25分 
@jamos Just build multiple consoles and you can have multiple auctions a week after the first delay
xkp92110(orick) 4月21日 1時52分 
i still play 1.4.
Trading house doesn't work after update.
Alexisrex 4月16日 17時03分 
Great mod only one problem, it's completely broken, nice attempt though but just remove it
Jamos 3月20日 10時25分 
I wanted to ask again since im unsure if you saw my last comment. Is it possible for us to get a mod setting for the auction days? I would like to make it happen more than only once every 5 - 15 days.
no profile 3月16日 3時19分 
Thank you for the update. I'll try adjusting it to suit myself.
Farmer Joe  [作成者] 3月15日 9時56分 
@Arky I've expose some value to xml. you can now customize the starting price. and the chance at which npc bid.
no profile 3月15日 5時22分 
For items worth 10,000 silver or more, enemy bids will occur consecutively within 4 seconds.
In the current version, I can't buy any of the items I want to buy, and the items I don't need can be sold at extremely high prices.
Arky 3月11日 14時50分 
Can we get an xml value we can tweak to locally nerf it a bit? Or a settings toggle? Setting it to neurotrainers or special feels just like buying from traders some highly specialized stuff on demand at market value. I wanted to make it at least twice as expensive as normal since there is no actual auction. I just wait for the last 10s and increase the bid by 10.