Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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rp_nightfall_c20_v1a - Post-War Edit
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Innholdstype: Tillegg
Tilleggstype: Kart
Tilleggsetiketter: Rollespill
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34.793 MB
6. feb. kl. 9.01
4. aug. kl. 9.56
15 endringslogger ( vis )

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rp_nightfall_c20_v1a - Post-War Edit

Welcome! This is my first project I've seriously worked on. I am a previous Nightfall Developer and I have also recieved permission from Syhp0 to edit this version of the map. I will add things as needed to adhere to my HL2RP server.


- Includes most of the City 8 Vocal announcements. May change this in the future.
- Updated the trees in the Plaza
- Changed most of the signs around the Plaza, gives it a bit of a City 8 look.
- Added an ammo dispenser inside the Nexus to allow for more intense training.
- Fixed up a bunch of textures.