

30 ratings
5 Steps To Build A Factory In Satisfactory
By Happy
1.Step One- download Satisfactory and creat a world

2.Step Two- Build the up and get your stuff that you need

3.Step Three- Close the game and ask yourself am i good enough to be playing this game

4.Step Four- Go to UNI and study Engineering and get a Masters degrees, go find a job and start feeling the work load then you go
on a date meet a nice women marry have to sons that love you and respect you and after 40 years of all of that Login to the Game.

5.Step Five- Delete the old world and start for Step One
LaCai 6 Feb @ 4:41am 
Well that explains why my factorys end up bad! so i have to get wife?
Pixels 5 Feb @ 6:45pm 
Instructions unclear, still stuck at step one
how did that comment of yours hightide even get here
TheHighTide 3 Feb @ 5:39pm 
Helped a lot I now work for NASA and am with Elon Musk on Mars as we speak
ikedog98 2 Feb @ 9:21pm 
vary usefull