Serious Sam 4

Serious Sam 4

38 人が評価
Mantling (Script)
Type: Additions
898.378 KB
1月31日 7時53分
2月6日 5時41分
5 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Mantling (Script)

This mod adds mantling/climbing to ledge ability.
After jumping/falling press or hold jump key again near a ledge to mantle onto it.
Also works when mantling onto moving/rotating objects.

Also works in multiplayer but first person animations on clients might look a bit weird sometimes compared to host/single player.

You can get out of bounds or miss some triggers pretty easily in some places so keep this in mind.

Note: this mod edits Ladders.ans file because "ClimbOverWall" animation was changed (ViewMover was added and animated so animations look smooth in first person).

Also it doesn’t support Reborn maps since first person animations are a bit buggy there with the new Sam player model.

You can disable mantling on your map by setting worldGlobals.bMantlingEnabled to false. You can also enable/disable it on your map at any point even after disabling it. So if you want to enable it only for a certain part of the map, you can do it.
7 件のコメント
Plazmatic 7月19日 1時45分 
Это лучшее, что можно было внести в геймплей! Я с самого начала негодовал, что Сэм не умеет подтягиваться, мод будто под мой заказ сделали. 11/10. Очень круто, спасибо!:coolsam:
Aunt Floof 4月10日 6時43分 
Yeah, it worked when i finished the level and started the next~
Nekorie  [作成者] 4月10日 6時26分 
Or you can just finish the level and script will work on the next one
Nekorie  [作成者] 4月10日 6時25分 
Yes, you have to start the level from the beginning. It won't work if you load a game that was saved before the script was loaded (world scripts only load when level starts I think)
Aunt Floof 4月10日 6時04分 
I don't think this is working. I just installed the mod and its in the in-game list, but can't mantle onto things. Do i need to start a new game for it to work properly?
Nekorie  [作成者] 2月6日 5時52分 
Mantling now properly works on custom maps!
PUPER PAUL 2月1日 7時54分 
HALLELUJAH! SS 4 HAS A MOD FOR IMPROVED GAMEPLAY - CLIMBING OBSTACLES! The mod doesn’t work right the first time, but it works and we can climb EVERYWHERE, so what else to update. We're waiting for the following mods: jerks\dashes to the side (not to replace sprint, and to any key for setting), tackles if possible, although I consider this unnecessary for classic shooters, but even better - a blow with a weapon or a kick, if the enemy isn't eliminated instantly and switch to the pistol is at a distance, and closer to the knife, then the knife often gets boring when switching, and this gameplay mechanic is extremely oldest since the 2001 CLASSICS. When there are these new mods to improve the gameplay, then Sam 4 + the rest and the previous parts of the SS series will be the most updated and improved! Thank you so much for the mod, continued success buddy!:TheSeriousBomb::samstone: