Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Skoda 21Tr Pack
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Vehicles (by category): Bus, Trolleybus
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9 févr. à 10h14
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Skoda 21Tr Pack

Dans 1 collection faite par Gragametr
Gragametr´s mod collection for WR:SR
57 objets
The Škoda 21Tr was a Czech-made trolleybus, produced between 1995 and 2004 at Škoda Ostrov.
The Škoda 21AB bus and then the Škoda 22Tr articulated trolleybus were also built according to its bodywork.

In 2004, production at Škoda Ostrov closed down and so these vehicles were not produced in large numbers.

Skoda 21Tr
Speed: 65km/h
Capacity: 95
Years of production: 1995 - 2004

Skoda 21AB
Speed: 65km/h
Capacity: 95
Years of production: 1995 - 2001

Skoda 22Tr
Speed: 65km/h
Capacity: 115
Years of production: 2002 - 2004

Some colour schemes from Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary are also included.

Trailer by Shamanistic Asriel

YT of Shamanistic Asriel:
IG of Gragametr:

Let's return Red Riding Hood's red coat.

Skoda 21Tr Karkulka is a trolleybus with origins from Jihlava. For use on advertisements, it has been given a red livery. That's how it got the nickname Karkulka (or Red riding hood in english).
Later this trolleybus was sold to Brno, where it lost its red coat for overhaul.

In 2024, the phasing out of trolleybuses 21Tr in Brno, the civil association for the protection of old trolleybuses and buses managed to buy Karkulka.

Karkulka has covered many kilometres in Brno, which has affected its technical condition. The corroded parts of the vehicle need to be repaired, the interior needs to be returned to its original appearance and its famous red coat needs to be restored.

Let's support this project and give the Karkukla back her red coat.

You can support this project on Startovač.



!!!It is not recommended to download mod from third party websites like Skymods! Autors are NOT responsible for damage done by mod from these websites!!!

16 commentaires
Gragametr  [créateur] 16 févr. à 9h34 
Somber: Už to robia dlhodobo. Rozmýšľal som nad všeličím, čo by im sťažilo vydanie módu na ich stránky. Len každá takáto idea by viedla aj ku zťaženiu tu na Steame.
A to nechcem. No a kedže chcem pokračovať v módovaní pre workshop tak sa yeraz nedá s tým nič robiť.

Dosť ma to štve.
Somber 16 févr. à 9h05 
Už to tam je....
Somber 16 févr. à 9h04 
Ale na skymods to dajú možno tak či tak.
Somber 16 févr. à 9h03 
Na skymods je aj môj mod. a štve ma to no.
Gragametr  [créateur] 16 févr. à 0h38 
It is not recommended to download mod from third party websites like Skymods! Autors are NOT responsible for damage done by mod from these websites!
Gragametr  [créateur] 14 févr. à 11h21 
rasputin.smetana: No, ani ja som nečakal, že to spravím tak skoro. Pomohol mi s tým aj kamarát, takže aj díky nemu to tak skoro mohlo byť vydané :D
rasputin.smetana 14 févr. à 11h18 
Gragametr  [créateur] 13 févr. à 9h34 
Somber: Ďakujem :D
Somber 13 févr. à 9h24 
ok teším. ale už aj teraz sú great tie SORky
Gragametr  [créateur] 13 févr. à 7h36 
Somber: Ďakujeme!
Ku Škode 27TrA a ostatných vozidlách podobnej karosérie, je v pláne len v tejto chvíli mám veľa módov v rozrobenom stave (sú v hre ale nie dokončené alebo majú iba model).

A ešte tu je veľa módov ktoré potrebujú update (aby to približne držalo krok s najnovšími módami)
Jediné čo trocha prezradím, SORky prejdú menším reworkom :D