Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Waste Loading Facility
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Buildings (by category): Cargo station
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29. Jan. um 5:42
5. Mai um 15:28
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Waste Loading Facility


Спецвыпуск: Благословенный Прорыв в перемещении Отходов!

Докладывает наш корреспондент из самого сердца нашей великой республики БЕЛОРУССКАЯ ССР,

Великие труды нашей коллективной группы ученых вновь привели к впечатляющим результатам, открыв новые горизонты в области социалистической инфраструктуры.
Новый этап в развитии Советской республики связан с передовыми исследованиями, направленными на повышение эффективности нашего социалистического общества.

Ответственная группа ученых, ссылаясь на принципы и стандарты нашей великой социалистической партии, успешно внедрила механизм контейнеризации в процесс перемещения
отходов. Эти инновации обещают оптимизировать процессы перемешения и управления отзодами на благо общества.

Особое внимание уделяется возможности упаковывать отходы в контейнеры, даря нашей республике новый инструмент в руки трудящихся классов.
Этот прорыв позволит ускорить и улучшить обработку отходов, содействуя великой цели строительства социалистического общества.

Итак, благодаря солидарному труду нашей коллективной группы ученых, наша республика вступает в новую эру в обработке отходов,
придерживаясь долгих традиций социализма и следуя путеводным звездам наших великих лидеров. Да здравствует социалистическая республика,
да здравствует новая эра в реализации социалистических идей!


Special Edition: Blessed Breakthrough in Waste Management!

Reporting from the very heart of our great republic, the BELORUSSIAN SSR,

The great efforts of our collective group of scientists have once again led to impressive results, opening new horizons in the field of socialist infrastructure. A new stage in the development of the Soviet Republic is associated with cutting-edge research aimed at increasing the efficiency of our socialist society.

The dedicated group of scientists, referring to the principles and standards of our great socialist party, has successfully implemented a containerization mechanism in the waste management process. These innovations promise to optimize the processes of waste movement and management for the benefit of society.

Special attention is given to the ability to pack waste into containers, providing our republic with a new tool in the hands of the working class. This breakthrough will accelerate and improve waste processing, contributing to the great goal of building a socialist society.

Thus, thanks to the collective efforts of our group of scientists, our republic enters a new era in waste management, adhering to the long traditions of socialism and following the guiding stars of our great leaders. Long live the socialist republic, long live the new era in the realization of socialist ideas!
8 Kommentare
mrTaler  [Autor] 17. Aug. um 8:28 
It seems that this is not possible due to the game's limitations
kvoka16 17. Aug. um 1:43 
how to unload the container ??
gulozico 31. Juli um 21:05 
Ничего не понял
mrTaler  [Autor] 5. Mai um 15:30 
container warehouse added, rebuild required
mrTaler  [Autor] 12. Feb. um 3:52 
and yep, one buildings for each waste type
mrTaler  [Autor] 12. Feb. um 3:51 
Initially, the only purpose of this mod was to speed up the unloading of ash at customs, but during testing it turned out that this mod works not only as a packer but also as a sorter, in general you need two buildings, one for packaging for hazardous waste and one for mixed waste, and it will sort this mixed waste.
I tried to create a building with multiple waste stands, but it only packing from mixed waste.
Zizo 10. Feb. um 7:02 
Since I was interested in this mod, I downloaded it. However, if I understand correctly, because in the description, apart from the good but only funny description, a real description of the functionality is missing:)

Thus, the building works in such a way that it can load waste into specially designated (as well moded) containers. However, each building take/can process only one single type of waster. That means I need a separate container loading building for each type of waste, is that right?:)
polcorp 5. Feb. um 14:34 
Very usefull. Thank you so much :steamthumbsup: