WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

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Lychen Legends: Rise of Crystal
By 11crystal
A trio of sisters leave their homeland after the massacre of their Pack to survive in hopes of a new life. They will have to face hardships of the vast wilderness of Yellowstone's terrine and the fragile ecosystem of Yellowstone. Will these three survive, read Lychen Legends: Rise of Crystal to read as these three sisters rise to become legends. But first we must rewind to before these events before the Lychen ShadowHunter War, back to the beginning where Crystal's tale truly starts.

Genre: Fantasy (With Non-fiction aspects)

Warning: Contains blood, gore, and foul langue
Table Of Contents (Incomplete)

Chapter 1: The Outcast

Chapter 2: Enter Pyro

Chapter 3: Nightmares or Visions

Chapter 4: Kaleidoscope Meadow

Chapter 5: The Crystal Cavern

Chapter 6: Hatred

Chapter 7: The Stags

Chapter 8: The Lychen Shadow Hunter War

Chapter 9: The Forgiven Heir

Chapter 10: The Chosen Trails Pt. 1 - The Test of the Body

Chapter 10: The Chosen Trails Pt. 2 - The Test of the Mind

Chapter 10: The Chosen Trials Pt. 3 - The Test of the Spirit

Chapter 11: The Last of the Lychens

Chapter 12: Amethyst Mt.
Map of Pack Territories

Main Packs

Lychen Pack: Yellow

Shadow Hunter Pack: Orange

Side Packs

Mammoth Springs Pack: Purple

Morning Dew Pack: Light Blue

Meadow Creek Pack: Hot Pink

Faith Pack: Lime Green
Tower Fall, Glacier's POV (third person)

Glacier was the runt, well of the boys, but no one was bold enough to be called a jerk for beating up Song the official runt of the litter. So everyone except Song targeted Glacier, who also happened to be the anxious overthinker of the litter, but he thought of it as being sensible. But alas, none of his bold siblings would listen to him, except for Song—the only one who was sensible, at least in his eyes. Crystal leaped up onto the den, her tail raised confidently, her chest puffed, and those shamrock green eyes glimmering with curiosity, dangerous curiosity. She was the lightest of the pups, the boldest, most daring, and basically acted like their leader.

"I found something!" She barked ecstatically, her tail began to wag.

"Lemmi guess, another ball of moss from the creek over there?" Frost replied rolling his eyes, then went back to chewing his bone.

"Oh no no no, something way cooler!" She exclaimed as Burn raised his brow.

"What is it?" Sapphire asked as she looked up.

"Song isn't too sure if she wants to find out," Song said as Crystal began to giggle.

"It was a small blue bear cub thingy like it looks like the runt of all of the bears, and the best part is it smells like human all over it!" Crystal replied. Frost's ears perked at the last statement.

"Are you guys sure this is a good idea? What if it's sick, or its mom might come back for us, maybe the humans are trying to lure us in to take us and then pupnap us! Or what if we get trampled by bison or elk or coyotes, a bear, a cougar, stranger wolves, red-tailed hawk, or golden eagle attack us!" Glacier began to what if. Also don't forget, he was also the what ifer of the litter of seven pups.

"Song agrees, also Mommy and Daddy will be mad. We might lose our privileges to be outside when they're gone. Song doesn't want to be in trouble again." Song added to Glacier's comment.

"Who cares, we're the Lychen Pack. We're one of the most feared Packs out there, no wolf, bird, bear, cat, or coyote would dare attack us! Nor would any prey animal would dare trample us!" Burn emphasized tackling Glacier. Glacier yelped in surprise.

"Thank you, Burn, now common let's go before I forget where it is." She barked, and the other six pups followed Crystal as she ran for the teddy.

"And this is how we're going to die," Glacier grumbled to himself as Song nodded in agreement as the group traveled.

"Here we are!" Crystal called as she leaped up a silver rock and picked up the cub.

"Are you 100% sure this is a decent idea that won't get us killed?" Glacier barked.

"Common Glacier what could possibly go wrong now... oh I smell something else, like another human thingy!" Scorch barked, and Crystal leaped off the boulder. Scorch lowered his head attempting to sniff it out.

"This way!" Burn called.

"But I smell it this way," Scorch replied.

"Okay Glacier, Scorch, Song, and Frost you guys go that way, the rest of us will go this way," Crystal ordered, the group nodded then split ways. The group of four now was following Scorch, then Scorch began digging.

"Oooo look at it!" Scorch said pulling out a blue disk thing with a star in the middle.

"It's like a full moon, plus the blue and the star," Frost observed.

"We should take this back and show Crystal," Scorch said, the three nodded and then padded off in the direction of where they saw Crystal last. Crystal, Burn, and Sapphire were pushing a blue box.

"What is that?!" Scorch barked, bewildered by their discovery.

"It smells like human and fish," Crystal replied.

"Strange, I thought humans didn't eat fish," Frost observed. Burn came tubing down the hill.

"WATCH OUT!" He called, they leaped out of the way as he rolled into the shallow creek, a brown hat floated up to the surface, it smelled like old dried grass, but smelled like a human, "Oof,"

"Okay let's spread out and gather everything we can find again, Glacier, Scorch, Frost, and Burn you guys go North East; Sapphire, Song, and I will go South West. Meet back at the rendezvous site by sundown," Crystal ordered, the rest of the litter nodded and they went their separate ways. The boys weren't so lucky. Once they reached the site the girls were already playing around with their stuff which were a glowy thing and a weird paw thing for humans to dig.

"Welcome back!" Sapphire barked.

"Aw common ya didn't find anything? Wait what's that thing?" An object caught Crystal's eye, "Race ya there!" She play-bowed to get the others to chase her.

"Challenge accepted!" Burn barked confidently raising his tail up as he bolted after her, followed by the others. When it came to races the entire litter participated, and they were competitive about it too.

"Hey, no fair!" Frost called as he began catching up. Burn was head to head with Crystal, he bumped into her, but she leaped at him. Quickly recovering. It was the final stretch she was about to grab it before Sapphire knocked her aside winning her prize.

"I win!" Sapphire howled smugly.

"What is that thing at the river bank?" Frost called, the rest of the group whipped around and began running towards it. Before anyone else had the chance to react Scorch shrieked, but it abruptly came to a stop.

The group turned around, tragedy had struck. Three fully grown coyotes began to attack them, their leader had Scorch's blood all over his maw.

"Sapphire, Song, Glacier run! Burn, Frost, and I will distract them!" Crystal ordered, desperately. The three ran, and minutes passed before a realization hit him. Sapphire would normally be ahead of him, she's stronger, and faster than both him and Song combined.

He called out, "Sapphire? Song? Mother? Father? Crystal?"

He was alone, all by himself in the crazy wilderness of Yellowstone National Park. That was a dangerous gamble for a wolf pup, especially a runt.

Several Days Later

He'd been alone, hungry, exhausted, and weak. A helpless and powerless puppy. He dragged himself to the river's edge where he lapped up some water. A few bull bison were chewing some grass, one stood up and began grunting. Its hoof dug into the earth creating plumes of dust. It charged at him, he yelped in a panic.

If he stood there, he'd be put out of his misery, but he wanted to survive. There was an urge to survive. The river was a risk he was willing to take, though the chances of surviving that were low.

Water Wolf, if you can hear this, please, please, please spare me, he pleaded with a figure that he had no idea whether or not it even existed. He was at the mercy of a creature he had no idea could do anything, but he dove in. Letting the current take him, his vision darkened. But before he was out he felt something grab his scruff, it reminded him of home, his mother's comforting grasp, her gentle gaze. Then his vision went dark.

(If this gets enough views I may do a book about Glacier after I'm done with Crystal's arc)
Chapter 1: The Outcast
Roughly 2 Years Later, Tower Fall, Crystal's POV (Third Person)

Crystal, the dangerously curious one. The one who led her siblings into a massacre, the one who is now resented by her own father for killing off all of his male heirs because of coyotes. The very pup that was too naive to get her siblings to safety before they were killed off.

Though it wasn't her fault for Glacier going missing. Nobody knows where he went after Crystal ordered Sapphire, Song, and Glacier to run for their lives while she and the other two remaining boys stayed to distract the coyotes long enough so that they could get to safety. It wasn't her fault that Burn and Frost were too slow to escape the coyote's violent grasp. It wasn't her fault that by the time their parents arrived all of the boys were dead... right?

She was the only one blamed, for everything! And her father only made her life a living hell for her. Constantly ordering her around, abusing her, judging her every move, forcing her to be on scouting duty when she could've been beta, and worst of all nobody did anything about it, never. She never defended herself from her father's wrath. Plus Crystal swears her father is secretly a reincarnated chihuahua, and they don't even believe in reincarnation!

It always pissed her off. Her father was nothing but an ungrateful bastard. But she was going to show him, no not just him, everyone that she was something, a someone, an important someone. But how was she going to do that? Do a heroic deed for her father, no he's too much of a bastard. Save mother? Why does she deserve to be saved? She's never defended Crystal at all for the last two hellish years she's lived for. Then what would she do? Who knows, it's not like anyone's going to care anyway.

She trotted across the winter terrain, the snow deepened every minute, and it began to reach her neck pouch, No no no, don't get the herbs wet damn it! Mother needs them! she thought snarling slightly under her breath. She began jumping a little to get through a little faster. Then she realized that she was in a whiteout

"Why now?" She grumbled under her breath as she continued. She sniffed out the scent posts to find her way home. When she got there Sapphire and Song greeted her with nose sniffs and friendly tail wags.

"Welcome back," Sapphire grinned.

"Song was worried about you because of the snowstorm," Song said.

"Glad to be back," Crystal said, ruefully.

"You two get away from her," Their father's voice snarled, his voice full of venom. It burned to hear it.

Sapphire and Song backed away, her father approached, glaring at her, and she glared back at him. The sire's fiery orange eyes burned into her own shamrock green eyes full of passion. She scowled back at him.

"What do you want sh*thead?" She snapped. She wasn't afraid of him, no matter how much he abused her she stood her ground.

"Empty that pouch," the dark-red male hissed.

"Why should I?" she snapped back, her nostrils pulsing, she raised her chin, peeling her lip back.

"Follow my orders or I will break you." He demanded.

"I don't give two f***s on what you do to me." She snarled.

"Don't test me mongrel." He growled.

"Oh but what if I want to," she smirked, "You can either be polite or I'll break every single rule you made for me."

"Oh really?" he sneered, he lunged at her neck grabbing the pouch and leaving the neck holder in splinters and he smugly padded back to the den with the pouch. He crawled in.

"F*** YOU D***HEAD!" Crystal barked, she bared her teeth at him behind his back. Blood trickled down her white fur on her neck, but she didn't care about that at the moment. She huffed before trotting off to her favorite rock to curl up on.

Like always when she did try to stand up for herself she always lost. Sometimes she wished she could just rip his head off so he could never bully her again, but she knew that she didn't have the physical strength to do that. And yes she could run away, in fact, she had before, but every single time she would always be dragged back into this living nightmare. No matter what she did she was always tortured.

Song padded up to her, averted gaze, lowly wagging tail, she licked Crystal's face, the same way they used to ask for food as pups. She was treating her like a higher rank, she stammered "Song's sorry that f-father w-was rude t-to you,"

"Not right now, Song." She grumbled under her breath before she stood up and left the area near the den.

"O-okay..." Song stuttered, before turning around.

Crystal walked around for some time, she couldn't really mark territory since she wasn't an Alpha, and she couldn't really hunt on her own very well yet. Unlike her siblings. Her parents didn't teach her anything useful because her father thought that she was too incompetent to be trusted.

She sat down by the small creek with a huff, Congrats father! You've done it, you've pissed me off. How do you feel about your accomplishment? Amazing I assume. Do you have any idea how long that pouch took to weave?! Several hours and now I have to dig for sticks to gather more sticks to soak in freezing cold water so that they are easier to bend, but guess what? They'll f***ing freeze because IT'S THE MIDDLE OF WINTER!!! She thought glaring down at her reflection, she stomped her paw into it slashing cold water all over her with some cold partially formed ice shards.

"Arrrghhhhh!" She roared and then stormed away.

Can this day get any worse?! she thought with a snarl.

She came to a sudden halt, hackles raised, ears perked, head up. She whipped around to see a rustling in a nearby bush. She growled as her gaze narrowed at it. It was a moment of silence, she began to release a growl.

"Whoever you are show yourself, state your name, pack, and intentions before I rip your fur out of the bush.” She demanded.
Chapter 2: Enter Pyro
A pitch black sire walked out of the bush, blue eyes, masculine frame, and a few tears in his ears. He looked like he had some experience with battle.

"Pyro, I have no pack, and I wish to hunt." He explained, smoothly.

"Well you'd have to go farther North if you want to be lucky enough to catch something, out side of our territory Pyro," she spat his name.

"Thank you for the advice, you are?" The sire seemed to ignore her hostility.

"Crystal Lychen," she snarled.

"Ah, Crystal, nice to meet you." He continued.

"If you please, quit harassing me. I'm not in the best mood right now." She snarled before padding off. She didn't have the energy to chase him out at the moment. Nor did she have the will to either.

"Have a good night." The sire called, she rolled her eyes as she padded closer and closer back to the den.

Once she reached the outskirts of the den she curled back up onto her rock and dozed off, sleeping through the day until dusk. Once she awoke she stretched out her limbs with a large yawn. She trotted off before her father could start his torment. The faint scent of a kill blew around in the wind and she decided to follow it. Once she reached the carcass the same stranger that she met yesterday was eating from it.

"You're still here?" She said arching her brow.

"Why not? the elk are plentiful here." He replied, "How was your day yesterday?"

"I literally woke up, like an hour ago." She replied.

"Ahh I see, I guess morning sleepy head." He grinned.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever a**hole."

"You look hungry, do you want some?" He asked.

"nope, nu uh, no way. I can hunt on my own." She replied stubbornly turning around, her chin raised, and her poster straightening to seem as regal as possible.

"Oh yes I forgot, alpha's only eat bison." He teased.

She turned around with a smirk and was greeted by a mouthful of a chunk of boneless meat shoved into her mouth. She coughed violently, once she recovered she scolded, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

"Nothing," he replied bluntly, "You just look hungry. Now go ahead eat before I shove some more into your mouth."

"Fine," She reluctantly ate from the carcass. Once she finished the two of them gazed into each other's eyes for a long awkward moment. She sat down, and then he did. She couldn't stand the awkward silence anymore, "Are you copying me?"

"Noooooo, defiantly not." He sarcastically barked.

"A**hole," she mumbled under her breath.

"Wanna go hunting?" He asked.

She raised her brow again she thought, Does he know I can't hunt very well? Am I really that obvious?

"Suuuuure..." She said slowly.

"Alright common, I've been following the elk for a couple of hours now so I know their approximate direction." He explained.

"Nerd," she teased.

"Here they are," he whispered, ignoring her teasing.

"Oh look, that one has a swollen jaw. Lets go for that one." She observed.

"How come I didn't notice that before?" He mumbled under his breath.

"Maybe you lost your old herd, what are you a fawn? I'm pretty sure your a wolf, but I did just meet you yesterday so who knows," she teased again.

"Aw common stop it," he replied, slightly chuckling.

"Okay, lost fawn" she grinned.

"Okay, okay, lets focus----" He started before she interrupted.

"You go for the neck, I'll go for the legs." She explained quickly, "Now common lets go."

"And she's gone," he huffed before charging in after her.

The herd began running, the one with the swollen jaw tumbled and Crystal took her chance and bit her leg.

He got to the elk being held down by Crystal and began to bite down on the esophagus, unlike cougars wolves don't have a one bite, easy kill. Wolves hunt by exhausting their prey, the stronger males will run ahead of the elk and once he is ahead and/or the elk is being held down by other wolves he will grab onto the esophagus, continuously biting it crushing the esophagus and killing the elk.

Several bites later the elk finally gave in and collapsed. The corpse limp, both wolves began eating from the carcass. Ravens began to land around the carcass.

Ravens and wolves have a symbiotic relationship, meaning that they benefit from each other. Ravens often follow wolves to get them an easy meal after the wolf has teared into the flesh. Ravens are also known to 'adopt' certain wolf pups playing with them by playing tug of war, to tease them with a stick by flying over them to initiate a reaction, or if bold enough nip their tails playfully. Ravens also serve as warning calls for wolves when a coyote is eating from the carcass, basically snitching on the coyote and giving the wolf a chance to kill the coyote. Wolves also benefit from ravens since ravens are great beacons towards carcasses. In fact ravens are the animal the wolves interact with other than their own kind.

"Nice job," he barked.

"Thanks, you too." She replied before continuing to eat.

A raven began cawing before the rest of them joined in. The two wolves turned around and saw a coyote approaching. Flashbacks slammed into her as she charged at the canine with no remorse. She slammed the coyote into a tree as it began to desperately yelp and flail it's limbs, she quickly bit hard enough into the tawny canine's neck and killed it. She snarled as she grabbed a chunk and left.

"Crystal wait!" Pyro called after her.

"No, I'm leaving," she snarled, her quick pace unwavering. Once she reached the outskirts of the den-site she rested on her boulder and dozed off again.
Chapter 3: Nightmares or Visions
Lighting struck a nearby tree, wolves charged at her. The largest was a bright orange, the second was a lighter orange, and the smallest was a orangy grey. She realized she had an antler in her grasp, utilizing it she impaled the largest female. The male bit down on her back, she yelped in pain, but it was a different kind of pain, a pain that shouldn't be in that situation.

She woke up panting, she had fallen off the boulder and now her back and shoulders were sore from it. Sapphire padded out of the bushes.

"Morning, you okay? You were like flailing around, snarling, yelping, and seemed to be swinging your head around wildly." Sapphire explained, worry stretched across her face.

"I'm fine, just a bad dream." Crystal replied.

"You mean nightmare," Sapphire corrected.

"Hooves, hooffs, meese, moose same thing, it doesn't matter." Crystal said rolling her eyes, she hated when Sapphire was correcting her. It always annoyed her, but she knew that Sapphire was attempting to help her out, that's all.

"Meese?!" Sapphire barked in alarm, "The meese don't exist, the plural of moose is moose!"

"It's a saying Sapphire, calm down." She replied.

"A saying you made up!" Sapphire argued.

"Perhaps," she said grinning.

"And this is what happens when you're not properly raised by your pack, oh spirit wolves why," Sapphire clicked her tongue.

"Simple, because your father is a s***head, and is not even willing to look at me," she hissed.

"You mean our----" Sapphire started.

"HE DOESN'T EVEN CONSIDER ME AS ONE OF HIS DAUGHTERS!" She roared. Angry tears threatens to form in her eyes, a knot in her throat made it harder to breathe.

"Crystal, please calm down, take a long deep breath," Sapphire said nudging her nose into her shoulder comfortingly.

Crystal took a deep breath that lasted for a only a few seconds but felt like an eternity, "Okay I'm calm now."

"Alright, now tell me about your nightmare." Sapphire pressed, gently.

"Well I just remember there was thunder rumbling, three wolves charged at me. Female was the largest and a bright orange, the second, a medium sized yearling male was a lighter orange, and the smallest was a orangy grey, she seemed to be a runt." Crystal explained, "I realized that I was holding an antler, so I stabbed the largest, but the smaller male lunged at me, biting my back. I felt pain, but it didn't feel like the type of pain that would be present in that situation."

"Are you sure that wasn't just a nightmare?" Sapphire asked arching her brow.

"Well there is such thing as lucid nightmares so yeah, I assume so. I was expecting pain and I got pain so yeah." She replied.

"Well perhaps it was a vision from the Star Wolf." She pressed.

"Sapphire stop, you don't actually believe in that s**t, right?" Crystal's brow raised.

Ever since she was "banished" she gave up on the spirit wolves, especially where they protect them, and the spirit wolf of the stars giving a select few visions of the future. Nobody could see the future... right? She had more evidence to back up her reasoning, why didn't they protect her when she needed it most aye? Isn't that their job? To protect wolves?

"Well I know a select few are gifted with foresight." She replied.

"This is madness, there is no such thing as 'Spirit Wolves' and there ain't no way that any wolf can see the future, especially me. That's final." She snarled.

Either way, why would she of all wolves be granted with such a powerful ability? She doesn't even believe in the Spirit Wolves.

"No it's not, what about the legends we've been told about our ancestors? The Moon Tear Wolves? The chosen ones to guide their packs to power?" Sapphire barked.

"These legends are just stories to make lower ranked wolves feel even more inferior to their leaders than they already do! To make them listen to the higher ranked wolves, it's a corrupt system Sapphire. There isn't such thing as a Moon Tear Wolf," she retorted.

"You're hopeless, wait and see. Time will tell." Sapphire warned before padding off.

"WHY DON'T YOU WAIT AND SEE AYE? MAYBE IT'S ALL FAKE!" Crystal called, Sapphire whipped around as the two barred their teeth at each other before going their separate ways.

She curled up on top of her stone as rested her head. Had she been to harsh on her? No, she needed to know. She needed to know the several lies their pack had been telling them for generations, but were they lies though?

She wasn't interested in finding out. She heard a rustle in the bushes.

"Lemmi guess, you're back for more." She assumed as she turned her shamrock gaze towards to bush.

She heard a light chuckle, "Nooooo defiantly not."

She rolled her eyes at the pitch black sire, "Whatever, now what do you want?"

"Just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the meadow." He replied with a grin.

"Which one, there are several." She asked before stretching her limbs out again and leaping off the boulder.

"The one covered in foxgloves and fireweed," He grinned, "Next to the waterfall."

"OH! You mean Kaleidoscope Meadow don't you, I love that one!" She barked ecstatically wagging her tail.

"I assumed you would, you sure smell like it." He replied.

"What time?" She asked.

"Sundown, there's a rock in the middle." He explained.

"Alright... cya then." She grinned.

"Yeah," he smiled, her face heated up.

She felt butterflies in her stomach. She felt her fur ruffling, her tail wagging, she stomped on her tail and shook off the feeling. She knew she couldn't show her feelings.

"I love it when you are flustered," he grinned.

"SHUT UP!" She huffed.

"What if I don't want to?" He pressed.
Chapter 4: Kaleidoscope Meadow
A Glimpse of Kaleidoscope Meadow

After a long day afterwards she padded towards Kaleidoscope Meadow, the sun began to sink into the horizon. She padded up to the boulder in the middle and sat on it. She had a foxglove, fireweed, and a bluebell flower twined together by a piece of spider silk and a bead carved out of bone behind her ear, she looked around the meadow for any signs of Pyro. Though with each moment they were slow to keep the precariously placed flowers in place. Suddenly she was pushed off the rock, she yelped in a panic, wriggling around to kick off her opponent.

He yelped, "OW!"

She opened her eyes and stood up slowly realizing it was just Pyro, she apologized "Oh jeez, I'm so sorry."

She helped him up, "It's fine, probably deserved that."

"Still... oh crap where did it go," She started before anxiously looking around in the flowers.

His ears perked, brow raised, "What's wrong?" He asked.

"It's something I brought but I must've lost it when you pushed me off that rock..." She replied anxiously, her head in the nearby bushes that started to grow.

He turned her around, his tail brushing her chin as he looked in her eyes with his blue gaze, "Crystal, you are just fine the way you are. I don't want you to change anything about you in any way."

She stared into his eyes, her fur ruffling, tail wagging, face warming up, she must've been red as an Indian Paintbrush flower, "R-really?"

"Yes." He smiled sincerely.

She smiled back.

"Now wanna show me around?" He asked, she nods.

"Y-yeah... common I wanna show you somethin' behind the waterfall." She said standing up, she turned her head to the waterfall before signaling him to follow. He followed behind.
Chapter 5: The Crystal Cavern
"Wow, this is gorgeous," He said in awe at the small creek waterfall.

"It only gets better," She grinned as she crouched into a rock crevice hidden by the water fall.

He arched a brow but followed anyways.

They entered into a tight cavern, but slightly larger than a den. Luminescent mushrooms grew in the crevices of rocks, glow worms dangled off the walls, and a few crystals lead the way.

At least a minute of crawling they entered an even larger cavern, Some stalactites had luminescent water dripping off them into glowing puddles. This time though the glowing crystal's were in such a particular shape on the ceiling that it looked like bright green, purple, magenta, and blue aurora's stretching across the night sky, a few glow worms hung in a few crevices here and there.

A Glimpse of Crystal Cavern

"And I thought the waterfall was amazing," he gasped.

"This is were I used to go all of the time as a pup alone. Watch this," She barked, it slightly echoed in the cave, she stirred her paw in the puddle creating bubbles, she gently blew on them, glowing bubbles filled the air.

"Whoa," he smiled as one touched his nose and popped. He touched a paw into one of the puddles. Water dripped off his paws, he turned his head and noticed some ash smeared on the walls, or at least what looked like ash, some of it was glowing, "Crystal, any idea what this is supposed to mean?"

She walked over, "Oh you found the cave paintings."

"The cave paintings? What?" He gave her a confused look.

"My theory is that the Lychen Pack's ancestors probably made this around the time of the last Ice Age," she explained.

"Do you know what these are supposed to mean?" He asked.

"Well I assume the glowing paint over the wolves is supposed mean an aurora, so I'm assuming they had a connection with the aurora's hence the name Crystal Cavern or sometimes Aurora Caverns. See how they're howling? They probably worshiped the aurora's or they were hosting a funeral. Though I don't see a body so probably just worshiped them. In this next one they're hunting mammoths, I wish I could've been there to hunt mammoths, it sounds amazing! Thousands of pounds of food! THOUSANDS!" She continued.

"What are those things over here?" He asked his head turning to strange stick figures.

"Those, I assume humans hunting mammoths, either with them or not. And then right there is when some stupid wolves decided to take some food from the humans and began to get domesticated. Yuck, dogs." She hissed, "But anyways the pack members seemed disappointed and..." she paused with a snarl.

"And what?" He asked.

"Banished them," she growled.

"Oh... common we should probably leave, sunrise could be soon." He said, she nodded and took the lead to go back outside again. The stars dappled the sky, just like the glow worms had on the roof of the cave.

"Well, cya" she smiled.

"Yeah," he replied in a daze.

"Whelp we should get going now, cya tomorrow... maybe." She said, she was about to pad off before she was licked on the snout. She blushed.

"Now we're all good, now go get some rest, it isn't healthy to not sleep." He grinned.

She head butted his chest.

"OW!" He yelped.

"That's for scaring me," she licked his snout, "That's for everything else,"

"Fine, you win, now go home." He chuckled.

"You too, to where ever 'home' is for you," she replied before padding off.
Chapter 6: Hatred
She rested on her boulder, she tried to sleep, several times, but she just couldn't bring herself to. Not after the memories she'd forged in that cave with him.

Though her day dreaming was interrupted by her father's hissing, "Where were you?"

She stood up from the boulder and glared at him, "Why should I tell you?"

"You smell like you've been around Shadow Hunter Pack members," he hissed.

"And why does that matter?"

"The rivalry between the two have lasted for generations, before my time. Have you heard of the legend of the Forbidden Lovers?" He asked, venom in his voice.

"And? Why does it matter? How does it apply to me in any way?" She hissed.

"Well two generations ago in the Hayden Pack their eldest daughter, the lightest of the females fell in love with a Mollies Pack member, she came back expecting, though of course they weren't going to allow him in. She had her litter and her mother had her own. When those pups became yearlings the Mollies Pack attacked them, killing of both her parents, and most of the yearlings went missing. Yet she still came back running to him." He explained.

"So you're just telling me this to save your own ass? Great parenting, number one dad of the year, f*** off," she hissed sarcastically.

He flinched,

Did he feel sympathy? No, he just doesn't like that I said that, She thought confidently with a smirk.

"You will stop visiting that stranger and from now on you are forced to stay within the boundaries of the den, when you leave you will be supervised." He ordered.

"WHAT!" She snapped, rage flickered in her eyes.

"I am your alpha and you will follow my orders," he growled he loomed over her, the inferno of his burning orange eyes clashing with her shamrock glare.

"I thought I was your little outcast,"

He opened his mouth, ready to speak before an obnoxiously bright orange wolf walked out of the bushes. He was masculine, younger, and intimidating.

"Well Fire, it's been a while since we've talked." He purred, sitting down regally.

"Sun? We halted our rivalry, and made a pact. Do you remember what it was?" Fire hissed.

"Oh yes I do, but I would like some land. Either surrender Slough Creek or we will be at war." The orange sire offered.

Fire was about to answer before Crystal interrupted, "No, we wont be surrendering our land that we worked for, you can f*** off or I will kill you myself"

"Oh Fire, you're not bold enough to talk to your own rival? Little fawn, so bold, such a curse isn't it. We are at war. Tomorrow, sun high we will strike and we will show no mercy, you better be prepared, I want a show for once." He purred, his orange gaze burned into her shamrock glare. He turned around before disappearing into the bushes.

"What is wrong with you!" Fire barked furiously, "You know we are low in numbers and you let your big mouth get ahead of yourself!" He berated her, "You're lucky we're going to need you, this may be your only chance to redeem yourself. We must make haste."

He bolted through the woods, her following close behind.
Chapter 7: The Stags
He howled, desperately attempting to summon the others, both Sapphire and Song came scrambling to the den in a panic.

"What is going on?" Song whined.

"Did I hear that right? A challenge?! We can't fight, we're going to die!" Sapphire barked.

"From the Shadow Hunter Pack," he hissed under his breath.

"How do you expect a broken pack with a pregnant leader to win a fight against a pack that is probably five times larger than ourselves?" Crystal hissed.

"Remember the legends, generations ago when our ancestors were fighting another pack ten times larger? What about that?" Sapphire suggested, "Maybe we could win."

"Bulls***," Crystal snarled, at that moment an idea popped in her head, "Actually, maybe we could win."

"Spit it out," he ordered.

"Quit being a piece of s*** to me and I'll actually tell you," she bared her teeth at him.

He sighed.

"Alright now we're going to need antlers for this, also we need to move dens, and fast." She began.

"What are antlers going to do for us?"

"Take elk for example, sharp spikes, one wrong move and BOOM! You're eye is gone." She explained.

"You're suggesting that we become elk?!" Sapphire arches her brow.

"You're a f***ing genius Saph! We find out a way to strap antlers to our heads!"

"Song not sure if she can carry antlers on her head," Song said.

"So we become stags?" Fire arched his brow at her.

"Stags? Whatever, but if elk antlers don't work than we can use mule deer antlers or white tail deer antlers for Song," Crystal suggested.

"Ice, she may not be able to make the trip to another den, she's far into her pregnancy to take that risk. Also what if they attack early? She won't have anywhere to hide." Fire explained.

Crystal huffed, "Then we put antlers as a blockade to the den, like a lot of them, and make sure the sharp ends are pointing out."

"And what about ourselves?" Sapphire asked.

"We strap antlers to our heads, now start collecting!" She barks, they nod before splitting ways.

After a few minutes they returned with antlers, Fire had begun stuffing the entrance of the den to protect Ice, Song had gathered vines to strap onto their heads, Sapphire had gathered antlers, and Crystal had begun strapping antlers to heads. Once they had finished they took any other necessary precautions, like wrapping vines around trees and stuffing them with antlers to serve as a wall against any intruders.

Once everyone was satisfied everyone took positions, Sapphire was the bait since she was the fastest, while Song kept a look out, but could easily take shelter under a cramped gap between the earth and the boulder that she or any wolf her size could fit into. Crystal and Fire were hidden in two different bushes so they could ambush the enemy.

This is an example of a stag in Wolf Quest 3 dreams, they can have antlers or horns, they are born like this because their mothers while they were pregnant they ate a herbivore that had too many minerals and/or hormones. Not only do they have horns but they are deer hybrids and ofc they aren't real, all fantasy, but they're fun to make ocs of anyways.

My art of it (Insert Fashion Meme)
Chapter 8: The Lychen Shadowhunter War (Incomplete)
The sun crept over the horizon, silhouettes of mountains loomed over them. A harsh, snowflaked breeze ruffled Crystal's fur as the trees and bushes around her rustled.

A challenging howl broke through the air, she noticed Fire's bright orange eyes widen in fear, an emotion she has never seen in her life from her father.

"What is it?!" She hissed.

"We can't win this." He whispered, cryptically.

"Specification, I don't need your supposed cryptic prophesies that I already know." She growled.

"They have seven, we have four."

"F***." She mumbled under her breath. She could see it written on his face, it was obvious he was contemplating on it, "No, this is our land, we cannot flee from it." She growled, firmly.

He met her gaze, "I knew you were crazy, but even you know we can't win this."

"Well, A. Mother can't go very far, considering her condition, and B. Sapphire and Song are already in their spots, so either way we can't go." She explained.

He growled, "Tell me what we have on our side that they don't?"

"You tell me how smart their leader is." She swapped it around.

At first he was confused, before quickly picking up on what she meant, "You're right, but though Sun is dimwitted both of us know he has the advantage in numbers."

"Well, we have sharp antlers, and brains. If the leader's dumb then the rest of his pack will be dumb."

He sighed, "I have misjudged you, haven't I?"

"You're lucky I don't want to challenge you to a Blood Moon Duel." She growled.

"Is this a threat?" He snarled.

"No, you can keep your precious rank, I don't want it, if it means turning into anything like you." She glared at him.

He glared back, "If you failed to protect someone you loved, you'd know why I act this way."

"I lost all of my brothers, what can be worse than that?"

"And it was your fault." He retorted.

"How the f*** was I supposed to know we were going to be attacked by coyotes? We were just collecting random items humans left behind. I fought them head on with Burn and Frost. None of us know where Glacier went." She shot back.

"I should've kept all of you inside when we were gone, and make strict restrictions."

"Then we'd all hate you." She growled.

"At least all of you would be alive, and safe."

"You only care because they were all your precious little boys that would pass the name of the pack down. I bet if it were one of us, you wouldn't even care." She retorted again, Especially me.

"You ungrateful---" He started before he was cut off by Song's surprisingly quiet howl.

Subconsciously, Crystal held her breath, waiting for her sisters to come down the hill and dive under the boulder. She sighed in solace when she saw both siblings dive under a boulder.

Followed by them were four wolves.

Lighting struck a nearby tree, wolves charged at her. They were all the same wolves from her nightmare. She noticed an antler and ripped it out of the tree, impaling the orange female.

The grey one bit down on her neck.

She thrash around, yowling in pain, she was forced to drop her antler.

Fire came to her aid and ripped her opponent off her back, throwing him into a tree.

She met his gaze before mouthing, "Thank you." That's when she noticed the pale orange body behind him, bloodied up, surrounded by a puddle of blood. She hadn't ever seen her father so vicious with any opponent of his, though she'd never seen him in action either.

He nodded before he noticed the fourth one with a gray coat, digging under the boulder.

Song was pressing her small body against the wall of the gap.

He lunged at the wolf, pinning him to the ground.

Terror was the only expression written on his face before Fire ripped out his esophagus and threw the organ several feet away from the body.

The lifeless corpse lay there as blood surrounded it.

"Are you two okay?" He asked.

Both of them nod.

"Good." Crystal said as she stayed vigilante, "Where are the rest of them?"

As if on cue two wolves came running down.

The obnoxiously bright orange one stopped in his tracks before grinning, "Well isn't it Fire? I thought you'd be hiding away with your mate? Speaking of Ice, where is she?"

"That is doesn't concern you." Fire growled, "We made an agreement and you broke it, that's pretty low, even for you, Sunburn."

"How dare you call me by that nickname? You will pay dearly for that."

"Nice vocabulary, Sunburn." He continued to mock the wolf.

He stomped his paw, "Stop it!" He cried before regaining his composure, "What is this concoction you've made, Fire?"

Crystal dipped her head down like a bull elk, "Be my guest."

The gray she-wolf charged at Sapphire and Song.

Crystal whipped around and charged at the she-wolf before impaling her.

The she-wolf shrieked in pain and fury before collapsing onto the ground, taking the pair of prosthetic antlers down with her.

Sun's eyes widened in terror.

Fire's ears perked, "Girls, go check on your mother, somethings off."

They nod as they run off.

They heard an enraged yowl come from Fire, but they didn't turn back.

Once they made it to the fence made of antlers they spotted a hole dug under it.

"Dammit!" Crystal barked in fury.

They squeezed through the hole only to find the barricade of antlers had been moved.

"MOTHER!" All three cry out diving into the hole, only to see her dead corpse.

Their mother's white furred corpse that matched Crystal's was tattered and in a pool of blood, all of her limbs severed from her body, along with several dead pups surrounding her. Their younger siblings they could never meet.

Whichever pack member infiltrated the den they savagely ended their mother, and hardly left any traces behind other than the hole and barricade removal.

Crystal's nose wrinkled in disgust and rage.

"No, no, no, no." Sapphire pleaded as she dove down next to her. Song sat next to her, sobbing.

"They're going to pay for this." Crystal snarled, rushing out of the den. She smelled the strong scent of blood coming from her father's direction. She rushed over.

She watched as Fire collapsed beneath Sun.

Sun began to cackle.

Her gaze narrowed in rage, "How dare you? First, one of your pack members savagely end my mother and now you finish my father, cackling? What the f*** is wrong with you?!" She lunged at him, ripping out a yearling spike elk antler and impaling him with it.

Lighting stuck as she did so.

Sun began gasping for air before collapsing.
Chapter 9: The Forgiven Heir
Crystal shoved Sun's wheezing body off of Fire before leaning down, "Fire."

He opened his orange eye, "I'm sorry, for... everything. I did truly misjudge you. You deserved so much better. I just want you to know that I never truly hate you, I was out of control, misguided... frustrated. I forgive you for that day. I- *wheeze* I will always love you Crystal. Take good care of your sisters. You are the true heir to the Lychen Pack. Goodbye, Crystal."

"I'm sorry, father." She whispered, her voice cracking.

He took his final breath as he closed his eyes, permanently.

Song and Sapphire came up from behind, their faces tear-stained, bowing down next to her.

"We must drag him to the den." Crystal said, solemnly.

The other two nodded as they dragged his corpse to the den, curling him around his dead mate and gently placing the pups.

"We must wait until their their bones remain, then we must hold the Afterlife Ceremony." Sapphire explained.

Three Weeks Later

The heaven's mourning hadn't ceased in weeks.

Their coats clung to their frames, flooding was common, and everything was far too soaked to allow for any fires to occur.

Crystal carried a weaved carrying the skulls of their parents and unborn siblings down behind the waterfall.

Song and Sapphire carried several flowers of their choosing.

Crystal set the basket down and backed away as her sisters grieved, placing the flowers in the basket.

Instead of grief she felt hatred, who would kill innocent beings in the most barbaric way before even giving them a chance at life?

She glared up at the sky, gripping the dirt beneath her paws, Are you happy now? She thought as she glared at the sky, You failed to allow to the mortal world, why did you allow Death Wolf to take their souls Life Wolf, why? Though in reality she blamed herself for their death, loosening her grip on the soil beneath her, Why did you allow me to not protect them?

Her thoughts were interrupted by Sapphire saying, "We're ready."

Crystal sighed, dragging her paws.

Together they gently pushed the basket into the river and watched as it drifted down into the sunset, guided by Water Wolf as she lead them to Sun Wolf.

They sat in silence, looking down.

"The Valley of the Ancients shall choose their next leader to lead the Lychen Pack by moon high." Sapphire said, quietly, "A few minutes before moon high we must enter the Cavern of the Chosen."

"Darkness shall bring the light." Song said.

Crystal looked down at her paws, "I don't deserve to go."

"Crystal, there is no choice, once both Alpha's have passed then every member of the pack must enter the darkest part of the cavern to be choose, no matter age or rank." Sapphire protested.

"And I don't have a rank, I failed to protect them, I can't enter!" She lashed out before sitting on the ground, facing away from them, "I don't deserve to." She finished, quietly.

"The elders know far more than we will ever know in our mortal lives, they will pick who they believe is the true chosen one." Sapphire said, sitting next to her sister.

"And if they don't pick any of us?" She asked.

"Then the Lychen Pack will be no more." Sapphire said, "And we will disperse into three different packs."

Crystal sighed as Song rubbed into her shoulder.

"It's not your fault. It's none of ours. Just promise you'll try to go through the trials with us." Sapphire said.

Crystal sighed, "Fine."

The tree gazed out at the sunset, waiting for moonhigh.

Chapter 10: The Chosen Trails Pt. 1 - The Test of the Body
The light of the full moon cut through the clouds, lighting the cave's entrance.

"This is it. The Chosen Trials." Sapphire said.

"The Chosen Trials?" Crystal raised a brow.

"There are three of them, the first is a test of the body, 'Your strength, your speed, your stamina, fire shall face you, if you pass you shall spread your power and earth shall lead you.'" Sapphire recited, "The next trail is the test of the mind, 'Wits and wisdom, memories shall haunt you, yet you mustn't waver in their presence. water and mist shall guide you into the depths of the darkness,' and finally the test of the spirit, 'Stay faithful, let darkness be your ally, and light shall rise from the darkness.'"

"Wow, incredible poem, that'd be a best seller." Crystal said, sarcastically.

"Don't look at me, look at the tabs." Sapphire said, pointing at the stone tabs that sat next to the entrance.

"Geez, poetry must've sucked back then." Crystal rolled her eyes, "Alright, who's going first."

Sapphire and Song looked at Crystal.

Crystal sighed, "Fine, lets go." She said, padding up to the cave entrance.

They enter and are immediately greeted by moonlight leaking through holes in the ceiling.

Crystal's ears perk before pinning to her skull, "Something's watching us." The other two pin themselves to her side.

"You are sharp." A deep, ghastly voice says.

All three whip around only to be met by the burning gaze of Fire Wolf.

He had bright orange eyes with no pupils, a coat radiating with heat, the tips of his ears were bright orange. His coat was black yet he had a mane around his chest that was literally made of fire. Every time he opened his mouth it was bright orange. His tail faded into fire at the tip along with his ruff. He was larger than her father when he was alive, he was the biggest wolf she'd ever seen.

"'Fire shall face you...' We're meant to spar with you, Fire Wolf... aren't we?" Sapphire said.

"Indeed, I will go easy on you." He grinned, "After all, I'm not sure how much you poor pooches can withstand."

Crystal looked him dead in the eye, "I'm not afraid of you."

"Tch, don't get too cocky, their's a difference between easy on someone in the realm of the Spirit Wolves and going easy in the realm of the mortal wolves." He sat down, "So go on then, come at me, I dare you."

Crystal was about to charge before Sapphire held her back.

"What are you doing?" Crystal growled.

"It's a trap, look, he's glowing brighter than he was before." Sapphire remarked.

"What do you--" Crystal noticed it too.

Fire Wolf smiled, "You've got a clever sister, young Crystal, I do applaud you, Sapphire."

She wanted to rip off that grin form his face.

"Now it is my turn, and don't worry, I won't burn you." He said, he was dimmer than before, from his once glories flames into these patterns twisting into fire-like shapes, and his once flaming ruff and tail became almost natural looking, and now he had pupils. He charged at them.

Crystal noticed where the pupils were directed at, he was charging at Song. She lunged at him, ripping at his throat, "Get away from her!"

Sapphire did the same while Song bit at his legs.

He growled, throwing them off.

Crystal was thrown into a wall. She screamed in pain.

He slammed her into a wall, his eyes burning, like fire.

He was about to bite her before Crystal raked at his underbelly before kicking him off.

He roared in pain and fury as he landed on his feet, his gaze narrowing, before he charged again.

Sapphire grabbed his neck followed by Song biting at his waist.

Crystal wobbly stood back up, snarling before lunging at his neck.

He struggled, roaring in pain.

They only bit harder. Suddenly they clamped down on their own jaws, and winced in pain.

Crystal looked around before the wisp of Fire Wolf appeared in front of her.

She yelped before growling.

"Settle down, Crystal. All three of you, sit down." Fire Wolf ordered.

Song and Sapphire sat on either side of Crystal.

Suddenly a wolf from the side of the cave morphed out, she had a brown coat with moss and plants growing from hers back, antlers, and she had green eyes. Green, purple, and blue crystals made the mane of his chest, ruff, and tail tip.

"I have tested your strength and speed, now it is time to put your endurance to the test." Fire Wolf explained, "You take it from here." Fire Wolf said, dispersing into sparks.

Earth Wolf placed a boulder down, "You must roll this down to the river." Her voice was firm.

"But how do we---?" Sapphire started.

"Close your eyes, and listen." She said.

They close their eyes.

"To the left." Sapphire said.

"Listen more intently." Earth Wolf said.

Crystal heard a more subtle noise coming from the right, "There's a cave river to the right."

"Correct. Now go."

They begin pushing the boulder up a hill.

Once they made it to the top the sound of rushing water was much louder.

Song collapsed.

"Congratulations. You have passed."

Suddenly sparks came together again to form Fire Wolf's wisp appeared again.

"Each of you have survived, yet only two may pass." Fire Wolf's wisp explained.

Crystal stood up objecting, "You're saying you're going to kill one of us?"

"Sit down, now!" He ordered.

Crystal felt fear ring out inside of her, she sat down.

"Good, now, since all of you have survived I have to send one of you back." He turned to Song, "Though you helped take me down you didn't initiate any attacks, I do apologize Song, but you must return to the entrance of the cave and wait there until dawn."

Song looked down, "Yes sir." She said, quietly before padding out, her head hung low.

Crystal and Sapphire watched, feeling sympathy for their sister.

"Focus young ones." Fire Wolf instructed.

They look up.

"You two have passed and we must give you a gift." Earth Wolf said.

Fire Wolf returned to his form again, though a lot dimmer than before, it was quite obvious they put him through quite a beating, "Stay still."

They sat there, waiting.

Fire Wolf pressed his paw onto the bottom of her chest, he did the same for Sapphire.

The paw print began glowing orange, but had some red and yellow accents.

Earth Wolf did the same, but instead the paw print glowed green at it was on the left side.

"Follow the creek until you have found Howling Caverns." Earth Wolf said.

"And keep your paws submerged at all times." Fire Wolf added.

"What are the Howling Caverns?" Sapphire asked.

"Where water and mist meet." Earth Wolf said.

"You'll know when you hear it." Fire Wolf replied as both of them became wisps again.

"Good luck, young ones." Earth Wolf said, in a ghastly voice.

Suddenly both of their wisps dispersed, once again Fire Wolf became sparks while Earth Wolf became dust.

"Where water and air meet. Hmm, follow the creek?" Sapphire suggested.

Crystal nodded.
Chapter 10: The Chosen Trails Pt. 2 - The Test of the Mind
"So, which way do you think we should follow the river?"

"I don't think the boulder thing isn't actually the full endurance test." Crystal observed.

"What do you mean?" Sapphire asked.

"They were getting rid of one of us to have the strongest to fight the current." Crystal suggested.

Sapphire raised a curious brow, "Interesting."

Crystal put a paw in the water.

The current was strong, cold, and as she took more steps into the water it got deeper until they were forced to swim.

"Wait a second, get back to the bank!" Crystal barked,

They swam back.

"What is it?"

"The next test is the test of the mind, correct?"


"Fire and Earth Wolves want us to think this is another endurance challenge when in reality we just need to keep our paws in the water the entire time. As long as our paws stay in the water we're fine." Crystal said.

Sapphire smiled giving Crystal a playful pat on her back, "You're a genius, Crystal."

Crystal smiled back as they began walking in the shallow end of the river.

They began hearing wind howling, almost like the ancestors were communicating with them.

The mist clumped together into a wolf, "Boo."

Sapphire recoiled into Crystal.

Crystal glared at the winged wolf.

"Hah! She gets it!" The winged wolf barked.

He already had a wispy consistency. His tail became more transparent, along with his ruff. His mane was curly, almost like clouds, along with most of him being white with some very pale blue eyes and wing patterns.

"Calm down." A calm, feminine voice said as Water Wolf appeared in front of them.

She was kind a calming shade of blue with her mane made of water, she had this wavy consistency to her. Her tail and ruff were made of water and she had blue eyes.

"Welcome to the Howling Cavern for the second chapter of this Trail." Water Wolf introduced the trail.

"Alright here is the first riddle, 'All about, but cannot be seen, I can be captured, cannot be held, what am I?'"

"Wind!" Sapphire cried.

"Dammit, you beat me to it." Crystal growled.

Sapphire grinned.

"Okay, impress me. Tell me a riddle that even I don't know." Wind Wolf challenged.

"Hmm..." Sapphire paused.

"What disappears as soon as you say it's name?" Crystal asked.

Wind Wolf sat down, stumped he admitted, "I got nothing. Do you remember?" He turned to Water Wolf.

She shrugged.

"What is it?"

"Silence." Crystal said.

"What?!" Wind Wolf's voice boomed as he jumped up, his coat turned a dark grey, his eyes turned yellow, sparking with lighting, his once curly appearance became ragged, like lightning, his feathers also started to become shaped like lightning, "How is that possible, such a simple answer!"

"Calm down." Water Wolf ordered.

He took a deep breath, sitting back down, returning to his original form.

"Now lay down in the water over there." Water Wolf ordered the two.

They padded over and a puddle formed around them.

I look around, tree's surrounding me.

I hear Frost shriek.

I whip around, blood surrounding him, staining his pale grey coat.

"Frost!" I shriek.

Another threw Burn into a tree.

"Burn!" I cry.

"Run!" He cries, blood dripping down his black coat.

Tears rolled down my face.

"Go, NOW!" Frost orders me.

The tree coyotes surrounded her.

She looked around.

"Well, what're you going to do now that your little friends are dead hmm?" Their leader smiled, blood dripping down his maw.

I growl before noticing a spike elk antler.

I dove underneath the coyote and grabbed it.

Then I run up the base of the tree before jumping off.

I landed on the head of the leader.

He snapped at me.

I impale his skull, blood splattered everywhere as he fell.

The other two coyotes backed away in terror.

I glare at them, "Run away cowards, and never return!"

I collapse from exhaustion.

Several other memories of her biggest regrets of her life played in her head.

She heard Sapphire gasping and opened up her eyes.

She sat up slowly, gripping the pebbles of the cave. She turned her head and padded over to Sapphire, placing her chin on her sister's shoulder, "Shh, it's okay." She whispered.

Sapphire sat down, tears streaming down her face, "I failed him."

Crystal sighed, quietly, "No, you didn't. It's my fault, not yours." Then she split from the embrace, looking down before admitting, "I shouldn't have led any of you on that expedition in the first place. Then none of this would've happened."

Sapphire looked up, "Crystal---"

"None of the boys would be dead, I wouldn't have been outcasted, we would've had better odds of surviving the Lychen Shadowhunter War, mother and father would still be alive..." She sighed at the last statement, "And our little siblings would be safe and sound in the den. It was all my fault from the beginning. I'm not worthy of being the leader." She looked up, meeting Sapphire's gaze and placing a paw on her sister's chest, "Sapphire, promise me you'll pass the final test. Promise me you'll become the alpha."


"Promise me." Crystal said, firmly.

Sapphire paused for a long moment, looking down at her paws before looking up and nodding.

"I need more than just a nod Saph." Crystal said.

She looked down at her paws again, "I-I promise."

"Look me in the eyes." Crystal ordered, firmly.

Sapphire sighed before reluctantly looking up, "I promise."

Crystal nodded approvingly before turning around, taking one last glace at her sister, "Good luck." She said before she began making her way back.

"Halt child." Water Wolf suddenly said.

Crystal halted in her tracks before turning to the wolf, "Yes?"

"A leader puts others before herself. Do you realize what you've done, young Crystal?"

She raised a brow, "What do you mean?" She looked down again, "Sapphire is clearly the true heir, not me. I've done too much."

"Crystallo..." Air Wolf started, slowly, "Girl, you just put your sister before yourself. That's called selflessness. You know that, right?"

Once again she raised her head and brow, "But she's---"

"YOU PASS!" Air Wolf exclaimed, jumping from one spot to another like a breeze.


"What he means is, the entire point of the second half of the Test of the Mind is an act of selflessness. Not only did you comfort your sister, but you also appointed her as the alpha before the test was over." Water Wolf explained.

Sapphire smiled before giving her sister a hug, "Good luck, Crystal." She whispered into Crystal's ear before she padded down the tunnel.

Crystal was dumbfounded as both Spirit Wolves approched her, after they placed their paws on her chest, leaving blue and grey marks, they stepped aside, allowing her entry into the next trial.

"Betta make it count, kid." Air Wolf winked.

"Good luck, young one." Water Wolf added, "Not many make it." She mumbled under her breath.

Her entire face lit up, a new fire in the twinkle of her eye as she grinned before bounding down the tunnel.
Chapter 10: The Chosen Trials Pt. 3 - The Test of the Spirit
She began slowing down as the tunnel began to grow darker, and darker the more until it was pitch black.

She wasn't used to situations with darkness involved.

"Oof!" She grunted as she hit a wall. She shook her head and looked around.

Nothing. No traces of any other lifeforms except for her past tense self.

She began to wonder if she went made a stray turn, but according to her footsteps she'd been going in a straight line the entire time. So, what was the issue?

Suddenly she saw a blue glow being reflected off the wall.

She yelped in surprise as she recoiled.

She started hearing water dripping from the stalactites and padded over the the puddle.

The blue reflection followed her until she reached the cave puddle.

She gasped in realization.

The light source: herself.

Diamond like patterns all over her legs with stripes that looked like shoelaces on boots, but the diamonds in between the laces on her thighs were outlined, a similar diamond pattern on ears with a crisscross stripe pattern on ears, a diamond shaped marking on forehead outlined, her ruff tipped with blue along with ears, a bird-shaped marking outlined on the base of the tail, a snowflake-like marking that looked like four diamonds coming together with four other diamonds lingering nearby, and her tail tipped with a lighter blue that had some of the crisscross pattern overlapping it, once again forming the upper leg and thigh patterns. All of it glowing blue, even her once shamrock green eyes had become a shade of turquoise. Then she noticed underneath her left turquoise eye, it had three diamond markings.

"It's interesting to see a Moontear Wolf with such markings." A commanding, yet warm voice said from behind.

She flinched, whipping around, only to be met with the soft orange gaze of Sun Wolf.

He had a star-shaped ruff, a mostly yellow body with orange accents, a mane that glowed, along with his tail. Almost... impossible to describe his magnificence, far more glorious than Fire Wolf when flexing.

"An Aurora Wolf ancestor." A gentle, soft-spoken voice said nearby, it sounded almost like a lullaby. So familiar, just as her mothers' voice, if she remembered correctly.

Then a she-wolf stepped out, a blueish grey coat, gentle blueish, purple gaze, a black crescent moon marking on her forehead, a transparent mane encircling her chest. Her entire appearance mystical and alluring.

"Indeed." Sun Wolf responded.

"And, Aurora Wolf?" Crystal tilted her head.

Both celestial beings turned to each other, Sun Wolf grinned while Moon Wolf merely smiled.

Then they both turned back to her.

"Amaia." Sun Wolf called.

Suddenly a wolf with a pure white coat appeared, she wore a black cloak, a scythe hung on her side, then a pair of hollow black eyes stared at her, the wolf's head was a wolf skull.

This was Death Wolf.

"Why do you request my presence, Sol?" Death Wolf asked, in almost a hushed whisper, it looked unnatural seeing a skull speak.

"As you know, this is Crystal---"

"I know all souls who breathe and who have passed." Death Wolf interrupted, her voice still in a whisper.

"Indeed, I request that you show her, her ancestors."

Death Wolf nodded before she summoned five generations worth of wolves.

The ones from her mothers side appeared to the right of her mother while her father had his family appear to the right.

"Show us When Blizzards Rage." Sun Wolf ordered.

Death wolf obliged as a white wolf with the exact same markings as Crystal from Fire's side appeared in front of her. Though they were black, and her eyes, oh what wonderful eyes she had, ice blue staring into her own, currently turquoise eyes.

"Do you know who this is?" Sun Wolf asked.

She shook her head in response.

"That is your great grandmother, well on your grandmother's side." Sun Wolf explained, "She was an Aurora Wolf. It's quite obvious you've inherited many traits, both physical and personality wise."

"Wow." Crystal gasped in awe.

Moon Wolf smiled before saying, "You've proven yourself, child. It is time for you to return."

Crystal nodded as she began padding away.

"Well hold on." Sun Wolf said.


"You forgot something."

She realized what he meant and sat down.

At the center of the four terrestrial paws is where they left their celestial mark.

She smiled before saying, "Thank you."

Both wolves nodded before they stepped aside, revealing a dimly lit tunnel.

She looked at both of them, unsure.

The nodded and she made her way out.
Chapter 11: The Last of the Lychens
As she stepped out blinding light caused her coat to glimmer, revealing the hidden patterns all over her body.

"Welcome back, Crystal." Sapphire smiled, as they placed their chins on each others shoulders.

"Song was worried about you." Song said as she and Crystal did the same.

She smiled before they split, "Thanks."

"How'd it go?" Sapphire asked.

"Um, Crystal, what happened to your fur?" Song asked, staring at her patterns.

Crystal chuckled, before turning to Sapphire, "I guess Moontear Wolves are real."

Sapphire grinned, "It suits you well."

Crystal grinned before approaching the cliff ahead of them, her two sisters followed, "We have a long way to go. Don't we?"

"Yeah." Sapphire agreed.

While Song nodded in agreement.

"We're really the last of our pack." Crystal said.

"The last of the Lychens." Sapphire added.

They nod.

Both of them turned to her before Crystal smiled, then turned back to the sunrise, "The last of the Lychens. I like it. It has a nice ring to it." Crystal sighed, "That's why we need to stick together for as long as possible."

"Yeah." Song agreed.

"We are stronger together." Sapphire added.

They did one final nod before they continued to stare at the sunrise.

Once the sun rose they left the cliff and began climbing down the mountain.

"So, where do we go, oh great leader?" Sapphire asked, somewhat sarcastically.

"Wherever the elk are, any suggestions?" Crystal asked.

"I've heard Amethyst Mountain is pretty bountiful." Sapphire said.

"Then Amethyst Mountain it is." Crystal barked as they began heading East.
Chapter 12: Amethyst Mt. Enter Jays Wing
Disclaimer: This was an RP, I did my best to get as many events as accurately as possible, but also added some things to it, like Pyro.

After a couple of days of scaling mountains, crossing rivers, and Sun Wolf's heat beat down on them they finally made it to their destination.

They had stayed on a cliff, overlooking most of Lamar Valley, and slept there the night until morning came.

Crystal awoke, her body in between her two sisters and the cliff's edge. She yawned as she stretched out her limbs.

Song stirred before her eyes fluttered open, "Where are you going?"


"Need help?" Sapphire asked, groggily.

She contemplating on saying a yes or no before saying, "It's your choice." Then she continued her way.

Sapphire and Song followed close behind.

Crystal lowered her head, attempting to sniff out any scents of hunt-able options. She smelled an elk herd and began following it.

After a couple of hours Sapphire observed, "Uh, Crystal, we're in pack territory. We should head back."

She lifted her head and noticed the scent marker, she nodded before turning around, "Saph, where are elk most prominent?"

Sapphire thought for a moment, "Usually open fields at lower elevations, this time of year. Like down by Lamar River."

"Alright, lets head there then." Crystal replied as she turned around and began heading towards Lamar River.

They looked around, staring at the petrified forest they were traveling through.

Sapphire noticed a purple glint nearby, she padded over to it and grinned when she saw it, "Hey Crystal, I found you."

Crystal raised a brow as she turned around before noticing the crystal and sighing, "Seriously Saph?" She said, rolling her eyes playfully.

Sapphire snickered, "Imma keep this just to taunt you."

"Whatever." Crystal rolled her eyes, holding back a few snickers of her own.

"Song likes the view." Song remarked, looking over the valley.

The two sisters came over and gasped.

"Jeez, you're right, Song. This is incredible." Sapphire gasped.

Crystal nodded in agreement, "We should probably head down."

They agreed and followed her as Sun Wolf rose over the horizon.

Amethyst Mt., Jays Wing's POV (third person)

The blind she-wolf wandered the valley before stumbling upon the scents of three new wolves, and from the smell of it, they were hunting bull elk.

She decided to follow the smell in hopes of pleading for scraps.

Though she crouched, knowing she'd stick out like a sore paw in the golden yellow grass of the autumn landscape.

Amethyst Mt., Crystal's POV (third person)

"Song is not so sure about this, Crystal." Song said as they encroached on the herd of bull elk.

"It's fine guys, really." Crystal replied as they began stalking.

"I have to agree with Song on this one, this is dangerous, and stupid. Very stupid." Sapphire replied.

"Will you guys shut up, I'm kinda trying to hunt here." She snapped before adding firmly, "This may be our only meal for weeks, we have to take the risk."

Sapphire groaned reluctantly, "Let me put this away then." She said, padding over to a nearby rock and placing the crystal there, before carefully setting the rock back onto the geode so it wouldn't break. Then she joined them again.

Then Crystal began nipping at the elk, testing their strength.

All of them were strong, so she went for the one that wasn't as strong as the others.

She lunged at its throat.

Sapphire gripped it's front leg while Song handled the rear leg.

After a few minutes of chasing and biting Song yelped in pain.

"Song!" Sapphire shouted in alarm, "Crystal we need to aboard, Song just got kicked in the face!"

"No! We're too close!" Crystal barked.

"Crystal, please!" Sapphire pleaded before shrieking in pain as the elk threw her ten feet in the air.

"Sapphire!" She screamed.

Crystal had to make the choice, risk loosing her sisters or starving for the next couple of days.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard a spine chilling crunch, followed by the feeling of her entire paw being on fire. She yowled in pain.

She realized the elk had just stomped on her front paw.

Then she was thrown fifteen feet, she yowled in pain and fury.

A black flash came from the bushes, swiftly delivering a fatal blow to the throat, before the figure forcing the elk down with brute strength.

Once finished he howled victoriously before turning around before approaching Crystal, "Miss me?"

It took a moment to process the wolf before realizing exactly who it was, "Pyro!"

He grinned, "Need some help?"

"No, help my sisters. I can handle myself." She ordered.

He shrugged, "Whatever you say." He said before helping Sapphire up.

"So, from the name Crystal just exclaimed, you're Pyro?" Sapphire said as they reached the carcess.

"Indeed." He replied before going off to help Song.

Crystal limped over.

Song waited to eat after everyone.

"Go ahead." Crystal said.

Song raised a brow, "Are you sure?"

"I insist."

Song padded over, her gaze averted as she ate. Once the small female finished Crystal ate, after all, she was the one who brought them into this mess.

Crystal's ears perk as she smelled someone's prescience. She lunged at the stranger, pinning the dark coated female down.

She yelped in surprise.

She looked mostly like a magpie, with the hints of blue in her dark coat and several patches of greyish, white, a short tail, and blue eyes.

The female attempted to wriggle free.

Crystal bit down on the female's coat, "You're not going anywhere." She then stopped biting down and immediately switched it to her paw pinning down her, "What do you want form us?"

The magpie-like she-wolf opened her eyes and replied, "I just need food, that's all. I'm not a threat."

Crystal realized those blue eyes were pupil-less and immediately stepped off.

This she-wolf was blind.

Crystal sighed, "Go ahead." She stepped aside.

The blind she-wolf's face immediately lit up as she padded over and ate.

She glared at the stranger, "I don't trust her." She whisper-growled.

"Do you know the definition of blind?" Sapphire asked sarcastically in a whisper.

"She could be faking." She snapped back in a whisper.

"She's blind! B. L. I. N. D.! Bliiiinnnddd." Sapphire whispered.

"You know I can hear you guys, right?" The newcomer said.

Both sisters immediately shut their mouths.

Enhanced hearing. Crystal observed, they were over thirty fox lengths away.

The stranger decided to start small talk, "So, I'm Jays Wing, how about you guys?"

"I'm Sapphire, the one who talks in third person is Song, and the one who is paranoid is Crystal." Sapphire introduced each of them.

"Hey!" Crystal barked furiously, she was about to tackle her sister before Pyro held her back.

Jays Wing chuckled slightly.

"And I'm Pyro." Pyro added, slightly straining.

Crystal huffed, reluctantly giving up.

He let go of her tail as he sat down.

Suddenly Jays' eyes flickered red before her legs gave way.

Sapphire gasped, rushing over to help her up. The others joined her, "Are you okay?"

Characters From Other Players:

Jays Wing: kingstonbro (WQAE Username)
ScorpionVenus212 11 Jul @ 5:53pm 
Best. Book. Ever.
Maggeee 25 Feb @ 6:23am 
this is really good
11crystal  [author] 23 Feb @ 6:39pm 
Tysm, I'm so sorry that I haven't really been updating lately (I've been a bit busy lately) but I'm back now. I'll try to post as often as I can (Mostly on Mondays after 4:30 pm (mountain time), Tuesdays, some Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays)
lese0116 4 Feb @ 12:44pm 
Nice job! Looking forward to more!
topp 30 Jan @ 10:21am 
So far it seems quite good.
11crystal  [author] 29 Jan @ 7:00pm 
Btw this a redo of the original because it failed miserably so I decided to start from scratch and I hope that this ends up a lot better then what happened last time. So I hope you guys enjoy this revision.