Dungeon Siege III

Dungeon Siege III

48 ratings
Add Console & List of Commands
By 「平和明」
This guide will help you to add a console. (Now you can use individual camera in a multiplayer game)

Guide from: https://sites.google.com/site/dungeonsiege3mod/
Enable Console
Step 1:
Download gui.zip from either of the locations below:
Mirror 1[docs.google.com]

Step 2:
Unzip the downloaded zip file to your %steamapps%\common\dungeon siege iii\data folder. My full path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dungeon siege iii\data. Once it unzips you'll see a gui folder with the help_topics.scn and game.gui files. The game.gui is for a game with the DLC.

How to Use
In game, press Esc buttom and select Help Topics. The console will open.
Useful Console Commands
Must Know These Commands

  • modal_close_all
    Closes all open windows (including console). This is quite possibly the most important console command you will need to know!!! Without it, there is no way of getting back into the game after you open the console.

  • message_box_ok Hello World
    Shows "Hello World" message in a "Press OK" popup window. It also refreshes command console. This is quite possibly the second most important console command out there. Most commands (and discovery of commands) requires some console return code or status or success message, which can't be read until the console is refreshed.

Camera Controls

  • multiplayer_tether_screen 0
    MOST IMPORTANT MULTIPLAYER COMMAND EVER!!!!! Untether the dratted co-op screens from eachother! Set this phreaking value to 0 for the love of all that is good in the world! To re-tether the screens back, set it to 1... but who on earth would do that?

  • camera_multiplayer_control 0
    Set to 0 to disable camera rotation FOR ALL PLAYERS. Set to 1 to allow camera rotation (default).

  • camera_yaw_damp 100.0
    Speed at which the camera ROTATE dampens (slows down) 0=never... 7.5 deafault), 100 means almost instantly stop rotating when the mouse stops. By default, when you stop rotating, the screen keeps rotating for a little bit of time.

  • camera_yaw_speed 10.0
    Slow or speed up the rotate. Lower value is slower, higher is faster. (55 is default speed)

  • top_down_collision_mp 0
  • top_down_collision_sp 0
    Set to 1 to NOT allow the camera to collide with the buildings... set to 0 to make the camera pass through buildings instead of adjusting by zooming in/out when you run against the wall. Personally, I do NOT like collision in this game because it forces the camera in multiplayer to go top town... and in single player to zoom in super far. Turning off collision makes the camera stay put no matter what. Sadly, this means if you are behind a wall, and the camera is in the wrong direction, you may see wall, not your player. As you probably guessed, _mp is multi-player and _sp is single-player settings.

Multiplayer Commands

  • rcon <command>
    Remote Console execution... if one is connected but is NOT hosting... he/she can not make changes to global server variables like tethering. Use this command to remotely execute untether command if you did not host the game like this:
    rcon multiplayer_tether_screen 0

  • session_type Private
    Set to "Offline" to play single player, "Private" to enable only friends to join, and "Public" to allow anyone online to join

  • kill 0
    Kills player (default is 0, YOU). Somehow, it does not allow others to be killed... only yourself.

  • kick 1
    Kicks player index 1. (0 is yourself... if you try to kick yourself you will get a message "you can not kick host")

  • say Hello World
    Types in multiplayer chat "Hello World"

Misc Commands

  • find ki
    Lists ALL commands and command descriptions that contain the searched text. Example would be "find ki" would return many results including "kick" and "kill" command.

  • revert_all
    Reset ALL settings back to default (sometimes needed if you screw up some setting and no one can join your game)

  • save
    opens the save screen
    Notes: save is a popup screen, so call it like this to avoid the game gui to be messed up: "modal_close_all; save"

  • scale 0 2.0
    Sets your player's size to scale up 2 times. The command "scale 0 3.0" would tripple player 0's size (big giant walking around). It seems that you can ONLY set your OWN size... but everyone can see it.

  • death_notify_respawn 1
    Enables respawn in the death notification... which means that after your entire party dies, you do not have to load the game... but can continue right where you were.

Single Player Only

  • top_down_zoom_all
    Enables a 3rd camera (which is the multiplayer NO PAN/PITCH camera). You can access this new camera with your scroll mouse. Instead of two camera angles, you get 3.

  • top_down_mp_pitch 55.5 72.5 89.5
    Testing... but does not work
LamaDucc 22 Sep, 2023 @ 5:26pm 
I find this command works better than God:
player_min_health 3000

To increase player speed, there are 2 choices (I prefer the second as I find the first too fast):
player_additive_speed 5
palladin9479 19 Mar, 2023 @ 3:20pm 
Links are all dead...
jesus_loves_the_aliens 5 Jan, 2022 @ 12:58am 
I have downloaded the console thingee from multiple sites, and followed the instructions to the letter. It hasn't worked once. One made my game not load, and all the others resulted in no console being there. I've tried maybe six or seven, and not a single one has worked.
Forge 6 Jan, 2020 @ 4:42pm 
Hi, when I select Help Topics, the games closes. Help?
Confused Undead 26 Jul, 2017 @ 9:29am 
Type god. You wont lose health but cant gain health orbs
MacDrozzi 24 Mar, 2017 @ 6:31pm 
NM, figured out I must add a "1" after the command. Apologies for the bother.
MacDrozzi 24 Mar, 2017 @ 6:15pm 
Hello, hope you're all well. I've followed all the above instructions to the letter, enabled the top_down_zoom_all, did the message_box_ok command. Says the camera fix has been enabled, but it still only gives me two zoom options. Even tried it on a new game, with key bindings set to default. Still doesn't work. Any help appreciated, thank you.
「平和明」  [author] 24 Jul, 2016 @ 11:14pm 
@Mr. A, you are welcome :tgrin: