

72 Bewertungen
Best Ore Base Locations with bonus Skill Berry Trees
Von Tharsis
Here is a collection of the best locations I found when searching for my second base, plus any that are shared with me in the comments.

Having a dedicated ore base is essential for reasonable progression in the tech tree, you need so much ore so your second base should be dedicated to that. Find a good ore site, and employ a bunch of Tombats to mine for you (easy to find, 2 in mining and they don't need sleep). Eventually you should head to the western desert (Where Anubis is) to catch a bunch of Digtoise (3 in mining) to replace the Tombats.

An there are plenty of ore sites on the map, so I judged my locations harshly: plenty of ore, easy to defend from raids, and bonus points if near a skill berry tree that is not already near a fast travel.

The reason for this is that on my server I like to fast travel around to every skill berry tree at the end of the day and there are only a few trees that are not a quick trip away, so you can use this base to add another berry tree to your fast travel circuit.
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Location 1: Waterfall Cliffside

309, -36

Very Protected, all raids spawn below the cliff
Skill Berry Tree at the bottom of the cliff
Easy access to the Jormuntide Boss
Purple chest repeatedly spawns next to base

Limited build area
Pathing errors cause Pals to fall off cliff so you must build walls everywhere

Location 2: Desert Overlook

-35, -167

Mostly Protected from raids
Skill Berry Tree is almost inside the base
Easy access to the desert and the Anubis boss
Can collect sulfur from nearby desert
Nearby Caged Pal for easy collection


Location 3: Western Hilltop

-261, -214

Skill Berry Tree is almost inside the base
Close to Jormuntide boss
Decent access to the desert and the Anubis boss
Can collect sulfur from nearby desert
Nearby Caged Pal for easy collection

Less protection from raids

Bonus Desert Coal Base
The northern desert also has a good Coal base (with some ore scattered further around) around the {326, 479} Skill Berry Tree if you want to be perfectly optimized. Ideally you will want a base in both a hot and cold environment so that eggs that prefer those temps will hatch faster. Without a hot base, if you find a huge dragon egg you will be waiting 3 days for it to hatch.

11 Kommentare
Luna Savage 10. Feb. 2024 um 7:43 
Is the coal base a little too hot and cold (at night) for Dragon Eggs? I'm hoping I'm missing something, and it's actually perfect?
Lord Skarra 2. Feb. 2024 um 23:52 
So my favorite spot has been leaked... oh no need new VPN....

Desert Overlook... Has coal,iron, and tree, i built my house behind the tree, so its in my front yard...

The only real downside so far, is there is not alot of flat land to have a ton of stuff built.
jphilippe211 1. Feb. 2024 um 20:37 
right north of Chillet Boss, accross the suspended bridge on top of the mountain is a location easy to defend thye spawn at the bottom and cant climb and you get a ton of ore.
Levitatè 31. Jan. 2024 um 9:15 
Spot south of mini snow area on cliff with coal and ore :er_wave:
Bregader 30. Jan. 2024 um 18:50 
Nice work thank you very much!!!
birolay 29. Jan. 2024 um 18:53 
Location 3: Western Hilltop
Pros: it's beautiful 🥹🥹🥹
tippy052180 28. Jan. 2024 um 19:26 
theres a lot in the red area close to spawn
CasualAptitude 26. Jan. 2024 um 4:46 
Funny. I had scouted two of these locations on my own. Then boom you just confirmed that they are awesome spots. There is another near bamboo grove that only has one slope entrance that I'm debating. Thanks for the guide!!!
♫WolfyX♫ 25. Jan. 2024 um 14:06 
Location 3: Western Hilltop
Ужасное место для базы, потому что его рейдят со всех сторон, а ящик палов поставить нужно строго между рудами, ибо только там он может встать
de.Luci.onal 25. Jan. 2024 um 11:20 
Desert Overlook bussin