New Cycle

New Cycle

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New Cycle - Endgame Planner [SPOILERS]
By Judi Wrench
A guide, with attached planner, for the End game of New cycle
Intro & Log
Welcome to the Endgame Planner, if you've clicked through here you've seen the spoiler for the endgame tag already, but final warning for spoilers before continuing

To do:

- Find any bugs, add any suggestions
- Add time to build calculations from raw materials
- Add population/Infrastructure calculator for supporting city required


1.06 - "COMPLETE" or "Ticked" function added to allow levels and modules to be marked as done
1.05 - Module List added to Planner
1.04 - Planner updated with level calculations
1.03 - Planner updated with levels VI-X
1.02 - Images updated to images instead of links
1.01 - Images roughly added, levels added to planner
1.00 - Guide created, planner added
During the mid game the player is alerted to the coming oxygen crisis and told to prepare by building a bunker to survive it. Around day 1600, the player will receive the "its time" pop-up and the chosen survivors with flock to the shelter over the coming days. Upon triggering of the final event, all construct will pause and no further construct can be completed. A small deficit of each of the balances is seemingly allowed (needs testing).

2 milestones will appear along the path of construction 125 and 200 survivors, though this may be changed by the decisions selected.

The bunker itself is a 12 X 12 structure requiring road access at the front, with 20 worker, 10 Craftsman and 10 Specialist workforce slots. The amount of workforce significantly reduces the build time of the chosen modules from ~360 days for a power modules at minimum down to 10 days at full workforce. It features a central shaft, with modules placed at increasing depth, 3 on the first 2 levels, 2 on the last 2

Level X bunker (Full size)

An important consideration for building the bunker is the time for construction, a bunker housing 600+ workers is possible but will have significantly higher material cost and construction time than the minimum

Planner V1[]

The above planner includes the basic material costs for the Bunker, cost per level and build times to be added when testing concludes.

Please copy the document for your own use and experimentation for build, but include credit when used.

Using the calculator, it appears 900 is the maximum saved-able population, with all positive balances, although builds of this size require an extensive amount of material:

LIVING QUARTERS - 15 Stacked Dormitories
WATER - 7 Underground Wells
FOOD - 11 Indoor Farms
PRODUCTION - 7 Foundry and Furnace
ELECTRICITY - 26 Thermal Exhaust Turbines
VENTILATION - 12 Air Treatment Drums
LOGISTICS - 2 Repositories

~ Thanks to chadpet75

Currently, the flavour text of each of the modules has no known effect on the final outcome of the bunker







Judi Wrench  [author] 4 Apr @ 12:44pm 
AFAIK, the trigger condition is providing sufficient space for the required colonist, in my testing that was 200 or the 2nd stage of the mission after which the event triggers around 400 days later

Haven't done in depth testing especially since the patch but will get round to it soon™
Moon 4 Apr @ 5:03am 
I would like to know
Trigger conditions for everyone to enter the bunker
Is it n days after building the bunker?
Or are there other conditions?
Because the first time I played, it ended at 1200 days
The second time I played, I was asked to enter the bunker after more than 800 days.
A lot of things haven't been built yet
if it is random
Doesn't that mean I spent a while building?
In the end, it still depends on whether I am lucky enough to pass the level perfectly?
Judi Wrench  [author] 30 Jan @ 2:00am 
Yes you're correct chadpet75, Guide updated with the build
chadpet75 27 Jan @ 2:46pm 
I think 900 saved-able population can be done with a different set of modules, with all positive balances:

LIVING QUARTERS - 15 Stack Dormitories
WATER - 7 Underground Wells
FOOD - 11 Indoor Farms
PRODUCTION - 7 Foundry and Furnace
ELECTRICITY - 26 Thermal Exhaust Turbines
VENTILATION - 12 Air Treatment Drums
LOGISTICS - 2 Repositories
YujoKameida 22 Jan @ 8:59am 
you can have the bunker quest line pop up before day 300 if you are quick enough. you can even skip loads of events and story by accident. its not tied to how many days go past.