New Cycle
Grid City Guide
作者: Locke
This guide is just a collection of 12x13 grid squares which seem to fit almost every building pretty efficiently.
Grid Basics
The most common sizes of building in the game (with examples):
  • 3x3
    • House
    • Furnace
  • 4x4
    • Cookhouse
  • 6x6
    • Storehouse
    • Lumbermill
  • 7*5
    • Smith
    • Herb Garden
  • 4*5
    • Workshop
  • 7*7
    • Farm
    • Quarry

This makes it a bit strange to find a one-size fits all grid pattern. From testing, 12x13 (surrounded by roads) seems good enough, with some double or quadruple-size blocks to cover a housing block and the largest buildings.

I've calculated the space efficiency of the layouts by counting the number of non-road tiles within the grid square, and dividing it by the total number of available squares (excluding the outer edge of road tiles). The idea being that more non-road buildings within a square is more efficient, and that should help people identify more space-efficient layouts if they want.
Housing Block
This layout is for a housing block that fits within 4 grid squares and provides almost 100% coverage for all services, up to Tier 2 (delete corner houses to get 100% coverage, if that bothers you!)

Add outer ring of houses once the pub is upgraded to the tier 2 version. I haven't gotten far enough into the game to see if there are larger versions of the service buildings.

83% Efficient
Industry Blocks
These are a collection of single-grid cell blocks. Swap around as necessary and add things like waterpumps, gathering stations etc.

Forge Block

92% Efficient

Smith Block

100% Efficient

Workshop Block

92% Efficient

Lumber/Storage Block

92% Efficient

Tailor/Kitchen Block

94% Efficient

Quarry/Farm Block

This block is two tall, as the 7x7 of a farm or a quarry is difficult to fit in. Quarry can be paired with either a smith or a kiln, while the farm can be paired with a herb garden or a brewery. Bottom can be any 6x6 building like lumbermill or storage

94% Efficient
16 件のコメント
Dr. Soviet 3月28日 6時38分 
Could anyone please explain efficiency?
King of the Black Throne 2月2日 8時13分 
W stands for Watchtower
Hyshphahos 1月30日 8時49分 
what's "W" ? need legend
Turk 1月29日 13時04分 
Wells are 3x3 not 2x2 so it throws off the housing block a bit.
Pathfinder 1月27日 10時52分 
lets enjoy the game first before we go crazy on maximizing efficiency... that being said, I'll be back to this page in a week or so i KNOW IT!!!
WeelieTired 1月25日 6時26分 
LOVE this! Going in to use this concept rn. Thanks!
q1: how big is the starer town hall? I think it's equal to a lumber camp?
q2: What's the size of a windmill? 2x2 or 3x3 like a house?
The off-sizes of everything has vexxed me in making an efficient city grid that extends out into the farmlands... This will help solve that! Just extend the roads way out to the mining hills and plant the farm grids in the green zone. Awesome! Thanks!
Mpovas 1月23日 7時47分 
Whats the debuff on the house without a road?
Arashi 1月22日 17時28分 
It would be really helpful if you include the conveyor belt connections for each production buildings with images. It seems that a lot people are struggling with that and had to demolish and rebuild when they hit conveyor belt tech to make room for it.
YujoKameida 1月22日 12時10分 
resources dont need to travel in this game unless they are on a conveyor belt. people dont need to walk to work. so the "anno style" laying out of buildings for the game (in its current form) is excessive.
YujoKameida 1月22日 12時07分 
you also pair lumber or quarry with a farm? but that takes limited land suitable for agriculture base don the quality of the the farming land nodes also. same with windfarms theres only certain palce son teh map where they are usefula nd not a waste of resources. efficiency is key in some building placement but not all. so the layouts is kinda over engineering it a bit and disregarding specific placement on the maps geography.