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PalWorld Dedicated Server in Docker (SteamCMD)
Από f8upd8
Wanna play with your friends, but can't stand bare metal deployment? I'm here to help!
Μη αγαπημένο
First of all, you should install Docker. I won't give you any better help than the official docker docs:
(OPTIONAL) Then, you should have git installed. For that, head to and install the relevant version for your OS.
Save the Dockerfile
If you have installed git, you can simply clone the repository to save the file. Open the Powershell/CMD/Linux shell, and head to a directory, where you will drop the Dockerfile.

cd <PATH> cd palserver

Or, alternatively, just grab the contents of the Dockerfile in the github repository and save it into a file named Dockerfile (without extension)
Build and run the image
Run the following commands (they are the same for both windows and linux). Make sure to read the comments carefully.

# Server build command docker build . --tag palserver # Fill the < > brackets in the command and run it docker run \ -p <SERVER PORT>:8211/tcp \ -p <SERVER PORT>:8211/udp \ --mount type=bind,source="<PATH WHERE YOU WANT YOUR SERVER DATA AND CONFIG SAVED>",target=/srv/palworld/Pal/Saved \ -d --restart=<Restart Policy) palserver port=<SERVER PORT> <AFTER THIS YOU CAN SPECIFY OTHER LAUNCH OPTIONS> # Or just use foolproof defaults, your server's files will be saved into the current directory in the *Saved* folder and server will run with default 8211 port. mkdir ./Saved docker run -p 8211:8211/tcp -p 8211:8211/udp --mount type=bind,source="./Saved",target=/srv/palworld/Pal/Saved -d --restart=unless-stopped palserver port=8211

With this, server should be up and running. You should be able to connect with If you want outside to access the server, you will need to set up port forwarding on your router, if you have it.

Ask for any help in the comments!

Branding image art by: ネイティー
6 σχόλια
Litdaze, The Cat-Lord 24 Ιαν, 4:17 
What are the specs for like, 8 player server?
type0dev 23 Ιαν, 16:35 
Is there a way to export my current world so I can get it into my docker container?
眼睛花 21 Ιαν, 5:02 
yep, it works, tho still can use telnet to test the port connection
f8upd8  [Δημιουργός] 20 Ιαν, 17:01 
The best way to test connectivity problems is to:
1. Create a container, install netcat on it
2. In the container, use nc -l <PORT>
3. Outside the container (preferably in the container host or somewhere in the same network)
4. nc -v <IP (localhost maybe) <PORT>

If everything is in working order, this should work.
眼睛花 20 Ιαν, 14:13 
and i run this container on a server within the public ip, so theoretically i can visit this service while the container start right, but it seems that the port 8211 in the container loopback because i use telnet n trying to test see if the service running on it, but i fail, docker-proxy expose the
port 18211 on host,says i use netstat to check if 18211 is loopback and it shows this port accept all stream from any ip, the only resaon i could think off is the service doesn't ready, so could u give me some hint about this, really appreciate:csgohelmet:
眼睛花 20 Ιαν, 12:09 
i run the server with docker-compose file successfully, and the file looks like follow :
version: '2'
container_name: palworld-server
image: palserver:latest
restart: always
privileged: true
- "18211:8211/udp"
- "18211:8211/tcp"
- ./data:/srv/palworld/Pal/Saved
hope this could make something helpful for others, and my question is if i want to set up maxium players, which configuration should I go, or said which file should I mounted, hope u could help me, thanks