Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 3

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Guide for Achievement Hunters: Resident Evil 3
Por Lady Jack
This guide is intended for achievement hunters, but the first section Game Mechanics will likely have some points of interest for anyone that wants to play the game well. It is a strategy guide more than a "how to" guide.

It is the goal of this guide to give you a set of specific pre-planned runs which when completed will complete 100% of the in-game records and Steam Achievements for the game. In general it assumes you are competent at playing the game and that your skills with the game will increase from run to run. For each run it provides a list of Achievements you should be working on during the run and the runs are staged such that tools you will need to complete a run are unlocked by previous runs.

It does not provide answers to puzzles, give combat advice, nor a step by step guide to getting through the game. I assume if you are an achievement hunter you enjoy the challenge of a game and want to "solve" these things on your own in your own way. It simply organizes some information about the game that helps you not waste time with non entertaining tasks (such as farming zombies).
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This guide is intended for achievement hunters, but the first section Game Mechanics will likely have some points of interest for anyone that wants to play the game well. It is a strategy guide more than a "how to" guide.

It is the goal of this guide to give you a set of specific pre-planned runs which when completed will complete 100% of the in-game records and Steam Achievements for the game. In general it assumes you are competent at playing the game and that your skills with the game will increase from run to run. For each run it provides a list of Achievements you should be working on during the run and the runs are staged such that tools you will need to complete a run are unlocked by previous runs.

The guide does not provide the quickest nor the easiest way to complete all of the challenges, rather it intends to give a clear path for a player of any skill level to complete all of the challenges while attempting to keep each run entertaining and challenging. For each run we tally what "Shop Points" will be awarded for the records completed and suggest what shop items to purchase before the next run. A lot of the information in the guide would be considered spoilers as it doesn't appear in any of the in-game instructions, nor the official CAPCOM game manual. However, it is not the intent of this guide to give away "secrets" nor to remove any of the challenge of the game.

At the end of the guide a few sections are added with information specific to a few of the challenges simply to make sure that if you get stuck you have a handy reference to follow.
General Game Mechanics
1.1 Main Storylines
Resident Evil 3 has a single story line to play through. During play you will alternate between Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira, though you do not have an option on which character to use. Each character will always experience the same areas and foes with each playthrough.

The game is controlled in the same way Resident Evil 2 was with a controlled over the shoulder camera unlike the fixed camera views of Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 1, however, many of the game mechanics that were common to the first three remastered games have changed.

1.4 Saved Games
Saved games for Resident Evil 3 are like those of Resident Evil 2. Your achievement / Records progress are maintained at the game installation level and not specific to a "Cleared" save game slot. This means you can save over previous saved games without destroying your records status.

Many of the in-game records progress even when you are re-loading saved games. Specifically the kill counts continue to rise with each foe killed. Even when you re-load a saved game and kill the same zombie, both kills will count. This introduces the concept of "Farming" for those achievements.

This game continues the use of "Auto Save" progress points which is both good and bad. Certainly you could lose a lot of progress if you didn't manually save somewhere - however this comes at the cost of not resetting your game play timer. The game is literally filled with typewriters and you never need a ribbon to save. Because of this I recommend never using an Auto Save.

IMPORTANT FOR SPEED RUNS: If you die, reload your last manual save twice!
If you die and use the "Continue" or "Load" option that pops up, the time since your last save point is added to that of your save point!!! This is UNFAIR and BROKEN in my opinion. To work around this you need to quit and then load a manually created save point.

For example if you save at the 30min mark. You then play for another 30min without saving and die. When you choose the "Load" option and pick the 30min mark saved game, you will start in the location you were at when you saved, but "Sprinter" will show 1hr elapsed time. You must then use the pause menu and load this same saved spot - then you will be back to the 30min mark.

Choosing "Continue" returns to the "latest" saved game - either the auto save or manual save. It has the same issue as the Load option and can significantly add to your game time - which is critical for ranking.

You can tell whether or not you have been bitten by this when you complete a run. Each time you "Continue"or "Load" and then don't "re-load" you last manual save counts as a "Death" which will show in your game ranking record. Re-loading your manual save will remove the Death from the record.

2.1 Difficulty Settings
There are five difficulty settings. Only the three are availably immediately: Assisted, Standard, and Hardcore.

Assisted mode has some quality of life differences from Standard and Hardcore. Assisted aiming is probably the most notable difference. While this will not automatically acquire a target, it will "track" a target's movement. It is specific enough to track different parts of targets (Such as Zombie Heads). You must still get the crosshairs on the target in order for the tracking to begin. In addition crafting produces more ammunition and there are more ammunition and health loot drops and foes are slower and easier to kill.

Standard is the game as it was originally intended to be played and the measure used for the other difficulties.

Hardcore is not "Perma Death", but the foes get much more difficult, loot drops are more sparing and crafting produces fewer rounds.

Completing the game on Hardcore will open up Nightmare Difficulty. On Nightmare the foes are much more aggressive and harder to kill than those on Hardcore. Loot drops and ammo crafting are greatly reduced and some loot locations have been moved and some foe locations have been changed.

Completing the game on Nightmare will open up Inferno Difficulty. Inferno increases the foes yet again, but things are in the same location as in Nightmare. In our experience, the final boss fight became much, much harder with each step up from Hardcore to Nightmare and again from Nightmare to Inferno. On Nightmare difficulty, there are no Auto Saves - but really if you are running for S-Rank this makes no difference.

To complete both the Steam Achievements and the in-game Records you must complete an S-Rank run on Inferno difficulty.

2.2 Game Controls
Resident Evil 3 gives you control of the camera as was done with RE2 rather than the fixed camera locations of RE0 and RE1. You should pick a configuration that uses the triggers and buttons that match your normal gameplay.

Running does not use analog Joystick position - instead there is a "Run Button" you press to run. You have the option of "Toggle" or "Hold". If you choose "Toggle", clicking the button while moving will start your character running - however, to stop running you must let the character slow down by releasing the left joystick... that is pressing the button again does not end the running.

Resident Evil 3 removes the use of "defensive" weapons, but introduces the ability to dodge. Dodge works differently depending on whether you are controlling Jill or Carlos. Jill's dodge is purely a dodge while Carlos' is more of a "charge" dipping his shoulder. With either character if you dodge when there is no attack to dodge the action creates a bit of a stumble the character doesn't recover from quickly.

With Jill a "perfectly" timed dodge can result in a roll or other evasive maneuver that guarantees escape. In addition if you time the recovery with aiming your weapon time will slow and the game will aim for a critical hit (this is true even on Inferno difficulty). With Carlos, a perfectly timed "dodge" will result in a powerful punch which will knock almost any enemy to the ground.

2.5 The Shop
Each in-game Record you unlock rewards you with a specific number of "points". After completing the game for the first time (on any difficulty setting) a "Shop" menu will be added to the "Bonus" menu. In the shop you can purchase a number of useful items.

While it is possible to complete the game on any difficulty setting without the use of items from the shop, the Nightmare and Inferno levels were specifically designed assuming players would make use of shop items. There is no S+ Ranking that would prevent you from using the shop items, so you need to remember the game designers assumed you would be using them.

Game Ranking and Achievements
2.3 Game Ranking
When you complete a run of the main storyline you will be given a "Rank". In the game's "Story" menu you can use "Results" to show your "best" results for completing each of the possible Runs. Resident Evil 3 does not include the S+ rank, but instead includes the number of saved games in S-Rank, so there are only four possible ranks for each difficulty:
  • C - Run Completed
  • B - Timely Completion
  • A - Fast Completion
  • S - A-Rank time with 5 or less saves

The results screen isn't available until after you complete the game the first time. Once it is available it will tell you the requirements for each rank you have unlocked. The quickest time requirements are for Hardcore - 1 hour 45 minutes. The Nightmare and Inferno times go back up to 2 hours.

2.4 Achievements vs Records
Resident Evil 3 has internal game "Records". A full list of records available in the game can be found in the main game menu under "Bonuses". Records contains a complete list of the 58 records you can unlock while playing the game.

Steam has a list of 32 Achievements you can earn playing Resident Evil 3 HD Remastered. All of them are tied to in-game Records. The rarest of the Steam Achievements is to complete the game with S-Rank on Inferno. Which essentially implies you will have completed all of the other in-game records as well.

Because of the overlap in Records and Achievements, we will really only cover the in-game Records in our guide. The Records can be broken down in to a few categories:
  • Story - Trigger when you complete stages of the game (can not be missed)
  • Demonstration - Showing you understand the game and can control the characters
  • Treasure Hunt - Finding all the pieces of various sets
  • Killer - These trigger after killing a certain number of foes in a specific way
  • Skilled - These trigger when you complete the game under specific circumstances

Strategy Guide Introduction
The HD Remake of Resident Evil 3 is a great game. Like the game, the achievements and records are meant to be a challenge, and they most definitely are. Many of the challenges are designed to force you to play the game multiple times on different difficulty settings and maybe even "farm" specific areas to complete. Because of the ability to use Shop items to enhance your game play all of the challenges can be completed with little to no frustration.

To complete the achievement of completing the game with S-Rank on Inferno, you will have to play the game a minimum of three times, but that seems improbable and would still skip several of the other records. On the other hand one approach would be to complete enough records quickly with a single playthrough on Assisted and then farm zombies for the killing achievements in order to gain access to the Infinite Ammo Rocket Launcher in the store - at which point most of the other runs will be relatively easy.

In contrast to these two approaches we suggest 6 to 7 runs that will present some level of difficulty to help keep the game interesting while at the same time minimizing "farming" but allowing you to access all the best items in the shop and hopefully enjoy the game more.

3.1 Brief Run Summaries
The following lists are our recommended set of runs that will get you to 100% Record and Achievement status. We start off running on "Standard" difficulty simply because we feel that is the way the game designers intended for players to experience the game. However, the first run could be done on either assisted or hardcore depending upon you skills and how you want to experience the game.

Initial Runs:
The first run should be the most memorable run of the game as it will be your first impression. Your primary goal should be to fully experience and enjoy everything the game has to offer. After completing the first run there are two skill challenges that are most naturally completed on lower difficulty settings. We use these two runs to complete these two Records as well as any remaining Treasure Hunt and Farming records.
  • Run 1 - Standard (Enjoy - Story, Demonstration, Treasure Hunts)
  • Run 2 - Standard ("I might need these later" - Farming)
  • Run 3 - Assisted ("Minimalist" - Farming)

Speed and Challenge Runs:
These runs are meant to challenge your memory of the storylines and maps as well as your skills at getting past the foes. After the first three runs you will have been able to purchase all of the best equipment from the shop and can choose what shop items to use to keep the game challenging.
  • Run 4 - Standard (S-Rank) - can be skipped
  • Run 5 - Hardcore (S-Rank)
  • Run 6 - Nightmare (S-Rank)
  • Run 7 - Inferno (S-Rank)

For each of the planned runs we will indicate which Records we feel you should complete during the run as well as tally the shop points you would be awarded if you complete all of the indicated Records. After the first run we will also suggest what items to purchase from the shop before attempting each run. We will label each Steam Achievement in our lists with (A) for Steam Achievement so you can track your Steam progress as well.

If you do not complete all of the indicated Records for a given run you may not have sufficient shop points to purchase the suggested items for the next run. You will either need to use saved games to either treasure hunt or farm for the missed Records, or attempt the next run without some of the suggested items.
Run #1: 1st Run - Standard - Enjoy
Story => New Game => Choose Difficulty (recommend: Standard)

The goal of the first pass is entertainment. Play the game the way the authors intended. Focus on exploring the game, learning all the ins and outs, the secrets and the story. Try out every weapon you find and read every file you find. This is a story rich game and one of the best horror games of all time - make sure you enjoy it. Do not worry about the time it takes you to complete the game or what resources you use to do it. Just Enjoy the game. You are likely to have a "C Rank" when you finish the run.

In Game Unlocks
  • The Bonus Shop

Records / Achievements Earned
During this first pass you will complete all of the Story Records. Records which are also Steam Achievements are marked as (S)
  • First Escape (S)
  • Somebody To Lean On (S)
  • Nemesis Down (S)
  • Escape From City (S)
  • The Carlos Express (S)
  • I Don't Feel So Good (S)
  • I Need A Hero (S)
  • The Pursuer (S)
  • Nemesis Down!? (S)
  • Nemesis Down!!! (S)
  • Unfortunate End (S)
  • Escapee (S)

You should also complete all of the Demonstration Records:
  • Basic Chemistry (S)
  • Gunsmith (S)
  • Get Organized (S)
  • Master of Sidestepping (S)
  • The Carlos Takedown (S)
  • Hello Charlie (S)
  • Two For One Deal (S) The easiest way is to use the magnum and line up two zombies
  • Nemesis Down (S) Use a hand grenade to get Nemesis to kneel and he will drop a box with a weapon upgrade
  • Fuggedaboutim! When you encounter the guy that crawls into a shipping container stand by the container and keep talking to him until you no longer get a prompt

If you are very thorough you will have completed all of the Treasure Hunt Records:
  • Power Stones (S)
  • Kendo's Armory (S)
  • Kendo's Protege (S)
  • Bookworm (S)
  • Goodbye Charlie (S)
  • RE:Master Of Unlocking (S)

There are also two additional Skill Records and almost half of the Killer Records that you need to complete in this run:
  • Trusty Sidearm
  • Close Range Companion
  • Point Blank Professional
  • Suppressing Fire
  • Necessary Violence
  • Making A Dent
  • Hats Off (S)
  • Electric Slide (S) You will probably need to back up to the a save just before this area in order to complete it. You must gather the fuses and return to the fuse box and place them within 5 minutes for the Record to pop
  • Survivor (S)

Run #2: Standard: "I Might Need These Later"
Story => New Game => Choose Difficulty (recommend: Standard)

In this run you will repeat the same run you just made, but this time you will have a few new challenges. The largest challenge will come in using no more than 1 health item... The one health item you MUST use is to clear the parasites from the cut scene encounter with the bugs. The Health Token you purchase in the Shop is critical in making this happen, but it is only a single coin, and on Standard you will still need to be very careful. In addition you will complete more of the Killer Records and wind up using the grenade launcher against weaker foes, which means you will need to learn to dodge attacks in the boss fights to use the CQBR Rifle.

Since you completed the Treasure Hunts in the first pass you won't have to read documents, and with infinite ammunition weapons you won't have to pick up ammunition nor gun powder.

The Shop
Before this run you should have 42,760 points in the Shop to buy the following gear. The items you purchase for this run will be placed in the item box for both characters. So with Jill you have to get through the introduction without them and with Carlos you have to get into the RPD station before you have access to them.
  • Infinite CQBR Assault Rifle (28,400)
  • Infinite MUP Handgun (8,000)
  • Recovery Coin (4,000)

After completing this run you should have added an additional 54,400 points to your shop total. You only need 9,600 for the next run, so there is plenty of room in this run if you do not finish all of the Kill Records.

Records / Achievements Earned
In this pass you should complete an additional 6 Records. Most of these records will be from killing more foes with your spiffy new weapons.

The following Killer Records should be completed in this run
  • Gunslinger
  • Make Some Noise
  • Do You Feel Lucky?
  • Spitting Lead
  • Thinning the Horde

The primary goal of the run is to complete a single Skill Record:
  • I Might Need These Later (S)

Run #3: Assisted "Minimalist"
Story => New Game => Choose Character (Same as last run) => Choose Difficulty (suggested: Assisted)

This run could also be done on Standard as the first two were. However, this is the only time we suggest using an Assisted run simply for the experience and to get a completed Ranking board with all 5 difficulties represented.

For this run the focus is on efficiency. You will not have access to the weapons you purchased from the Shop and used in the previous run because they are stored in your inventory box - which you cannot open on this "Minimalist" run. This means you will need to use standard weapons and craft ammo for those weapons. You can use health items - but carrying them around costs inventory space, so I recommend only picking them up if you have an immediate need. Without the Health coin you will need to use some health items.

Remember that you can not drop weapons and can not drop key items until they no longer have any use, so you may need to plan on how to use your inventory. Many of the weapons take up two slots (even fully upgraded hand guns). On assisted mode your characters start with 4 additional inventory slots, however three of Jill's extra slots will be take up with an Assault Rifle and its ammo. You will need to make some serious decisions about whether or not to pick up the shotgun (starts as a single slot) and the grenade launcher (is always a 2 slot weapon). Later you must decide on whether or not to carry the Magnum and Burst shot handgun. If you do not pick up the shotgun or the grenade launcher, they will become available again just before your battle with Nemesis at the Clock Tower

The Shop
Before this run you should have 56,760 points in the Shop. While it might seem natural to purchase the two additional Hip Pouches at this time, they will not be available on Assisted Mode. If you decide to make this run on Standard, then you definitely should buy the two hip pouches at this point because they will be available near the first inventory box your characters reach. There is no reason to buy any additional coins nor weapons at this time because those will always start within your inventory box and so will not be available for any "Minimalist" run.
  • Hip Pouch (4,800)
  • Hip Pouch (4,800)

After completing this run you should have added an additional 17,400 points to your shop total.

Records / Achievements Earned
In this pass you should complete an additional 2 Records. One from killing more foes and one for completing primary goal of the run.

The following Killer Records should be completed in this run
  • Grenadier

The primary goal of the run is to complete a single Skill Record:
  • Minimalist (S)

Run #4: Standard S-Rank
Story => New Game => Choose Difficulty (suggest: Standard)

You have a choice at this point. Whether or not you bought the two Hip Pouches in the previous run, you will have enough Shop points to purchase the Infinite Ammo Rocket Launcher, but not much else. With this weapon Standard and Hardcore runs present no serious challenge from start to finish. You could use this weapon to skip making an S-Rank Standard run and go directly to an S-Rank Hardcore run.

If you choose to make this run on Standard, we suggest forgoing the Rocket Launcher and instead purchasing the remaining coins. You will still have the infinite ammunition Machine Gun which when combined with all 6 coins makes the run easy enough. This also gives you the opportunity to complete the last two Killer Records on Standard rather than Hardcore.

Standard S-Rank requires you finish the game in 2 hours or less with 5 or fewer manual save games.

You should have no issue completing an S-Rank run at this point. The 1st run taught you when to expect the boss fights and the layout of the maps. The 2nd run taught you how to avoid the Nemesis early on and how to survive in protracted boss fights without using healing items (which you can now use). The 3rd run taught you exactly what needed to be picked up in order to progress and what could be skipped. You will not be constrained on ammo or carrying capacity and can heal as much as you want. The one change is that you must pick the 5 spots where you want to manually save.

Auto Saves are still active if you get into a real bind, but you should avoid using them because of the associated time penalty for using "Continue". In the previous runs you should also know the areas of the game that give you issues which should give you an idea of where to save (i.e. just before those areas).

The Shop
Before this run you should have 64,560 points in the Shop if you purchased the Hip Pouches before the last run (if not you will have an additional 9,600 points). Use your points to purchase the remaining 5 coins and the S.T.A.R.S Field Combat Manual (if you didn't purchase the Hip Pouches in the previous run do so now).
  • Recovery Coin (4,000)
  • Iron Defense Coin Coin (4,000)
  • Iron Defense Coin Coin (4,000)
  • Assault Coin (4,000)
  • Assault Coin (4,000)

The coins and field manual will make your ability to either quickly dispatch enemies or evade the enemies much easier. After completing this run you should have added an additional 17,400 points to your shop total.

Records / Achievements Earned
In this pass you should complete an additional 6 Records, mostly for completing the run with S-Rank. After this run the only Records remaining are S-Rank on Hardcore, S-Rank on Nightmare, and S-Rank on Inferno.

The following Killer Records should be completed in this run
  • Well? Do Ya?
  • The One Zombies Fear

The primary goal of completing the run with S-Rank will grant you the following Skill Records:
  • RPD Material
  • Amazing Work
  • Sensational Work
  • Sprinter
Run #5: Hardcore S-Rank
Story => New Game => Choose Difficulty (required: Hardcore)

You must complete a Hardcore run in order to open up the Nightmare difficulty. You might as well make that run an S-Rank run. If you ran the previous Standard S-Rank run then you should feel right at home with making this Hardcore S-Rank run. The Hardcore time challenge is reduced to 1 hour 45 minuets, but this should not be an issue using the Rocket Launcher. In fact, this should be the easiest run you will make.

The Shop
Before this run you should have 72,400 points in the Shop if you have followed our purchases. Use these points to purchase the Rocket Launcher. This is the final "suggested" purchase you will make from the shop - so feel free to use any additional points to purchase anything that interests you. Once you complete all of the Records you will have enough points to purchase everything in the shop - so you don't have to worry about missing something.
  • Infinite Rocket Launcher (62,400)

The Rocket Launcher combined with the two Assault Coins will one shot every foe except for the Nemesis boss fights which will take a few more.

Records / Achievements Earned
In this pass you should complete an additional 2 Records and unlock Nightmare Difficulty.

The primary goal of completing the run with S-Rank will grant you the following Skill Records:
  • Veteran (S)
  • UBCS Material

Run #6: Nightmare S-Rank
Story => New Game => Choose Difficulty (required: Nightmare)

You must complete a Nightmare run in order to open up the Inferno difficulty. There are a few unexpected surprises in store for you in your first Nightmare run. Not only are the foes a bit harder to kill The Rocket Launcher with two Assault Coins continues to one-shot nearly everything but some items have been moved Story progression items all remain in the same locations, and some monster placements have been moved around. There are at least three one-shot death traps waiting for you but the biggest surprises will come in the game introduction (before you get to Carlos) and in the final Boss Fight.

Armed with the Rocket Launcher, all 6 Coins, and the Field Manual you should not find this run overly taxing.

The Shop
Buy whatever you like with the spare points you have laying around.

Records / Achievements Earned
In this pass you should complete an additional 2 Records and unlock Inferno Difficulty.

The primary goal of completing the run with S-Rank will grant you the following Skill Records:
  • Conqueror (S)
  • S.T.A.R.S. Material
Run #7: Inferno S-Rank
Story => New Game => Choose Difficulty (required: Inferno)

This is your final run. The Inferno Difficulty setting is not all that much different from the Nightmare difficulty setting for most things. The foes are a bit harder to kill (The Rocket Launcher still makes very short work of nearly everything), but everything is still located where it was in Nightmare. The one major change is the speed with which the final boss attacks. I can not stress enough how big of a change this final battle will be.

The Shop
Buy whatever you like with the spare points you have laying around.

Records / Achievements Earned
In this pass you should complete an additional 3 Records and unlock Inferno Difficulty.

The primary goal of completing the run with S-Rank will grant you the following Skill Records:
  • So Long RC
  • Dominator (S)
  • Jill Valentine (S)

CONGRATULATIONS!!! you are now 100% Record and Achievement Complete!!

SPOILER: Charlie Doll Locations
In order to complete the "Goodbye Charlie" achievement you will need to find 20 Charlie Bobble Heads scattered about the maps. All of the Charlie Dolls are available immediately on any Difficulty setting. They can be broken with any weapon (including your knife if within reach). Most are not all that hard to find if you are looking for them, but a few are well out of your way. Unfortunately, once they have been broken there is no evidence they were ever there in subsequent runs - so make note of which ones you have broken.

Subway Station Doll:
  • #1 - Immediately after introduction, turn around and go up stairs it is located between two news paper holders.

Downtown area before you put the fire out:
  • #2 - High on a shelf in the storage room where you find the body of the drug store owner
  • #3 - Behind counter near a microwave in the donut shop
  • #4 - Under the desk in the subway control room (where you input the train's path)

Downtown area after you put the fire out:
  • #5 - In subway power control room on a book case in a corner of the room
  • #6 - In toy store you access with the lock pick

In the sewers:
  • #7 - behind some bars and a stack of trash in the water near the lab
  • #8 - After you unlock the door to exit the sewers turn around and look at the door from the stairs

In the apartment behind Kendo's Gun Shop
  • #9 - Down the alley with the key, in the kitchen of the apartment on a table

With Carlos in RPD:
  • #10 - After killing zombie Brad turn around and go though the stairs, in the next area
  • #11 - On the shelves at the back of the safe deposit room

Subway tunnels and clock tower plaza
  • #12 - In short hallway where zombies stand up - typically blown up by a mine or explosive
  • #13 - Near the crate you break open in the plaza next to a box that is next to an ambulance

In the Hospital and under the hospital
  • #14 - On a gurney in the hallway just before the stairs that lead to the 2nd floor
  • #15 - On the roof top (2nd floor) just to your right as you come through the door
  • #16 - In a trash can in the corner of the Sick Room (very easy to miss)
  • #17 - As Jill comes to the area with the huge elevator there is a doll on a forklift
  • #18 - After Jill squeezes between two shelves there is a doll on one of the shelves near a step ladder

In Nest 2:
  • #19 - small balcony in the corner of the room where you get the override key and make the vaccine
  • #20 - In the small closet room past the small lab where you get a vaccine component

If you need a visual reference to find any doll, I recommend the following guide:

SPOILER: File Locations for "Bookworm"
In order to complete the "Bookworm" achievement you will need to find 56 files scattered about the maps. Like the Charlie Dolls they are all available on any difficulty setting. Unlike the Charlie Dolls they will re-populate with each New Game - so if you missed a couple and are unsure of which ones, make sure to pick up everyone you encounter every run until the Achievement pops.

The files are "mostly" listed in the order you should find them in. In the downtown area you might find a couple in a different order depending upon the path you take through the area.

Files you find in the introduction:
  • Jill's Report - on the wall in Jill's Apt
  • Investigation Notes - on the wall in Jill's Apt
  • Unsealed Envelope - on cabinet in Jill's Apt
  • Message from a Colleague - on table near pizza in Jill's Apt

Files you find in the Subway station before getting to the down town area:
  • U.B.C.S. Ammo Crafting Guide - on bench outside the rail car
  • Tabloid Front Page - on news stand up one set of stairs from rail car
  • U.B.C.S. Herb Field Manual - On boxes near your first inventory box
  • Fax from Substation Chief - On table near your first inventory box

Files you find in the downtown area before you put the fire out:
  • Drugstore Owner's Journal - Desk near the safe in the building up the catwalks
  • Kite Bros. Railway Manual - Subway office control room
  • Subway Employee's Memo - On table in Subway front office room

Files you find in the downtown area after you put the fire out:
  • Training Log - Next to the UBCS soldier you see die in the repair shop
  • U.B.C.S. Suicide Note - Next to dead soldier in alley outside repair shop
  • Electrician's Note - On the wall in alley behind repair shop
  • Green Herbs: They Work! - On bench just before locked gate where bugs are
  • Substation Internal Memo - Next to the locked gate where bugs are
  • Chad's Notes - Up ladder to platform inside the bug's nest

Files you find in the downtown area after you have lock picks
  • Your Charlie Doll - On counter in the toy store

Files you find in the sewers:
  • Increased Sewer Security - Next to the door that leads out of the sewers
  • Invoice from Kendo's Gun Shop - on step ladder in first sewer room
  • Research Assistant's Log - on desk in first sewer room
  • Sewer Worker's Note - near dead body past the sludge water fall
  • A Love Letter? - on desk in lab room where you find the door lock

File you find running from Nemesis:
  • Notice of Demolition Delay - on table near inventory box just before boss fight

File you find after defeating Nemesis on the roof top:
  • Raccoon Times Reader's Column - on bed upstairs in the apartment behind gun shop

Files you find as Carlos in RPD
  • Email Outbox - in small room down stairs outside RPD turn around after killing Brad
  • ID Card Security Protocols - on bench next to box after T opens the gate
  • Sept. 20 Arrest Report - Marvin's desk in west offices
  • Internal Memo - on desk in Dark Room office
  • Note To A Friend - on bench in shower room on 2nd floor
  • 3F Locker - on white board in the Safe Deposit room
  • Reports on the Mansion Incident - on Wesker's desk in STARS office

Files you find moving from train to the clock tower plaza
  • U.B.C.S. New Weaponry Notice - In subway safe room
  • Clock Tower Brochure - on bench after you climb out of subway tunnels

Files you find as Carlos in Hospital
  • Spencer Memorial Pamphlet - on stand in corner next to the locked door that leads down
  • Nurse's Journal: Sept. 25 - desk outside Dr. Bard's lab
  • Nurse's Journal: Sept. 27 - on file shelf near inventory box on 2nd floor
  • Nurse's Journal: Sept. 29 - on desk in staff room near locked locker
  • Memos from Administration - on wall next to locked door to the staff lockers
  • Note about a Tape Recording - on Nurse's station desk 2nd floor
  • RE: Lost Items - Near the operating table on the 1st floor
  • Banquet Invitation - Near Dr. Bard's body
  • Email from Nathaniel Bard - On computer in Bard's lab (Can't be missed)

Files you find beneath the Hospital
  • Elevator Notice - on desk near inventory box
  • Employee Memo - Narrow room with door that leads back to inventory box room
  • Unfinished Activity Log - In surveillance room (Can't be missed)

Files you find in Nest 2
  • NEST 2 Employee Regulations - near inventory box
  • Isaac Grave's Diary - Next to zombie at back of dead end hallway 2nd floor
  • Essay on Vaccine Synthesis - Near the Vaccine Synthesis equipment 2nd floor
  • Shipping Notice - Tray at bottom of stairs in Pale Head room 1st floor
  • Weaponry Authorization Request - In small lab where you get the 1st vaccine component
  • Scientist's Dying Message - Near body at end of walkway to your right after doorway
  • Expression of Concern - Desk in room where you get the 2nd vaccine component
  • Disposal Center - on wall next to door that leads to next Boss Fight
  • Weapon Spec Sheet - on shelf near inventory box between boss fights
  • Suspicious Contract Memo - on floor next to final door after final boss fight (very easy to miss)

If you need a visual reference to find a missing file, I recommend this guide:
1 comentário(s)
Lady Jack  [autor(a)] 6 de jul. às 19:32 
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