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Vanilla Sprite Overhaul
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17 gen 2024, ore 16:34
4 ago 2024, ore 15:03
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Vanilla Sprite Overhaul

In 1 collezione di Sturm
Sturm's Mods.
5 elementi
Added a Kofi account in case someone is interested in tipping. Also planning to do commissions through that eventually but am sorting that through Discord for the time being:

This mod is a port of the dom5 Vanilla sprite overhaul and changes over 3000 sprites to be more distinct and colorful. It will be updated with the new nations and summons within the coming months. Any feedback on inaccurate equipment on units would be greatly appreciated!

In case you would like to use my sprites for your own mods I'd greatly appreciate if you'd ask me about it and gave credit for it. I also take commissions for this stuff in case you're interested. Here's a link to all of them for other modders to use:
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (1)
2 feb, ore 8:49
Bug Reports
145 commenti
Signis Kerman 26 gen, ore 0:14 
To answer our question Sturm, i don't know the total number. And to a relativelly small extend (like giving enkidu a hat or LA tien-chi light cavalery a buckler). But i think you need to analyse SCBM to know if this is doable). Also i'm very eager to see what you have in stock for the news nations.
Fellow Human 20 gen, ore 23:52 
It seems the Armored Serpent (MA Pythium) uses vanilla sprite when no rider. Same for EA Arco's Wind Rider horse.
Vulpes_Inculta 13 gen, ore 18:53 
You must be kidding mr. Bone, because this overhaul is masterful and well styled.
Sturm  [autore] 10 gen, ore 10:10 
@Signis Kerman How many sprites would need changes for that? And to what extend?
SugarBone 10 gen, ore 5:04 
Terrible sprites with no sense of style. How does this thing have 5 stars is beyond me.
Signis Kerman 6 gen, ore 22:48 
A cool idea if you (or anyone that see that comment) have the time could be making a summon that tweak sprite that need it slightly to allign with the modification of SCBM (like giving enkidu a hat or MA Tien-chi horsemen a buckler). Only unit that gain a piece of equipement or drastically change gear could be changed to diminished the time required to do the submod
Garfield 4 gen, ore 12:37 
The load order decides which sprite is loaded for each unit. Load this mod last to have it overwrite all other mods that make changes to the sprite of the same unit.
DANCE 31 dic 2024, ore 20:58 
Sturm u rock so much
Sturm  [autore] 31 dic 2024, ore 0:13 
Thank you, i hope you have a good one too. I know i keep saying this a lot but there will be an update to this someday. Stuff just keeps me busy at the moment XD
Flow 30 dic 2024, ore 4:15 
I just want to thank you for your amazing work, Sturm! I hope you have a good year.