Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (39)
GEO Modern Models Mod for Millennium Dawn
Created by Kakheti Kartli
★Prohibited activity Unauthorised redistribution or modification is prohibited. If any unauthorised redistribution or modification is discovered, this mod will be deleted. (Do not re-texture it either without my permission) ★Creation of sub-mods of this mo...
Geo Ukraine Army Mod (OUTDATED)
Created by Kakheti Kartli
First. I created this mod to support Ukraine. I would be happy if Ukrainian players who are facing difficulties are happy. If you like this mod, I hope you will do something for Ukraine. Слава Україні! ★Attention!!! This mod does not support DX11. If a whi...
俘获战败国将领Captured Enemy's Commander
Created by 杨白给
已修复弹窗,改成决议设定 俘获战败国将领MOD玩法: 很简单的玩法,如果你将一个敌国击败(触发XX停止抵抗事件),或者是在和平会议中将他吞并、傀儡,都可以使该战败国的将领全部转移到你的国家中! 同样这是一个兼容性很好的MOD,几乎和所有MOD兼容! Capture the defeated country's general's Mod play method: It's a very simple way to play. If you defeat an enemy country (trigger X...
Created by Wopy
文化同化决议,可以: 1.核心化自己的领土 2.移除其他国家的核心和宣称 支持1.11.x 1.12.x 1.13.x 1.14.x...
Created by Rikki
English Here :https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2908400003 !!!###中文版请和汉化一起使用。###!!! 为除了7个主要国家的国家增加了更多的勋章 名单(2023.9.12): 中华民国 中华人民共和国 中国军阀(来自中华民国的勋章) 波兰 墨西哥 西班牙 葡萄牙 匈牙利 南斯拉夫 芬兰 捷克斯洛伐克 挪威 瑞典 丹麦 保加利亚 罗马尼亚 希腊 土耳其 爱尔兰 尼德兰 比利时 卢森堡 奥地利 阿尔巴尼亚 ...
Millennium Dawn: Construction Slots 112+
Created by Memil
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod : 112+ Construction Slots Expansion submod Precautions Please subscribe to the base mods below before playing this mod. Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod What mode is this? This mod increases the maximum construction slots...
Created by Calastial
如果觉得这个MOD可以,请给个免费的👍👍👍吧,给我打点气,也让更多的人看到这个MOD! 交流群:633603458 *原版风格的北约兵牌,替代了原版开启北约兵牌后模板仍然无法自由选择北约兵牌的问题。 *包含意大利黑衫军、德国SS、苏联Guard,兼容我的所有MOD,习惯北约兵牌的可以订阅。 请在设置里关闭北约兵牌!!!! 德国拓展及AI强化请移步: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2903237467 意大利AI强化请移步: ht...
ROK Skin Pack for Millennium Dawn
Created by Lt.Tasteless
Add own models of Armored : K1A1(rig completed) Mechanized : K200 Motorized : K511 Rifle : K-2 Destroyer : DDG 991 Sejong the Great Class Corvette : PCC 772 Pohang Class Air Superiority Fighter : KF-21 Boramae and more vehicles will be updated!...
Modifier Icons CN ver.
Created by 1+1=⑨
Hi, This is a Chinese localised version of one famous mod called "Modifier Icons". If you're looking for the original one, please go to https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2668048070 Cheers. https://i.imgur.com/WGjlAIi.png 在所有BUFF修正前加上了图...
Millennium Dawn: Multiplayer Overhaul
Created by Conner
Despite what the launcher says, yes, it works. Description: This is a submod to Millennium Dawn meant to overhaul it to be a faster, more fun, more balanced, and overall improved experienced. It also includes roleplay tools such as write letters, state tra...
Millennium Dawn new companies
Created by Freezer
Mod adds new companies and battalions such as : -Logistics company -Helicopter Logistics company -Military Police Battalion -Air Recon Battalion -Air Recon Company -Motorized Special Forces Battalion -Special Forces Air Assault Battalion -Medical Company -...
Millennium Dawn 内容补充mod CN
Created by Mel-Hlc
Chinese Translation Version for these mod Millennium Dawn new companies Millennium Dawn Jets and Helicopters upgrades Millennium Dawn: Air Designer ...
Millennium Anime 2
Created by baconizerfordays
Will not change checksum! With permission from Juliet, this mod simply continues Millennium Anime to the newer version of Millennium Dawn. This mod is stand-alone and doesn't need the original Millennium Anime to work. Portraits that are of lower-quality a...
Millennium Dawn Red Anime/ (千禧黎明红梦萌化))
Created by Mr. Fake
This is my first reskin mod, so if there are problems let me know, if there are suggestions of other mods to reskin also let me know. Requirements: Millennium Dawn Millennium Dawn CN Millennium Dawn Red Dream Millennium Anime 2 I might miss updates so plea...
Millennium Dawn: Missile&Satellite&Armor CN Patch
Created by Frost
Description This is a Chinese translation patch for Millennium Dawn. There is NO need to subscribe this mod if you are not Chinese player....
Millennium Dawn: Red Dream
Created by 梁国雄
苏东集团在1991年土崩瓦解的那一刻,许多观察家笃信,共产主义的理想从此烟消云散,历史已经终极。历史的车轮无情地碾过了那些曾经承载着梦想的旗帜,仿佛这场世纪之争的终章已然奏响。然而,历史不是也不可能是静止的镜面,共产主义的幽灵如无声的风般在世界上游荡,在过去的斯大林主义废墟中搜寻重生的契机。 与此同时,在遥远的东方,古老而广袤的群山与大河之间,新的斗争正在酝酿,人类历史上最伟大的变革潜藏在平静之下。各路势力纷纷登场,各自心怀理想,试图以自己的路径将这个历经沧桑的民族引入新的世纪。 未来究竟将指向何方?是新生...
Future China
Created by CNSATO
21世纪的中国将航向何处? 本页面展示了一个基于《钢铁雄心IV》mod《千禧黎明》的附属mod,该mod开发代号为《Future China》。 由于众所周知的原因,《千禧黎明》中的中国路线可能会引起许多玩家的不适,且《千禧黎明》中的中国作为一个区域强国的可玩性也弱于其他国家。为此,我们尝试性的重置了《千禧黎明》中的中华人民共和国,将其开发为一个《千禧黎明》的附属mod,替换原作中的大中华地区内容。由于很多国家与中国有所关联,我们也会顺便重制那些国家关于中国的内容。 本模组仍处于初步的开发阶段,没有游戏内容...
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod
Created by Millennium Dawn Mod
https://i.imgur.com/hpEdk0J.png https://i.imgur.com/MYaznE7.png With the dawn of a new millennium, a new chapter in human history is about to be written. Globalization continues to change the lives of countless billions while rising extremism is showing si...
Millennium Dawn千禧黎明汉化补充
Created by Mel-Hlc
Millennium Dawn 千禧黎明汉化补充 V1.10.2 1.各国开局的库存外国装备,如“Mig 29”→“米格 29” 2.编制及番号列表、开局部队番号(法国尚未完成) 3.国名翻译为此前的全称模式,如“美国”→“美利坚合众国” 闪退的试一下重新订阅,记得重订之前把mod文件删干净,本mod文件夹为steam\steamapps\workshop\content\394360\2993730352 已知不兼容: Millenium Dawn New Weapon Icons & GFX (舰船和人...
2023 BUT 1936
Created by EroZeq
Unveiling the "1936 but 2023" mod for Hearts of Iron IV, a transformative gameplay experience bridging historical and contemporary geopolitics. Features: 1. Modern Borders with a Historical Essence: Transition from the geopolitical layout of 1936 to the pr...
Girls und Panzer : Global Operation
Created by W.W
感谢您订阅少女与战车:全球行动(Girls und Panzer:Global Operation)mod! 当前版本:发布于2024年8月21日 支持的钢四版本:v1.14.* 【支持官方中文】 English version : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2700393426 部队番号Submod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3199961...
Cold War Iron Curtain-Chinese Version
Created by fight fow
本汉化包由他们改变冷战汉化组完成,针对钢铁雄心4游戏。请在游戏启动器设置选择中英文均可,单独加载本汉化整合版即可,无需另外加载52本体汉化,也不要加载其他相冲突的mod。 冷战铁幕原mod英文版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1458561226 第一版:1.5天佑女王版已汉化完毕 第二版:1.54罗得西亚版文本汉化率:96.9% 第三版:1.9抉择时刻版文本量在9万5千行以上,汉化率97.5% 第四版:1.10强硬派文本量...
Realistic Nukes CN
Created by LYan
这是汉化文件,并不包含 Mod 的内容。 请订阅原 Mod。 原 Mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2803203662 使用本 Mod 后,核弹将更加符合现实中的情况。不仅会减少地区的人口,还会产生核辐射。☢辐射水平随着时间而衰减,不过,剩余辐射水平越低,衰退的速率越慢。 某地区如果辐射水平过高,那么将会进入无政府状态。而无政府状态的地区可以被邻国控制,当然,也可能是诞生新的国家。 对于那些喜欢破坏或搞事的人,Mod 有...
Realistic Nukes
Created by KEKS1C
Realistic Nukes makes nuclear bombs more realistic. Now, after a nuclear strike, the population of the region decreases, and radiation appears in the region. The level of radiation decreases over time, the less radiation left, the slower it decreases. If t...
The New Order: Operation Deep Freeze
Created by OperationDeepFreeze
The New Order: Operation Deep Freeze Operation Deep Freeze brings the seventh, frozen continent, Antarctica, to the world of TNO. The continent has been claimed and divided up between the three superpowers, and provides yet another point of contention in T...
Created by Lohengrin
新秩序:深冻行动 “深冻行动”将第七块冰封大陆——南极洲带入了TNO的世界之中。三个超级大国在此均拥有各自的宣称,被瓜分殆尽的南极洲成了冷战中的又一处争议焦点。 可玩性 深冻行动目前提供三个南极领地的游玩内容:阿根廷属南极,内容至南纬90行动结束;德国南极领地,新施瓦本,内容至德国内战结束;OFN南极洲事务局,内容至1965年雷伯恩海军上将退休。各个领地均包括各自独特且富有深度的机制、以及独有GUI界面,供玩家游玩。才华横溢的写手团队为现有内容撰写了将近一千个事件。当前版本还包括FM104.5麦克默多站电台...
The road to 56 CN
Created by Hungry Fool
支持1.14新版本 现在只加载56汉化一个mod即可,不需要再订阅56原版 已经启用中文模式,请在启动器切换中文使用 游戏本体于每月的八号更新,届时我们的更新会导致旧存档闪退,想接着玩旧存档的请及时备份mod旧版本文件,我们的模组ID是2129897125 !!!重要!!! 注意: 请勿挂载52汉化、人名和部队名称汉化 、 原版汉化补全 、 以及任何修改将领领导人名称图片和部队船名的模组,除非它是专用于56之路打造的,因为其代码很**地把检测触发条件的代码写成了按名称检测,可能会出现,国策条件不满足,事件无...
The Road to 56
Created by Greatexperiment
https://i.imgur.com/G8Lt4Zo.png Road to 56 is a DLC-sized addition to your Hearts of Iron experience that has been lovingly crafted by a team of dedicated fanatics. https://i.imgur.com/ZxTMpHl.png We've massively expanded the technology tree, extended the ...
Moe Image Tactics for CN
Created by Fucifa
本人只是翻译 -功能 将“无聊”的战术图像替换为二次元图像图片! -已知问题 UI方面可能存在未知冲突 -相容性 该mod仅更改界面文件(landcombat.gui)和战术图像文件。 因此,认为HOI4版本更新或其他Mod没有问题。 - Also, see this! For 'non-Otaku' user (Real war-photo image) = https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2294960813 For kore...
Moe Image Tactics for ENG (NoStepBack)
Created by 카츄사
- Feature No more confused tactics image! This mod will replace 'bored' tactic image to the real waifu image picture!!! - Known issue Some doctrine technology (unlocks new tactics) suffer with broken UI. I have no idea that how can I fix them... sorry... -...
Created by Mlecz
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif This mod will optimize your game and make the map more clear and colorful. Addons: *less shaders *non-reflective water *sharper borders *coloured icons *strategic view adjustments HOI4 version: 1.14+ Mods Paradox version: ht...
Girls Und Panzer Original Soundtrack Music Mod
Created by Shimmer
Version 3 of this mod incorporates a certain compression. Music files now takes up less storage space with little sound quality loss from 2.9 GB to 1.0 GB Gāruzu ando Pantsā ガールズ&パンツァー Girls und Panzer Original soundtrack from Girls und Panzer. IRONMAN COM...
The Dragon Rises CN 龙之崛起汉化
Created by Mel-Hlc
19世纪对中国是一个耻辱的世纪。异族王朝对历史上最伟大文明之一的统治天怒人怨。当欧洲人掠夺她的城市,毒害她的人民时,天命蒙尘。 但是,如果中国经历的不是一个世纪的屈辱,而是一个世纪的挑战和机遇呢?如果中国推翻了腐朽不堪的满清,拥抱一个致力于现代化的新王朝呢? 如果中国进入20世纪时没有分裂,而是比以往任何时候都更加强大,那会怎么样? 如果进入20世纪30年代,中国准备报复所有所遭受的不公会怎样? 如果美国是唯一能阻止他们的国家呢? 这就是——龙之崛起...
Created by 吾双RG
公告:无论将来p社怎么更新,本字体mod永远都是可运行的,有感叹号也不用管! 铁人√ 这个mod会在你开启官方中文时显示52汉化mod所用的字体 侵删 如果字体变糊了评论区有解决方法 尘埃漫步粉丝群:528536160...
Eight Years' War of Resistance
Created by chunchun7410
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/775102709099534592/2C661B287DE3D13E1F32EB1419140A3A98407888/ Current Version Current Version is compatible with 1.14.x You can report bugs or problems on the Discord. Offical authorization Most of our developers a...
东亚地区的扩展MOD 点个赞吧,求求惹❤ 目标是重置赛里斯(大概还有周边国家)! 更多的赛里斯角色 1.大量将领、内阁; 2.合理的党派领导人; 3.更加合理的将领属性。 更多的赛里斯制造商 增加了许多通用的赛里斯制造商,只要条件满足,赛里斯势力就可以使用。 全新的国策树 1.目前已经完成伪蒙,晋系,马家军,新疆,滇系国策树重置; 2.PRC,CHI国策树已经可以游玩。 更合理的地图 修改了一些地区地图,让一些地区区划更合理 有什么建议和想法在评论区留言哦! 讨论群:690058707 感谢各位的帮助和支持...
Created by MarshalTohka
Anime History
Created by Star
The greatest anime crossover in history! https://i.imgur.com/pmJr2s4.png Anime History is the most popular anime mod ever made for a historical strategy game with over 100.000 subscribers! This mod not only fills every single portrait in Hearts of Iron IV ...
Created by 杨白给
希望各位给MOD点个评分!谢谢各位~ 目前总计243首歌。 2021.1.19更新3.0版本 新增了36首歌曲 2021.4.18更新4.0版本 新增了30首歌曲 2021.5.15更新4.5版本 新增了10首歌曲 2021.10.9更新5.0版本 新增34首歌曲 2022.3.29更新6.0版本 新增25首歌曲 可以根据以下步骤找到音乐文件: 1.在steam文件夹里找到创意工坊文件夹(workshop),找到钢4的MOD文件夹,打开2142411920文件夹 2.2142411920文件夹里的local...