Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

평점이 부족합니다.
What Happened To Kentucky
the Zilly Goober .w. 님이 작성
Kentucky Is one of the many 50 states in the united states of america, Its located near the east coast, north of Tennesee And East of Missouri And south of Indiana.

Kentucky is a Rural State and is used for farming.

Now onto the main part you came here for.

On Day 14 or somewhere around that several kentuckians within the state began to sucumb to green flu. Several people near louisville decided to barricade themselves wtihin their homes and hope for the best hoping that the kentucky state national guard and the police could take the infected down. Which proved to actually be useful due to the national guard using buildings to their advantage and several other tactics.

In Glasgow The people of the city, Veterans, Children, Teens, Adults all decided to take up arms and fend off the infected. which proved to a major sucess the people swept through each street, each road, each building clearing out infected. they wouldnt let the state fall and would make sure of it

In bowling green the city would be hit by several storms and it would also be horded by infected. it didnt stand a chance, it tried to but it failed.

In total The state of Kentucky, Its Capital Frankfort, And all 120 counties within the state were overrun by the green flu

im sorry about how short this was im just f acken lazy :pensive:
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Story :3

Bowling Green
