Car Mechanic Simulator 2021

Car Mechanic Simulator 2021

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CONFIG MG TA Midget Roadster V8AJ
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CONFIG MG TA Midget Roadster V8AJ

I 1 samling af zaraki
Zaraki's workshop - CMS21 CONFIG
252 genstande
MG TA Midget restomod with V8 AJ133
Available in: Junkyard, Salon, Shed, Auction, Order.50
defaultRimColor=#FFFFFF.5 h=1,s=0,v=100,Chrome
Wheel offset: front=25,rear=0

Requires Car MOD "MG TA Midget Roadster" by Jackyl and Jaguar DLC.
This CONFIG is published with the permission of Jackyl. Thank you for permission!

TA Midget with the latest V8 engine in Restomod.
The engine is a Jaguar AJ133 with 550hp. It was difficult to fit it in the narrow engine bay without reducing the scale.
The peripherals and exhaust are completely redesigned and relocated. The electronics are concentrated in a box at the rear of the engine.
The front suspension is reinforced with cross members, and the rear is changed to a torsion bar type. The drive system is a normal RWD because no space is available to mount the front differential. The tires are thicker racing type, and the brakes changed to disc type for high speed driving.
The TA Midget is now a state-of-the-art sports machine while maintaining the old-fashioned look. Have fun with it!

Jackyl氏のCar MOD "MG TA Midget Roadster" 及びJaguar DLCが必要です。

TA Midgetに最新のV8エンジンを搭載したRestomodです。