Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Ghost In The Shell || Arm Tank Mk 01
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2024년 1월 9일 오전 10시 02분
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Ghost In The Shell || Arm Tank Mk 01

GitS:Arise Arm Tank Mk 01

The Arm Tank Mk 01 is an autonomous A.I. controlled Multiped "Think Tank" that can be piloted manually, operated via remote or controlled by its onboard A.I.

It includes a immersive control seat with full HUD showing important system information in real time.
It features Gatling Guns in it's front arms, Assault Cannons in its reararms and Railguns in its head.
The Arm Tank Mk 01 also features full driving capabilites includinga parking brake and Walk Mode with simple On & Off controls.

The A.I. systems include:
Companion Mode to have the Arm Tank Mk 01 follow you at a safe distance and protect you from any hostiles in the vicinity.
Patrol Mode to have the Arm Tank Mk 01 patrol a pre-determined route and intercept any targets in range.
Auto-Pilot Mode for assigning custom made routes via the GPS Recorder.
Remote Piloting to control your Arm Tank Mk 01 from another location.
Companion Mode & Patrol Mode both have exterior switches locatedunderneath the main chasis.

The Arm Tank Mk 01 also includes multiple complex computer systems to automate various internal systems such as reseting arms & legs to their default positions, activating weapons systems during A.I. control and much more.
Multiple Arm Tank Mk 01 units can also be easily programmed into patrol groups by activating their Transponders and selecting them as the Home target in the Patrol Mode controller.

All control hotkeys are listed on the control seat displays.

((The arm rotors can be a little weak for the weight the have to bare))
((I use this mod as I can't find anything on the Steam Workshop that doesn't cause issues))