Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy

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Professor Aesop Sharp
By Sir Arthur Sessions
"Shortcuts only ever lead to shortcomings."

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Professor Aesop Sharp (b. circa 1858) was a wizard who worked as an Auror for the British Ministry of Magic, and later as a Potions Master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the 19th century.

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Aesop Sharp is a Professor in Hogwarts Legacy. Aesop Sharp belongs to the Slytherin House and until an injury forced him out from the field, he was a successful Auror. Now he is in charge of the Potions classes at Hogwarts. Professors can be found mainly throughout Hogwarts Castle, be it attending Classes, just chatting through the halls or riding their brooms in the outside area of the magic school.

Career as an Auror

After leaving Hogwarts, Aesop joined the British Ministry of Magic and landed a position in the Auror Office. On 31 December 1875, Aesop was issued a memorandum from the office about Borgin and Burkes's suspicious activities and the decision for Aesop to join the Aurors who were watching the shop.

At some point in his career, he and his partner were working an assignment when they were ambushed, resulting in a severe injury to him and death to his partner. When it became clear that this meant he would be relegated to a desk and tedious paperwork for the rest of his career, Aesop decided to retire from the Office, and felt his time would be better spent passing on what he knew to the next generation of young witches and wizards at his old school. Part of the motivation to apply to the job of Potions Master at Hogwarts was to use the resources there to cure his injuries.

Career at Hogwarts

His wish of sharing his extensive experience involving battleworthy draughts and elixirs with the students came to fruition when he was offered the job of Potions Master at the school, at which point he was granted a classroom down in the dungeons to teach in. In time, he became widely known for his challenging lessons and lack of patience with misbehaving students, but also for his genuine pride in those who exceeded in the class.

1890–1891 school year
Professor Sharp was teaching at the school during the 1890–1891 school year, when a new student started school as a fifth-year, something highly unusual. As the school year advanced, Professor Sharp gave extracurricular assignments to this student to help them catch up on their magical knowledge, asking them to brew and use certain potions and teaching them how to cast the Banishing Charm and the Severing Charm. He was also known to have assigned students of unknown year an essay on invisibility, as well as one comparing potions of the Middle Ages to those of the Black Death.
At the end of the year, when Ranrok invaded the Keepers' Caverns with the aim of obtaining the final repository and supplanting wizardkind with goblinkind, Aesop Sharp defended Hogwarts Castle against his army of Loyalists and trolls, ensuring the safety of not only the school, but also the wizarding world as a whole. He fought two trolls alongside his colleague, Eleazar Fig, who died to Ranrok later in the battle. Aesop Sharp was present at the memorial ceremony for Eleazar Fig which took place after Ranrok's final defeat at the hands of the late-coming student he had helped to teach that year.
He had long brown hair, and a beard. He wore a three-piece suit with a brown overcoat, light brown vest, a white shirt with a brown tie, and brown trousers. He walked with a very noticeable limp in his left leg.
Sharp had a gruff and keenly acute nature, who was not easily impressed by his students and was a difficult taskmaster. Although he was wholly unwilling to suffer fools in his class, he was by no means entirely unreasonable in his methods, as he was known to take genuine pride in students who excelled in his class in spite of his challenging curriculum.
  • Auror skills: Being a former Auror, Sharp would have been well-trained in defensive magic and the other necessary skills for the job.

  • Potions: Being a Potions Master, Sharp was an expert with potions, with a particular interest in "battleworthy" elixirs.

  • Charms: Sharp was capable of teaching both the Banishing Charm[8] and the Severing Charm to his students.

  • Duelling: Sharp was a talented duellist, capable of defending the Keepers' Caverns against two fully grown Trolls as well as countless goblin invaders.
Professor Sharp is voiced by Matthew Waterson in Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Hogwarts Legacy

  • The Art and Making of Hogwarts Legacy