Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

890 평점
[GAMEMODE] Cops and Runners FR
즐겨찾기 해제
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Gamemode
Addon Tags: Cartoon, Comic, Fun, Roleplay, Realism
태그: misc
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12.284 MB
2014년 9월 11일 오후 9시 59분
2014년 9월 18일 오후 2시 27분
변경 사항 4개 ( 보기 )

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[GAMEMODE] Cops and Runners FR

Ceci est la version Française du Mode de Jeu Cops and Runners.

Attention! Cette version du Cops and Runners porte le même nom que la version Officielle,
il faut donc installer soit l'un, soit l'autre sur un serveur pour pouvoir l'utiliser!

Warning! This version of Cops and Runners has the same name as the Official version
so install either one or the other on a server to use it!

Game mode Cops and Runners original By Zet0r
Modified in French version by Lol C'est Vraiment Pas Drôle!

Cops and Runners Official :

Content Cops and Runners FR :

Cops, tag all runners! Runners, free your jailed teammates!
Watch the video for gamemode explanation, or read on if you prefer text
Note: The current video is from the Beta, all bugs have now been fixed! Better video will come out when I get home from vacation!

UPDATE 1.1 IS FINALLY HERE! Changelog at the bottom!
Use this image as logo for the thumbnails![]

Note to server owners:
You need to install the jail model correctly. Place it in /materials/props_sdk/jail.mdl. Otherwise players will be able to run through it.
+gamemode copsandrunners is apparently the command to launch this mode. Thanks YF06!
What is Cops and Runners?

Cops and Runners, or CnR for short, is a gamemode made by Zet0r (, with some help from the Facepunch Forums (Special thanks to Acecool!)
In this gamemode, a certain percentage of players become Police, and the remaining players become Runners. One player becomes the Warden, who has to decide where to put jail. A certain amount of Runners get armed with Smoke Grenade Spawnpoints that spawn smoke grenades for their entire team! The Cops has to catch and tag all free Runners with their Stunstick to jail them! Runners have to escape and survive for the time limit! They can free their jailed teammates by hitting them with their Crowbar!

- All maps compatible! The players place jail and smoke spawnpoints themselves.
- No game requirements! Only TF2 is needed for sounds, but that is free.
- Custom HUD specifically made for this gamemode!
- Endless replayability! Try out some different jail locations!
- Amazing for funny moments and great for videos too!

YOUR stuff!
Have a good suggestion? Flashbangs, Warden Command System, support for multiple jails, or something else? Made an awesome relevant background to be featured on the main menu? Found a bug no one else has reported? Check the pinned discussions and you might just get rewarded in-game ... *cough* Rainbow Smoke Grenades *cough* (Warning: If you get seizures from flashing colors, don't run through it!)

Pro Tips:
- You run faster with your hands equipped
- Help your team out with smoke grenades
- Cops run faster than Runners, even with their hands equipped! Hide to survive!
- Free your teammates for higher survivability
- Suiciding jails you if jail is placed!
- The Smoke Spawnpoint generates a Smoke Grenade every 10 seconds times the amount of free Runners divided by the amount of Cops!
- You take no fall damage, but falls dealing more than 100 still kill you
- The Crowbar swings faster, but the Stunstick has a much greater range!
- You can change a lof of numbers, check the console commands below!

Console Commands:
"cnr_timelimit": Changes the rounds time limit. Takes effect next round
"cnr_coppercentage": Changes the percentage of Cops to be assigned (in decimal)
"cnr_armedrunners": Changes the amount of Armed Runners (in whole number)
"cnr_postroundtime": Changes the amount of time after a round is over, to a new one begins
"cnr_speedmultiplier": Multiplies all speeds by this number, useful for bigger or smaller maps
"cnr_smokedelay": Changes the amount of time that gets calculated for the Smoke Spawn points (See above)
"cnr_copextraspeed": The multiplier that increases the Cops speeds. Relative to the speed of Hands
"cnr_instafree": Return to like 1.0, with instant freeing from 1 hit with the crowbar
"cnr_preptime": The time of the preparation phase. Jail is not able to placed during this time and players won't collide
"cnr_wardenafk": The time before the round will be reset because the warden din
"cnr_crowdamage": The amount of damage the Crowbar does to free jailed teammates
"ForceRoundRestart": Starts a new round
"CheckStatus": Debugging command, prints all convars and amount of players with each class to the server console

Version 1.1 Changelog:
+ Added Bouncy Ball Launcher for jailed Runners
+ Added options to the main menu
+ Added hints when jailed
+ Changed it so it takes more than 1 hit to free (Can be disabled)
+ Modified stunstick to swing faster, but only while away from jail! (Can be disabled)
+ Implemented a Warden AFK timer that will reset the round (Can be disabled)

- Made it possible to teleport players to jail again, if the first attempt failed
- Simplified the smoke grenades spawntime. It is now just 15 sec (Can be changed)
- Decreased the Cops run speeds
- Fixed texture placements on smaller resolutions
- Drank 5 liters of soy sauce after petting a goat
- Fixed team chat to be fully functional
- Fixed the bug of dying twice when jail exists
- resource.AddFile'd the files
- Copied the Jailmodel upside-down under it
- Changed the smoke spawnpoint weapon model
- Prevented players from picking up weapons at all (Unless it is the weapons you normally get)
댓글 22
Rayzox_93 2023년 2월 4일 오후 1시 11분 
J ai un bug sa me marque vous n avez pas le modele prison ses quoi svp ??
Mr. Wednesday 2023년 1월 14일 오후 4시 15분 
Bonjour j'ai téléchargé le gamemode ainsi que les contents il faut quelle map car quand je le lance, j'ai tout simpelement une map normal avec un tab "Sandbox" et le Noclip.
Lol C'est Vraiment Pas Drôle!  [작성자] 2022년 5월 7일 오전 2시 17분 
Bonjour, de mémoire il suffit de télécharger une map et de l'appliquer avec ta partie ou ton serveur, si tu n'ajoute pas de map cela utilise la map de base.
ocineh 2021년 5월 8일 오전 8시 38분 
Bonjour j'ai téléchargé le gamemode ainsi que les contents il faut quelle map car quand je le lance, j'ai tout simpelement une map normal avec un tab "Sandbox" et le Noclip.
Tyrone Jenkins | Rorost. 2018년 10월 18일 오전 9시 20분 
Bonjour j'ai téléchargé le gamemode ainsi que les contents il faut quelle map car quand je le lance, j'ai tout simpelement une map normal avec un tab "Sandbox" et le Noclip.
Droma 2018년 8월 22일 오후 9시 10분 
bah di donc tu est pas vraiment drole
MysTeriouS PerSoN 2017년 3월 25일 오전 11시 18분 
Lol C'est Vraiment Pas Drôle!  [작성자] 2016년 7월 8일 오전 3시 04분 
Bonjour, le Bug de « la Jail traversable » est dû au faite que vous n'avez pas le Jeu « Counter Strike Source » installer sur le serveur. Pour les autres bugs je n'en sais pas plus.
Tsoukablyat 2016년 1월 26일 오전 3시 41분 
Attempted to create unknown entity type hostage_entity!
Can't init hostage_entity
Une minuterie anti AFK a été mise sur le Chef des Policiers. Il a 20 secondes pour se déplacer ou de le Cycle redémarre
Tsoukablyat 2016년 1월 26일 오전 12시 33분 
J'arrive pas a commence, sa me change de camp toute les 15 sec y a marquer un truc avec afk
aidez moi merci.