Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Rusty World Lore WIP
By Vomsay
Descriptive overview of Rusty World atmosphere.
Rusty World :

If you find spelling mistakes or comprehension problems, please correct me.
it's a prototype wip and my english is not perfect :|

In the 2600s, after establishing itself well in Solar system, humanity, still in search of expansion, succeeded in developing a jump engine, finally enabling travel to other systems, opening the door to numerous governments, private companies, and wealthy investors rushing towards this opportunity.

A few years later, following the return of some reconnaissance vessels luckier than others and the analysis of their reports regarding viable planets, humanity is finally ready to leave its saturated nest and ventures beyond its borders.

2626, this date is symbolic as it marks the year of the first extrasolar colonial convoy. From this moment on, every passing year sees one or two convoys departing, each heading to a different destination.

Numerous carriers regularly supply a constant flow of essential goods for the proper development of the colonies. Thus begins a new golden age that will last for over a century, until an event disrupts humanity.

21/11/2753 04h24 Control station

Roger, like every morning, takes his position at the control tower. Coffee in hand, comfortably seated in his chair, he has the habit of taking a brief moment of silence before diving into the stress of his work.

Suddenly, it is in this silence that he finds himself in complete darkness.
Hmm! A power outage, Roger thinks? No, it's impossible, it can't be a routine outage, not here, not on this station.
After a few seconds of concern and questioning, electricity returns, and systems reboot.
Barely recovered from his emotions, Roger hears radio beep.

- Border control at control tower, do you copy? We have lost contact with all groups at the edge and outside the system.

During his brief exchange with local patrol, control screens near Roger flash and flicker with a multitude of faults and critical issues. Indeed, all communications beyond system are scrambled. Trackers and "GPS" guidance are inaccurate. Only local communications are functional. The system seems cut off from the "outside world."

What he doesn't know yet is that behind this "routine malfunction" hides one of the biggest problems humanity will have to face, later named "Radio Silence."

Never before has the scientific department been so stimulated since the malfunction. The universe, as known to humans, had just experienced something new. An exotic electromagnetic radiation from an unknown source was disrupting all electronic devices, hindering navigation and communication. However, this anomaly had not infiltrated the system, and studies revealed that the electromagnetic fields of stars and planets were blocking these exotic waves.
Even the perception of light coming from space had changed. It was therefore impossible to communicate and travel to other systems. _______________________________________________________

The 147th colonial fleet did not have favorable conditions.
Fifty years before the " radio silence," a young shipping heir with an entire logistical setup had the ambition to establish a colony 15 years away from Earth on a supposedly habitable planet named Pertam. He didn't exactly choose it; a century had passed since the first colonizations, and habitable planets nearby were becoming increasingly scarce. Approvals and authorizations for such operations were not granted to everyone, and such opportunities presented themselves only once in a lifetime.

So, in 2723, the 147th colonial fleet set its course for the system and took 18 years instead of the planned 15 due to various failures and social problems during the path.
The chosen planet didn't quite match the exploration report. It was more arid, with a sun temperature reaching around 60 degrees, covered in very fine irritating sand carried by the wind. Oxygen was lower than on Earth, you could breathe, but you would get breathless after a few minutes, experiencing asthma and a desperate need for air. Water reserves were limited, and gravity was stronger.

Despite the unforeseen atmospheric conditions, Pertam slowly began to organize over the years. Outposts were established, residential areas, and factories began to appear. Slowly, because with a 15 year of travel, supply convoys were not frequent, and few people were willing to make such a crossing.

The "great radio silence" arrived, blocking all communications outside the system. All colonies were now isolated, but the most remote ones, like Pertam, suffered the most.
Due to their distance from the solar system, they hadn't had time to accumulate enough resources and develop. The colony was not yet self-sufficient, it still relied on supplies from Earth.
Pertam had 38000 colonists, barely able to feed a quarter of its residents, medicines and other goods became increasingly scarce.
It underwent social upheaval, a total breakdown of its society that led to a civil war and famine, drastically reducing the population in just a few years.

Time passed, new groups, new communities formed, resurrecting the ruins of their stillborn world. Each city or village was no longer subject to a general authority and wrote its own laws, justice, its... deviations.

150 years have passed. Cosmic disturbances are still there. Systems are still isolated. But the situation on Pertam has stabilized. Despite some looting and marauding, the population gradually recovers and repairs the forgotten infrastructure still usable.

The unknown builder. 30 Mar @ 4:45am 
hey i do the same with my rimworld colonys, the people don't seam to complain,
PhoenixAscended 3 Jan @ 10:54am 
Soldiers : Well... meat is meat 😏
Massacror 1 Jan @ 3:47pm 
Soldier one : hooo nice tere is meat tonight , ty chief !
Soldier two : Wait a sec , there is no meat source around , exepte sand worms and its toxic !
Chief : Its not sandworms >:)
Soldiers : Well...meat is meat 🥩