Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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More City News Events
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27. dec. 2023 kl. 10:00
5. maj kl. 9:48
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Abonner for at downloade
More City News Events

I 1 samling af thechtoto
thechtoto mod collection
3 genstande
This mod adds A LOT of new news events for cities falling during war for almost every capital, as well as for other big cities of major nations
Events can also trigger for any nations so the potential for alternate history is infinite!

Not compatible with Ironman, but should be compatible with most mods

if anyone wants to make a translated version of the mod, you are free to do so
Korean version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3128183100

if any of y'all really like my mods and want to support me, I'd really appreciate it:
Populære diskussioner Vis alle (2)
5. maj kl. 9:46
6. feb. kl. 20:13
Conflict with bugfix mod
166 kommentarer
AstroCat For 15 timer siden 
@thechtoto Ahhh got it, thanks.
thechtoto  [ophavsmand] For 17 timer siden 
@Kaver157 nie
thechtoto  [ophavsmand] For 17 timer siden 
@AstroCat I don't think there is. The event triggers as soon as the state's controller changes to someone who's at war with the owner, even if just for a split second
Kaver157 For 18 timer siden 
Jest poslki
AstroCat 22. maj kl. 17:14 
@thechtoto When Belgium fell to the Germans I got the Leopoldville (Congo) falls notification, but it is still in Belgium hands. Any way to fix this one? Thanks!
AstroCat 13. maj kl. 4:19 
@thechtoto Thanks for confirming. Got it, would only make send if you could make it say something like "Nationalist Spanish troops take Madrid from Spanish troops". It would have to know the different SCW participants.
thechtoto  [ophavsmand] 13. maj kl. 2:13 
@AstroCat it doesn't trigger during civil wars, including the Spanish Civil War, since it would be confusing if the same adjective was used twice, like "Spanish troops defeated Spanish troops". It does trigger in a normal war though, including with volunteers
AstroCat 12. maj kl. 18:57 
Does Madrid trigger during the SCW? If so, does it trigger if you are a volunteer? Thanks.
rxz 5. maj kl. 2:09 
Just reporting another typo in the Fall of New York event.
''In the end, the American army was forces to retreat''
Emperor Palpatussy 4. maj kl. 9:53 