62 ratings
How to 100% Layer 7: Violence
By Corpsvette
With the release of Layer 7 Violence, we have new levels to P-Rank and find all the secrets for.

This guide is intended for those who are just going for secrets or the challenges for the level, not to get them at the same time as a P-Rank attempt.

In this guide I will be detailing where to find each of the secrets and how to complete the challenges for the following levels:

First Secret

In the room immediately to the right of the entrance, look at the ceiling and go in the hole, you will find a soul orb

Second Secret

In the room with the "alpha" button, you can slide underneath the platform into a small crack and retrieve another soul orb

Third Secret

In the room with a body of water beneath the bridge, look towards one of the ends of the body of water and slide into the open hole (directly where my reticle is pointed at) to retrieve another soul orb

Fourth Secret

In the room where the minotaur charged in, enter the way he came which is a large open space. The building that is being looked at in the above image will have a blood orb on top of it. Be careful as two giant cerberi will awaken right next to you.

Fifth Secret

In the same room as the fourth secret, there will be three closed doors, when walking towards one of the doors, it will open revealing a hint towards the secret encounter and the last soul orb.


At any point after you acquire the blue skull key and one of the shortcuts to return to the beginning, you can access the challenge. All you have to do is return to the room where you originally picked up the red skull key and instead place the blue skull key on the mannequin. Once you do this a passageway to the left will appear allowing you to enter the final encounter.

This is the location of the secret encounter, good luck as it's a fun boss.

First Secret

When proceeding through the station like normal, look towards the second yellow sling and there is a small passage behind it with a soul orb to be picked up

Second Secret

You must enter the station from the back end and you will see an open door that leads to some steps going down, a soul orb, and a lore book which is required otherwise to be able to do the challenge

Third Secret

Following the required stop with the two Guttermen at the train station, you can jump off the tram to go underneath the bridge that leads you to the next building. You can easily grab the soul orb shown in the picture without much resistance.

Fourth Secret

On the roof of the train station where the two Guttermen attack you, there is a hole in the ceiling and a soul orb waiting for you. This also seems to be the location of where the new Alternate weapon will be, however, as of 12/20/2023, it is not released, and is under construction.

Fifth Secret

In the far distance, past the clock tower, there is a lone building with a blood orb located inside. I did my best to point to where it is as my reticle is right on top of it, however, it is in a bit of a finnicky spot. For reference, the building on the left is the train station from before. However, be prepared for a fight as a Sisyphean Insurrectionist will spawn after you pick it up.

This challenge is not nearly as straightforward as it seems because of several very specific enemy triggers, I will do my best to walk you through the steps I took.
1. Run past the Gutterman with the health bar in the beginning room, the door is open behind him, just ignore him
2. Do not engage the first arena with the swords machine and the Gutterman, instead run into the hills on the right side of the map
3. Keep an eye out for a hole to drop down into the first station. As of 12/24/2023 there is now a cross that indicates where the hole is for better locating where to go.

The white square below is the hole I am referring to, this is on the right side of the clock tower.
4. Drop down and send the tram going at full speed, stand at the very back of the tram and jump off right before you are pulled into the arena, and walk around outside it
5. If done correctly the front of your tram will be on the other side (note: this does not have to be perfect, just do your best not to walk to far in to get your tram out), continue forward to the building holding the bomb
6. Next approach the red skull key arena from the back and use anything strong to break the top of the skull key container (Piercer Revolver, Slab Revolver, Knuckleblaster, Rocket Launcher, Shotgun Punching, Core Eject, etc.) and yoink it with the whiplash
7. Head on over to the bomb building and proceed as normal.
8. Send the tram back from where it came after getting the bomb attached and then do the same trick we did in step 4, still can't afford to trigger the Gutterman arena.
9. Take that baby all the way back to the original station and ignore the Gutterman and Guttertank, bomb your way through the wall and you're in the home stretch.
10. The final room requires a very specific pattern to not spawn the enemies and where is that? That's right, the book from secret two, for convenience sake I will both attach the image and type out the directions

> < < > < < > > < > > < >
Right, Left, Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right
Slabs/Alternate Weapon
As of 12/24/2023, this has not been unlocked, however, we can access the slabs still and the progress will save for them. They are relatively easy to get, but may require a couple of attempts.
Each slab is locked behind a door that is at the end of a grappling section. I will attach pictures showing which locations and where the slab is located.

First Slab:
This is the first slab you can get in the mission and it is at the very beginning with the opening grappling section.

This is what the entrance looks like:

And here is our first slab:

Second Slab:
The second slab that we can obtain is in the first station after the clock tower falls and we clear out the room with the stalker and gutterman in it. This one is a bit trickier, but I would recommend dashing to the yellow grapple points first, and then pulling yourself along with the real grapple points.

This is what the entrance looks like:

And here is our second slab!

Third Slab:
Finally, our last slab is in the building carrying the bomb, it can only be accessed after placing the red skull, and the switch is of course the first yellow grapple point of the three when you drop down:

The entrance to the slab room is in the same room as the bomb as you can see here:

And our final slab is here!

We know the alternate weapon (when released) will be in the second station, accessed from the hole in the roof, if all slabs are collected, they'll be blue on the wall.
Note: These may be out of order in terms of which dot they represent for the completion icon, but I will be ordering them in what is most convenient from start to finish. Also forgive me for poor images in this level, the lighting makes it very difficult to show where I am, I will do my best to describe the secrets and their locations.

First Secret
Looking at the first blood tree from the entrance, move up onto the higher platform to the right and follow the bridge the curves down.

Looking at this bridge, go under it, and dash into the cave/hole underneath to locate your first soul orb of the level.

Second Secret
Stand back on top of the bridge that was just described in the first secret and look in the opposite direction of the soul orb you just received to see what looks like just a block.

You can dash around or climb on top to get to the other side, which holds our second soul orb. After picking it up, it will open a door leading back to the main path.

Third Secret
Following the completion of the blood tree to the east of the beginning, in the room after the street cleaners, there should be two mannequins that jumpscare you.

In this room you can look down and below the stairs will be our last orb.

Fourth Secret
To the direct right of the where you begin the challenge (Read Ahead) over the walls is a soul orb for easy pickings. It can be seen in the picture below (look for the grey orb as I had already picked it up by this point)

Fifth Secret
The last secret for this level is a blood orb that can be found in the walls of the east arena that comes right before the second blood tree. Simply slam storage or wall climb your way up.

The challenge for this level is not easy in of itself, but activating very much so is. Just as a note, you will not be able to activate this challenge if you walk through the tunnel normally, instead it will be destroyed along with the challenge! After activating the first blood tree, line yourself up with the left door and either slam storage or ground pound jumping to gain height to get on top of the tunnel which should lead you to see the following:

Once clicking "Yes" the level will now become much more difficult as all of the enemies will now be targeting you rather than infighting among themselves. This makes the second tree and the final encounter especially difficult so remain strong and do your best. It is not recommended to do this when attempting a P-Rank

Secret Level
While not currently available, we know how to access the secret level for Layer 7 which is located near the beginning of the level. It requires locating the street cleaners near the end of the level and leading them all the way back to the door to have them burn the leaves covering the door, I will show the door below:

This challenge is very simple to activate and finish up.
First proceed up to a little before the initial security system fight near where the crane is.

Climb on top of the crane and locate the twin bars and fire the electric railcannon to activate the crane

Once activated the crane will swing a large block into the side of the machine allowing another entrance inside, this is how you can complete the level without fighting the security system.

Simply proceed through the level as normal and you will be good to go.

There is also a separate solution that is a bit weirder to do but works just as well, as a result I can not take screenshots for it but will describe it as best as I can.
All you have to do is slam storage or rocket ride your way all the way to the top of the boss and you should clip into the boss room and see the core that you usually have to fight, shoot it a couple times to activate it and it should kill itself. This is a much faster solution than the intended route if you know what you're doing and will fetch you much faster any% times.
All done for now!
Congratulations on coming this far, this is as much as Violence has to offer you as of right now. I will be updating this guide as the alternate weapon, secret level entrance, and secret level are added and detail how to achieve each of them.

If there is anything that I can improve or correct on this guide feel free to comment below what I should add or change.

I hope that this helps everyone clear Layer 7 and that you machines keep ULTRAKILLING.
Señor Diarrea 1 Jul @ 12:10pm 
tenkiu so much
an easier way to acces the secret exit in 7-3 is to use the beam from a virtue found in the easier of the 2 blood tree fights. the attack from a virtue also destroys the foilage on the gate.

essentially, the door on that encounter does not lock when the encounter starts, allowing you to go straight back to the entrance of the level, and the secret exit.

i wrote a more detailed guide about this yesterday but this is a simple version of how to get there.
xX_L3G3NDG4M3R_Xx 2 Jan @ 10:31am 
Great guide! ty!
Gas Passer Gaming 2 Jan @ 5:25am 
please add the save file so i can just download it
Darm 29 Dec, 2023 @ 1:55pm 
awesome sauce
Corpsvette  [author] 25 Dec, 2023 @ 10:56am 
That's a fair point, I'll make sure to point that out. Thank you for the addition!
Stanley'sSuperSauce 25 Dec, 2023 @ 10:51am 
I feel like No Sound, No Memory's challenge spot could be better written
Saying that is it destroyed by walking into that tunnel might as be nice to clarify
kelpy 21 Dec, 2023 @ 4:46pm 
Np, although im sure Hakita is going to fix it in the next patch lol
Corpsvette  [author] 21 Dec, 2023 @ 2:26pm 
I went and tested this and you are absolutely correct, I'll add this into the guide as an alternate solution. Thanks for the addition!
kelpy 21 Dec, 2023 @ 11:37am 
You can also complete the 7-4 challenge by climbing up and clipping into the Earthmover's head while its swinging around. For some reason it'll start taking damage and eventually destroy itself.