Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Azur Lane-Iron Blood Civilization
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Azur Lane-Iron Blood Civilization

I 2 samlinger af HSbF6HSO3F
HSbF6HSO3F's AzurLane Mod
10 genstande
Azur Lane: Wedding Plan
13 genstande
Most of the English text of this mod is machine translation, and errors cannot be avoided. If there is any error, please correct it.
Added a civilization based on the Iron Blood in the game work "Azur Lane" - the Iron Blood civilization, which has a strong army and productivity. There are currently four leaders of the civilization: U-96, Z46, Deutschland and Z23.
Unique Ability
Will of the Iron Blood
All cities can build an additional district, and after researching the "Construction", an additional district can be built. Additional Military policy slot, and +2 Combat Strength for every Military Policy slotted. The amount of Gold and resources required to upgrade is reduced by 40%, and the combat experience gained is increased by 100%. +15% Science and Culture for all cities when not at war, and +3 Amenity for all cities when at war.
Unique District
Iron Blood unique district. Replaces the Industrial Zone district, unlock earlier and cost less. Production Adjacent Bonus also provides Culture. After Flight is researched receive Tourism equal to the Production output. +20% Production in this city, and +1 Production, +1 for each Mine in this city. +2 Production bonus for each adjacent Commercial Hub and river. +1 Production bonus for each adjacent resource. Provides a +2 gold bonus to each adjacent Commercial Hub.
Iron Blood unique district. Replaces the Encampment district, cost less and have no population demand (Therefore, it is not a specialty district). Buildings in the Krupp receive +4 Gold and +2 Science. When the Krupp and buildings in this district are constructed, receive a Melee unit. Units granted from this district do not have a resource maintenance cost, and +3 Combat Strength per unused Movement. The time it takes for the city to produce military units is reduced by 50%, and gains Science equal to 25% of the unit's cost when a non-civilian unit is trained. All Melee units trained by this city +1 Movement, Heavy Cavalry units +5 Combat Strength, Ranged and Siege units +1 Range. Provides a +2 Production to each adjacent Ruhr and a +2 Science bonus to each adjacent Campus.
Unique Building
Wiblingen Monastery Library
A building unique to Iron Blood, replacing the Library and can hold Great Works of Writing. +1 Science per turn for each Citizen in the city. If you use Z46, unlock the "Name pursuit" Project, which provides Culture and Science for 20% of the current city's Production each turn, awards Great Writers, Great Artists and Great Musicians points once finished, and grants a free Great Writers.
Leader's Ability: From the Sea
All units can enter the ocean tiles from the beginning, gain Science and Culture equal to the killed unit's Combat Strength when killed. Military units cost no Movement to Pillage, and +3 Combat Strength for the turn after each Pillaging. Naval units +10 Combat Strength, +1 Movement and +1 Range when located in Ocean tiles. Yields gained from pillaging, coastal raids and plundering Trade Routes are +100%. Gain the VIIC U-Boat unique unit when the Electricity technology are researched.
Agendas: Die Eichenlaubrahrt
Be happy to wage a formal war and appreciate a civilization at war. Disdain to wage Surprise wars and hate civilizations that declare Surprise wars.
Unique Unit
U-96's unique Modern era naval unit that replaces the Submarine, lower cost and maintenance. +5 Combat Strength for each VIIC U-Boat adjacent to it. Can only be seen by other Naval Raiders unless adjacent to it. Reveals Naval Raiders within sight range.

Leader's Ability: What Once Was Her World
Great Works of Writing +4 Science, +2 Culture. Buildings and wonders are automatically themed when they have all their slots filled. All districts +1 Culture value for each adjacent district. When your civilization creates Great Works, all districts of the city in which it is located will have a +20% Culture adjacency bonus. +10 Combat Strength for all military units in combat with Heavy Cavalry. Gain the Type 1936C Destroyer unique unit when the Combined Arms technology is researched.
Agendas: The Girl Pursuing Name
Likes civilizations with high Culture and hates civilizations with low Culture.
Unique Unit
Type 1936C Destroyer
Z46's unique Atomic era naval unit that replaces the Destroyer. Has powerful air defense and can carry out a range of 1 long range attack. +5 Combat Strength for each air unit killed. Reveals Naval Raiders within sight range.

Leader's Ability: Deutschland Above All
Each of the slots in the current polity other than the wildcard slot is converted to a wildcard slot. When conquering a city, the city will not lose Population and will gain full Loyalty, you are rewarded with Science, Culture and Gold. Your city provides +3 Combat Strength to military units within 6-tiles, +4 Loyalty per turn and provide +4 Diplomatic Favor for cities not founded by you.
Agendas: Princess of Iron Blood
Hates civilizations that don't declare friendship with her, loves civilizations that do.

Leader's Ability: Iron Blood Vanguard
When triggering Eureka for a Technology or Inspiration for a Civic, you gain Science or Culture equal to 15% of the cost of that Technology or Civic. +1 Movement for all military units, +7 Combat Strength when in enemy territory. Allow military units to be in "Destruction Mode". Gain the Type 1936A Destroyer unique unit when the Combined Arms technology is researched.
Agendas: Honor Student
Focus on Science as much as possible. Prefers civilizations that also focus on Science and dislikes civilizations that lag behind in Science.
Unique Unit
Type 1936A Destroyer
Z23's unique Atomic era naval unit that replaces the Destroyer, can carry out a range of 2 long range attack. Reveals Naval Raiders within sight range.

More in-game text will be given soon (too busy to care)
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26. dec. 2023 kl. 1:27
FASTGJORT: 对模组冲突问题的处理/Handling of mod conflicts
34 kommentarer
安卡 17. juni kl. 8:09 
妹为什么红 9. juni kl. 2:36 
mal 18. maj kl. 21:22 
地税恶魔 8. maj kl. 7:13 
bug u96开局坐城崩溃
英白拉多 28. apr. kl. 2:39 
Z23 7. apr. kl. 1:00 
marz2004 16. feb. kl. 19:34 
HSbF6HSO3F  [ophavsmand] 30. jan. kl. 18:43 
@Clean my TM 1st pls 肯定有啊。但是英文文本没做好,还有一些能力调整没考虑好
Clean my TM 1st pls 30. jan. kl. 18:01 