Tank Fight
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How to make and publish a level on the Workshop!
Pixel_Gamer 님이 작성
Shows you how the level editor works and how to upload a level to the workshop.
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Save Panel
In the top right of the level editor there is a save map panel.

In the level save panel you can select the gamemode the level is going to be made for. The gamemode selected also filters the levels created for that specific gamemode.

It is best to name your map early and save often, you can use Ctrl+S to quick save your map, this is indicated by the save icon in the bottom right.

Note: the level will be unable to save if it is missing a name or does not have the correct amount of spawns

Once your map is saved it appears in the levels list on the right in the save map panel.

The level entry has useful information like:

  • The level name
  • The level dimensions
  • A load level button
  • A delete level button
  • A upload level button
Paint Tool
Left Click will place the selected tile under your mouse, you can drag to place a line of tiles
Right Click will remove the tile under your mouse, you can drag to remove a line of tiles

Box Fill Tool
Holding Left Click and dragging will place the tile selected in a big box.
Holding Right Click and dragging will remove the tiles in a big box.

Flood Fill Tool
Left Click will fill the adjacent tiles with the tile selected.

Box Selection Tool
Holding Left Click and dragging will create a selection.
The selection will save to an internal buffer and will persist between loading levels, the selection clears when going back to menu.

Selection Manipulator Tool
Left Click will paste the selection made by the Box Selection Tool.
You can use R and Shift+R to rotate the selection clock-wise, and counter clock-wise.
You can use T and Shift+T to flip the selection horizontal, and vertical.

Boarder Selector Tool
Holding Left Click and dragging will place a map boarder.
Everything inside the boarder will be saved.
Boarder size can range between 10x10 to 1000x1000.
If you get lost you can click space to center your camera at the center of the boarder

Ctrl+Z to undo

Tile Picker
Press Q to pick the block under your mouse
The ingame tooltip explains how each tile works.

When selected on a tile in a group you can hold shift and scroll to cycle between the tiles in that tile group.
Map making Tips
Your first level should be made the gamemode Deathmatch, because it has the least complexity out of all the other gamemodes, just make the level fun to move around in.

You should keep in mind while making your map that the Goliath modifier makes your player not be able to fit in 1 block gaps so keep your tight corridors to have a 2 block clearance

Try to avoid 2 block gap choke points. A player could sit at one side while the other player can't avoid being shot if forced to go through the tunnel. This can be remedied by having multiple tunnels to the same place.

Don't use excessive special tiles.
Don't put spawns in places that are unreachable or that are unfair from other spawn points.
You shouldn't ever need more than 500 spawns.
Don't clump your spawns together try to spread them evenly around your level.
Each spawn, spawns one team/FFA player on the spawn

You should not make your level a big open room, this makes it hard to dodge bullets.

During the process of making the level you should load it ingame by yourself, and test jumps to get a feel for how it might be, to play in the level.

You can play the built-in maps for inspiration, or even copy some parts of them that you like.
How To Upload
Once your map is ready and saved, go to the level save panel and locate your level in the levels list

Click the upload button on your level (the steam icon)

This will pop up a menu for selecting your level's preview image, follow the instructions ingame, when you are ready click the "Upload" button

Once the progress reaches 100% it will tell you if it failed or not. If it says "Map Upload Successful", then Hooray! You just uploaded your first level to the workshop!