Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Itens (42)
Base Projection (基地投影)
Criado por 󰀉 NoMu
2023-02-26更新介绍视频: 更新说明: - 增加了基地规划功能 - 自动工作支持按录入的角度放置 - 快捷键占用优化 - 快捷宣告支持静默宣告 - 支持材料宣告 - 优化双击选择操作 - 修复旋转的一些bug 2023-02-15更新介绍视频: 更新说明: - 优化了模组物品在模组缺失时的贴图显示 - 增加显示名称的选项 - ...
[TMIP]Too Many Items Plus
Criado por Tendy
Stop maintenance 2021.12.10 Git repo: Too Many Items Plus Version: Allows you to spawn any item you want and more powerful features. You must be a Admin to use this. Press (T) to open spawn menu. Left Cli...
Criado por 橙之刃
常用的mod整合包,可在设置中自定义开关,共包含以下信息: 1.死亡不掉落。(若开启这个,重生掉落物品指令失效,需手动丢掉东西然后再重生) 2.六格装备栏。 3.二本科技垃圾桶。 4.掉落物自动堆叠。 5.物品堆叠上限修改。 6.更多可堆叠(生物、远古牛角等) 7.帐篷、夏凉棚耐久修改。 8.箱子自动整理。 9.木牌传送全汉化(加快传送速度)。 10.添加死亡复活按钮。 11.重生。 12.冰箱返鲜(背包、小偷背包、猪皮背包、鸟笼、蘑菇灯等)。 13.快速工作。 14.陷阱增强(可配置狗牙、海星、荆棘陷阱的...
almighty amazing fruit knife(friendly to beginners)
Criado por 蠢嗷嗷w
!!!Add the version of English!!! The following translations are from Google and may not be as accurate: You can customize a watermelon knife according to your preference completely! All the following functions can be turned on or off or set! !! DS:https://...
Terraprisma Strengthen
Criado por lang yao
Happy Rules. I'm not the prime writer. See original version, search @WIGFRID's Terraprisma. 在作者@WIGFRID的作品之上,进行了少量修改。 初衷: 联机版却经常一个人玩,独自被BOSS高血量折磨。虽然可以用随从,陷阱,投石机,技术好的甚至可以走位杀等方法,但是这不是我想要的。 我认为单人的时候,是为了与朋友联机时做准备。 想联机时给朋友辅助,但是单人这日子可怎么过? 站撸不过,走位糟糕,还嫌随从麻烦。我还能干什么...
佩奇的神奇手杖(Peppa's Super Cane)
Criado por 󰀉Peppa󰀉
" 一个全能且好玩的步行手杖! (万能工具+功能合集)" English Translation by Guthy__ →Click Here← 该模组内容未经允许请勿搬运、提取至任何公开页面! 不过一般只要找我,我都会同意搬运滴~ 注明作者就好!(目前WeGame平台已有) 模组介绍:在原版的步行手杖上添加亿点点功能, 可挖、可砍、可锤、可万能,而且大力士拿在手里(移动中)力量值不会掉噢~ 当在地下远古科技塔升级为懒人魔杖之后, 部分功能会得到继承! 已有功能: 镐子,斧子,锤子,铲子,锄头,暗影收割者镰...
Criado por 铭之所名
更新 0.3: 1.捆绑包装、礼物包装 可更改6、10、12、14、19容量 2.捆绑物资-打开(右键打开为拆开更改成打开容器) 3.骨灰盒的容量 4.骨灰盒的容器限制 版本0.2: 箱子、龙鳞箱子、冰箱、盐盒、切斯特、哈奇可选择12~60容量 普通背包、保鲜背包、厨师包可选择12、14容量...
便携大箱子(Large Portable Case)
Criado por 心悦卿兮
功能如下: 1、可以设置保鲜、永久保鲜、返鲜,默认关闭。 2、120格容量、可以随身携带,可以放置、无法被摧毁。 3、容器UI可以移动功能,默认关闭。(请勿和同类型模组一起使用) 4、将容器放在你的物品栏,捡起物品时,如果容器内部有同类物品,会直接进入! 特殊说明: 1、和某些模组同时开启的时候,可能会导致耕地机无法放置,出现这种情况可以选择将箱子丢地上。 2、拾取入袋功能顾名思义只有拾取物品的时候才会生效,采集物品时不会生效的。 ...
Bigbag new
Criado por Sunny
【bigbag】 -Size of bag—— 8x3、8x4、8x6、8x8 choose, default 8x4 -KeepFresh —— default false -Light —— default false -Rainproof —— default false -Fast pickup —— default false -Heatrock Temperature Change —— default false -Walk Speed —— 0.5、0.75、1.0、1.25、1.5 cho...
增加存储空间 (汉化)Increase storage
Criado por 杀死佩奇
丨汉化(Chinese translation) 丨unauthorized by the original author, please do not condemn me 丨原mod链接: 丨该模组与【Upgradeable Chest -- 可升级箱子】模组互不兼容 丨Original Producer:Luis95R 喜欢的话就点个赞吧🎀 在模组设置里更改大小 佩奇汉化 2...
Modified perish Timer for all containers
Criado por MB_LSP
If you encounter any BUG while using this mod, please describe it in detail. I will do my best to fix. Modified spoilage rate (Mushroom light/ Icebox/ Saltbox/ Seed Pouch/ Sisturn/ Cook-pot/ Endtable/ Beargerful Sack/ Hutch/ Salt rock): !!! Warning !!! mak...
Criado por 不死总会出头
此mod是转单机大佬霜月的mod,做了一些兼容联机的改动,以及略微做了一些调整 功能一 灭火器不扑灭营火 功能二 灭火器增加9格容积,相当于一个小箱子 燃料耗尽时自动添加容积内燃料 0.2版本增加一个小按钮,用来添加燃料,不用打开再关闭来添加燃料了 English translation: >Title Intelligent Ice Flingomatic >Description Function One: -The Ice Flingomatic does not extinguish campfir...
Smarterer Ice Flingomatic
Criado por D_BL
(Discontinued) Description: (This is an improved mod. The origin mod link is at the end of description) Flingo now can detect fire, smolder, withered objects when is off. Flingo will turn on in adjustable speed when finding fire or smolder or withered, and...
Tweaks Durabilities
description - This mod allows you to modify the durability adjustment of tools, weapons, armor, navigation, ships and more, providing 2/4/8/Infinite durability adjustment options. -this mod is compatible with craftable items of other mod. Note: Durability ...
Infinite endurance
Based on the MOD of the original author: MK, new items from the Brightshade and Void series are added Original author link If there is any violation of the author's wishes, it will be dele...
Criado por 铭之所名
🌍组合状态[最新/中文]-Combined Status
Criado por kuluopai󰀍
🔎 原作者模组传送门:《Combined Status 》🔍 🔎 淘气值必须搭配Insight使用:《Insight (Show Me+)》 🔍 “组合状态”“综合状态”“状态显示”《Combined Status》《显示三维》《三维显示》《三维》《季节时钟》《显示季节》《季节》《更多状态》《状态栏》 原作者模组传送门:/n 自用,仅供学习与参考【汉化者:zhonger】 模组介绍...
ActionQueue RB3 CN
Criado por Ling
简介 此mod是在Cutlass的RB3基础上汉化的 汉化了配置界面和游戏内提示语句 如果你认为这个mod对你有帮助,请到这里 RB3原版 给作者Cutlass点点赞 低创,勿送点数,仅供学习与参考 原作者简介 This version of ActionQueue Reborn updates eXiGe's version to add basic support for the Reap What You Sow update. This mod is an updated version of Ac...
Criado por 毒瘤吸血鬼
犁地之后自动生产9个土坑 1.自动锄地,带九个种子孔 2.采摘、挖掘、烧都会在原位置自动生成种子孔,不用锄头 3.便便能加三种肥料 4.锤子敲打重大作物产物增加20个...
Better Ice Flingomatic (For Mega base)
Criado por Cutlass
Don't be afraid of Wildfires! This mod is good especially for Mega bases in Summer! Adjustment to Ice Flingomatic's fuel consumption Adjustment to Ice Flingomatic's range Ability to ignore structures: Fire pits, Endothermic fire pit, Night light and etc Es...
Criado por mingji
注意事项: 当你作为房主独自游玩没有洞穴的世界你可以选择库存模式,它的用法和饥荒单人一样,可以自动存放小盒子中已堆叠的物品进入小盒子;而且在小盒子中材料充足的时候,制作物品不需要将物品从小盒子中拿出。 当你与他人游玩、世界带洞穴、非房主时都需要使用便携包模式,此时小盒子就仅仅是一个能存放大量物品的容器,物品不会自动存放于小盒子,且在制作时不能从小盒子中调动物品。 添加食物保鲜功能,联机版似乎和单机的保鲜不太一样,永不腐烂会使食物的新鲜度保持在一个固定值,(Item Info显示的是1:01:01)而不是食物...
Where you are?
Criado por 某幻想家
Where are you? Clicking the "Where" button in the lower left corner of the world will bring up the search panel. Clicking on a creature (or object) on the panel will mark its direction in the current world. In addition, breeding sites for tumbleweeds, beef...
Simple Health Bar DST
Criado por DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Quick Work/Action (Updated)
Criado por 唯の小诺
This mod is updated as follows: This mod can cancel the stiff action and shorten the waiting time. Setting Description: -Quick pick: pick, pick up, harvest -Build & repair: build, decorate, ...
A Test Version of More Map Icon
Criado por RICK
How to opt in the test: 1.Open map 2.Click the button on the right down corner 3.Select some icons to see if it works I hate it that a client map icon mod crashes because of an official update I can't recall. So I think I should fully remove the old soluti...
Criado por modding
Highlights nearby containers that contain necessary items. Helps to manage storages of two and more chests and other containers without burden to search items manually or remember them. This mod is also available for Don't Starve (Vanilla/RoG/SW) here. Chi...
Extra Equip Slot Plus +
Criado por 唯の小诺
Can be set in options: Extra item slots Extra backpack slot Extra amulet slot Extra compass slot Too many items slots maybe cause UI overflow Compatible with the latest version, directly made of materials in the box Original mod:
DST Simplify Farms
Criado por AI
简化农场种植,不用浇水,不用施肥,长大时季节正确即可巨大化 1.农场作物只要季节正确就会巨大化(默认开启可关闭) 2.作物不会腐烂、摘下的巨大作物也不腐烂 3.石果不会过熟,会一直保持在第三阶段 4.大理石树、月树、棕榈树不会循环生长(默认开启可关闭) 5.鸟笼里的鸟腐烂时间增加(默认开启可关闭) 最后更新时间 2022-08-23...
Farm Plant Regrow/Crop Regrow
Criado por 繁花丶海棠
If a farm plant/crop will remove when picked,now it will regrow when picked.Compatible with MOD farm plant/crop. Regrow is realized by generating a new farm plant/crop of the same type in the original location.So,Giant harvest can regrow when picked.Regrow...
Global Positions
Criado por rezecib
Map sharing works again! You don't even need to be in the A New Reign beta anymore! Code contributions are welcome: Features Show other players on the map (and hover over them to see who they are). Show player in...
Show Me(中文)
Criado por 傳說󰀘覺悟
For modules used by your own server, please move to the original author's module,For use and rewards, please go to: 自用,请勿搬运WeGame 就是Show Me(Origin)一样,将未能正确显示中文的修正,并兼容部分模组显示; showme v0.59.9.5 ...
Insight (Show Me+)
Criado por penguin0616
Thank you for 600k subscribers! I never would have expected Insight to gain so many subscribers. Thank you for your support! Background Information Inspired by Show Me. Because I like to know everything about everything. Show me was nice, but it was inaccu...
Criado por kuluopai󰀍
🔎原版模组传送门:全球定位-Global Positions 🔍 🔎全球定位-汉化新版🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598521242🔍 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam;后续更新mod来源WeGame) mod介绍 帮你找到小伙伴的位置! 这个模组能够将所有在同一世界探索地图在玩家的地图共享给所有人,并且能够用ALT+鼠标左键在地图上标记给其他人看(当然,这是可以配置的) @@@按住TAB键,可以选择是否将自己的地图共享给队友...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Criado por IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Criado por 椰姬幼稚园
本MOD由幽冥王汉化,上传创意工坊是为了 小伙伴进房自动下载MOD方便,无需再QQ传送给别人后再放进mods目录,而且此MOD为上传者自己房专用,只与几个小伙伴玩,不外传作它用。...
Smart Minsign (Server Only)
Criado por coco
Enable this mod to automatically draw an image of the top item in the chest on the small wooden sign when closing the chest Function introduction It can be customized to set whether the small wooden sign function is enabled for the dragon scale treasure ch...
Show Oceanfish
Criado por 豌豆射手
This is client mod The text displayed is your local language. Show the names of ocean fish. It allows to set the text size and vertical offset, and supports the setting of color text for season fish schools. It is allowed to use the hotkey to switch the di...
Ocean Fishing
Criado por coco
Famine's sea fishing system is a branch of the marine system. Originally it should be a very pleasant thing to go fishing, but due to the variety of baits in the sea fishing system, different fish have different preferences for various baits, and some fish...
😶‍🌫️几何布局 服务端 Geometric Placement Server
Criado por SYXDlsj大爷
同步更新:8 月 2 日 - v:3.2.0 原作者:Geometric Placement (客户端) ~~独乐乐不如众乐乐~~ 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、配置语言自适应、游戏内选项切换、 让没订阅的路人或朋友也能摆放得整整齐齐多棒!对吧哈?! 03更新: 同步原作者更新、重构翻译、重新调...