Nuclear Option

Nuclear Option

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How to take out the Shard!
By Tom Pedro
How do you take down the Shard? Well do I have the solution for you!

All of these methods we're submitted by community members and is always open to be expanded!

(Note the Ifrit and Darkreach are not on this guide due to a lack of methods at the moment and will be added whenever posible!)

This guide was put together by Tom Pedro.

"Me and my friends do this all the time, you load up a cricket with Lynchpins and then as soon as you get a lock fire them all off. This works like 95% of the time and is more effective the more people you have." -ElectraLumen

"Good ol' Compass-as-missile-truck strategy never fails

I load all the AGM-48s that I can, fly below radar, and then just let it rip at around 7-8 klicks away, approaching from the front.

Sometimes I get a bit messed up by the main gun, but I found that it has a way harder time shooting down the missiles compared to the CIWS in the back, so I usually score enough hits to completely break off the bow and the Shard sinks within 30 seconds."

"In the Compass, I take 5x 68 and 2x 48. The 48's are fired at 3-4nm to draw fire, and the 68 are fired after to deal the bulk of the damage." -ZeroSteve101

"A compass I'll normally take 28 Lynchpins and 1 AGM68, once within 5km of the Shard I'll fire the AGM68 then switch to the Lynchpins and unload all of them, if done correctly the Lynchpins should out speed the AGM and should cause a screen effect to let the AGM68 to deal massive damage to the Shard" -JustaRedKia


"I get into range with the heli, first fire the 48s and then the rockets. Always works, but have to get close enough, around 10km" -francocaspa

"I like to take out shards by using ARADs and staying >5m of the water

It's the only method that works for me tbh"

"revorker, less then 20m, two nukes, cry if the nukes dont kill it
or darkreach, 20m high, full AGM 68
rare funny option of just slamling a darkreach into it
" -Responsible-Ad-1911

"For a Medusa I'll take 6 ARAD's and Radar jammer pods, go upto about 3km alt and start to build some speed usually the sweet spot is 950-990kph, fire your ARAD at 20km and immediately swap to the jammer pods and jam the Shard if done correctly you can score a 1 hit kill but if not it should slowly sink, if you need the Shard gone ASAP then do as before but fire 2 ARAD's instead"

"Once the Medusa is available its an easy takedown. Launch 2-3 ARADs at and immediately start jamming the Shard. It goes blind and your ARADs will hit completely uncontested."

"I usually use the Medusa with ARADs and jam the vls until the missiles hit and wipe it, but I’ve heard they’re fixing this. So my new Strat will be to come at the shard from the direct front with agm48s so they are fired in the blind spot of the CIWS" -Awrfhyesggrdghkj

Mung Daal 22 Jun @ 7:18am 
great guide
each shard is well worth one sortie alone + firing off some AA or taking multiple shards, and sometimes people don't remove them fast enough making fighting in the center suffering when several fox 2 are being launched from 7km in an open flat space
Daedooloos 21 Jun @ 4:24pm 
note about chicanes
its actually fairly easy to weave around their gunfire
then obviously use rockets/atgms, preferably on their front side to make sure the CIWS goes out
then get even closer and let the 30mm go wild
delta48 15 Jun @ 10:26pm 
I just spam the sh*t out of lynchpins while flying low, it works
Anti Fun 29 Apr @ 1:06am 
Third method: Get a medusa with 6x ARADs, Radar jaming pods and radome in order to triangulate ships from their radar returns (I'm not sure if it works with default radar). Just fire couple of missiles from like 30-35km and jam the ship so it won't be able to intercept most of your missiles with SARH rockets. Three ARADs are basically a guaranteed kill if there sre no other air defences nearby, you will need more if it's close to ground based AA. You might consider to clear radar trucks nearby first so you can just focus on the ship alone.
Tom Pedro  [author] 4 Apr @ 12:00pm 
I'll update it a bit with renewed methods
J Star 30 Mar @ 5:12am 
A Cricket with 42 Lynchpins or a Compass with 10 Gliding bombs are quite effective too
Tom Pedro  [author] 25 Feb @ 5:33pm 
I'm not gonna update this
Fried Purple 18 Feb @ 1:15pm 
my favorite method is to take a compass with a nuke and suicide bombing it.
bad pilot 3 Feb @ 7:10am 
you could just just drop 4 cruise missiles then shortly after 4 nuclear cruise missiles and just pray it hits its a 50/50 chance
scottishdogthefirst 26 Jan @ 12:38pm 
Cricket with a full load of lynchpins, 60% of the time it work everytime