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Vanilla Psycast Expanded - Biotech Integration
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10 grudnia 2023 o 13:08
27 kwietnia o 1:37
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Vanilla Psycast Expanded - Biotech Integration

Vanilla Psycast Expanded - Biotech Integration

Are you looking for a VPE that spices up psycast paths with gene requirements and more diverse xenotype playthrough?

Bid farewell to the days of easy psycast path unlocks. Get ready for the thrill of gene manipulation as extract psycast genes from various xenotypes and implant them into your colonists to unlock specific paths. Alternatively, recruit the xenotype you desire for an easier route.

This mod introduces psycast genes, granting each xenotype possesses its own natural psycast endogenes. This unlocks a realm of possibilities as you navigate through the diverse xenotypes in your colony, adding a new layer of xenotype uniqueness.

  • Toggleable option: Where can I find toggle options?
    Options -> Mod options -> Vanilla Expanded Framework -> Toggleable patches

    1. Archotechist, Wildspeaker, Hemosage, and Puppeteer are required gene [Default: Yes]
    2. Limit each xenotype to only have one psycast gene [Default: False]
      If Toggle is ON, then you're limited to just one psycast gene per colonist. Which makes psycasts unique for each xenotype playthrough and cranks up the challenge.
    3. Are you sure about granting hussar to use psycasts [Default: True]

    🔍 Natural Xenotype's Psycast Genes Infographics

    Vanilla Races Expanded - Highmate
    Vanilla Races Expanded - Hussar
    Vanilla Races Expanded - Saurid
    Vanilla Races Expanded - Sanguophage
    Vanilla Races Expanded - Archon
    Vanilla Races Expanded - Fungoid
    Vanilla Races Expanded - Phytokin
    Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Hemosage
    Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Puppeteer

    Other Mod Suggestions
  • More Psycaster Genes
    Add more psycast genes from MakaiTech - Psycast, Lost Psycasts - LightSeeker, VPE - Ranger, Edge of Descension - Stuncaster 2.0, Combat Psycasts, Wildheart Psycast.
  • VPE - Biotech Integration for Alpha Animals and More!
    Add more psycast genes from Biotech Expansion - Mammalia, Biotech Expansion - Mythic, Biotech xenotype expanded - Rotfish, Goblin Xenotype, Illithid Xenotype, Nephilim Xenotype, Orc Xenotype, Rim-Shek - Biotech, Rimsenal Xenotype Pack - Askbarn, Roo's Minotaur Xenotype, Roo's Faun Xenotype, Roo's Satyr Xenotype, Vanilla Races Expanded - Lycanthrope, WVC - Xenotypes and Genes, Alpha Genes, ReSplice: Charmweavers, Goji's Fantasy Race: Merren.
  • Psycaster Genes Spawner
    Randomly spawn the psycast genes in the world and pawns that spawn with psycaster genes get a psylink.

    Known Future Roadmap in VPE
    - Lycanthrope xenotype
    - Insector xenotype
    - Animat path
    - Insectorator path
    - Gauwalker path

    Mod Author: DANZEN

    Vanilla Psycast Expanded is created by Oskar Potocki
    Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.

Popularne dyskusje Zobacz wszystkie (2)
12 lipca o 15:57
PRZYPIĘTE: Balancing/Suggestion/Feedback
12 czerwca o 6:02
PRZYPIĘTE: Bug Reports
Komentarzy: 90
Kamikaze 27 czerwca o 1:35 
Suggestion: How about add the Empath gene to Bruxas. Basicly - they are Highmates of a Sanguophages, lousy warriors, great in social and medicine, they need someone to fight for them, and Empath goes with it perfectly.
kongkim 25 czerwca o 12:29 
This is a really cool ide, Would love to see a mod from you that adds precepts and memes around same concept to only allow your belive to use some psycast power etc.
Shinoskay 22 czerwca o 0:03 
we are suppose to be able to administer these, right? I've got 3 protector formers, I tell my pawns to use one, but they just walk up to it... stare at it... then walk away.
sny 7 czerwca o 18:47 
Not sure if its a mod conflict, but can anyone confirm if the tecnomancer gene is working? I have a genie and he cant learn the tecnomancer skill tree
TuViejaEnTango 29 maja o 11:05 
Is VFE Lycanthrope currently incompatible? I see it in the roadmap but not under compatibility
Madmenyo 19 maja o 6:30 
Thanks for asking Deathstar, just noticed it is this addon that locks it all behind genes. I could turn it off but I do like some psycasts being gated. Exactly like you say, there should be something for baseline colonists. I play mostly with baseline colonists but I might need to switch that up too.
Deathstar 19 maja o 5:11 
Heya, do you think it'd be possible to allow for a few select psycasting paths to be available to Baseliners? I love the idea of the mod, but at the same time I feel like there should be -some- options available to you prior to researching and investing into genetics heavily. Maybe the elemental ones like Conflagrator or Frostshaper, or the "harmless" ones like Harmonist or Empath?
TuViejaEnTango 14 maja o 5:41 
I don't see a mention of VFE Genie, Waster, and Pigskin under the "Compatibility" section. I suppose it is just because they don't add new xenotypes but modify the already existing ones?
Bareback Hussein Obama 5 maja o 15:02 
does anyone know if this is safe to add mid-save
Jippy 3 maja o 18:04 
Does this mod stop the psycast raids from working correctly? Really good mod! Just curious:steamthumbsup: