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Complete 100% Achievement Guide | The Finals
Készítő: Rhizzy
A complete achievement guide for The Finals.
Everything is properly categorized, organized, and formatted, for easier tracking.
Overall, a medium to somewhat hard difficulty game to 100% but it will take a very long time. This is due to needing 150 wins with every build and 50 million cash collected. While working on these, all other specific achievements will most likely be completed, some are easier than others.
Approximate Time to Complete: 500 - 700 +/- hours
Number of Achievements: 50

1. Just play the game
The journey is long so no need to focus on anything in the beginning. Just play and enjoy the game. If you enjoy it enough to be willing to spend hundreds of hours getting 50 million cash, you may continue with the rest.

2. Take note of specific achievements
A few achievements are very situational and random dependant. They will not be unlocked through regular gameplay. Things like specific kills, use of carriables, or cash box/cashout related. Have a read through different categories and know what is expected and what to keep in mind when the opportunity presents itself in game.

3. Long term cash and wins
Getting 50 million cash will take hundreds of hours and should be the last thing you need. Take a look at Deep Pockets for more information. You will also need 150 wins with each build. Consider playing all 3 builds throughout so you don't have a lot of wins left to do at the end, if that ends up being the last thing you need.

Note: Some annoying or hard to get achievements can be farmed with a friend, by both of you clicking Play at the same time and hoping to get in the same game, but on opposite teams. To increase chances of this happening, you can change the Region in Settings to a less populated one. For example: Oceania or South America, when the time there is after midnight.

Note: Use CTRL+F to search specific keywords withing the guide.

These will be automatically unlocked without any special effort.

Lesson Learner
Complete the Tutorial

Participation Ribbon
Create a contestant

This is done by going to Contestants and creating a new character.

Med Student
Revive a teammate

Initial Deposit
Insert a cash box into a cashout station

Returning Contestant
Play 3 rounds of Quick Cash

Savings Specialist
Obtain a total of 100,000 cash
50 million cash collected and 150 wins with every build will take a very long time to unlock, but everything else should automatically be obtained along the way.

Life Of The Party
Play 10 rounds in a Party

Green Light
Play 10 rounds with a Light Build

Mass Medium
Play 10 rounds with a Medium Build

Play The Heavy
Play 10 rounds with a Heavy Build

Attending Physician
Revive teammates 50 times

Rising Star
Play 3 Tournament rounds

Pyro Prodigy
Eliminate 25 opponents with fire

Easiest to get with Flamethrower on Heavy. Every build has Pyro Grenades, Heavy has Pyro Mine.

Toxic Tact
Eliminate 25 opponents with gas

Every build has Gas Grenades, Medium has Gas Mine.

Demolition Expert
Deal 1,000,000 damage to arenas

Damage done to buildings, not enemies. Easiest on Heavy with Sledgehammer or Charge 'N' Slam ability, RPG, C4. Shooting or throwing carriables also works. It will be done naturally.

Dead Shot
Get 300 eliminations with Ranged Weapons

Strong Arm
Get 150 eliminations with Melee Weapons

Gadget Guru
Get 150 eliminations with Gadgets

Deep Pockets
Obtain a total of 50,000,000 cash

Cash obtained counts even if your teammates deposit the cash box, steal a cashout or extract the coins in Bank It mode. Bank It and Tournaments would be the best game modes to farm. Not sure if later introduced modes like Power Shift count the progress.
In Bank It it is pretty easy to get at least 10k cash, while in other modes you can sometimes get nothing. Just focus on depositing coins over fighting, Light invisible build works well for it.
Tournaments is another good place to farm. First cash boxes that spawn are 10k, second ones 15k, and third ones 22k. Potentially you can obtain 47k+ cash per match. So even if you only get 1 or 2 cash boxes, that would net 10k to 35k. Also since there are 2 cash outs happening all the time, there is a good chance you will be fighting only 1 team for the cash out, or sometimes you will get one for free without any contest.
Based on user times in comments, one person reported 385 hours playing mostly Bank It. Others reported 500, 600, and 700 hours, or more. Depends on how consistently you can get the money.
Win Related
Self explanatory, will get it eventually.

Crowd Pleaser
Finish in first place, 3 times in a row

User Shadow noted in comments that the progress does not reset if you leave the game. So if you are on 2 wins you can leave the game if you're about to lose, and go next.

Light Years
Win 150 rounds with a Light Build

In the Power Shift mode, you are able to change your class during game. This means you can play whatever you want, and swap before the end of the match to register win on a different class. This is helpful if you don't enjoy playing a certain class, or are having difficulties getting wins with them.

Medium Rare
Win 150 rounds with a Medium Build

Heavy Hand
Win 150 rounds with a Heavy Build

Show Stopper
Win the final round in Tournament or Ranked Tournament

Just Like Scotty
Win a round in any mode without being eliminated
Kill Related
Use an emote after eliminating an opponent (Secret)

Artful Expressionist
Eliminate an opponent while you are emoting (Secret)

Has to be done with damage over time, so either gas or fire damage. Chuck either grenade at enemies when they are low health and emote right after.
User Shadow noted in comments that this can be done on yourself.

Busy Body
Eliminate 3 opponents with a Melee Weapon within 10 seconds

Fatal Florist
Eliminate an opponent with a flowerpot

Looks like not all flower pots count - vases, big pots or tiny pots with bonsai or succulent plants did not count. So far the ones confirmed are a small flower/grass pot, knee high clay pots with red or purple round flower or red and blue flat flowers. (As users Monkey and Shadow noted in comments)

Highway Patrol
Eliminate an opponent while you are riding a Zipline, 10 times

Bringing Zipline on Medium will be the fastest. But plenty of ziplines around the map.

Eliminate 3 opponents with 3 different items or carriables within 10 seconds

A weapon kill counts as 1 different item, killing a teammate counts as 1 kill, killing yourself counts as 1 kill. So you can kill an enemy with a weapon, kill teammate with gas grenade/mine, kill yourself with frag grenade or anything else (if gas mine, has to be a second gas mine, not the same one as for teammate).
Build Related
Defense Devotee
Block a total of 25,000 damage

Heavy has all the blocking items. Barricade alone should get it, but there is also Mesh Shield and Dome Shield. Riot Shield on Medium should also work.

Hot Shot
Eliminate an opponent while you are on fire, 5 times in a single round

Easiest to do on Heavy because of the large health pool. Bring Pyro Grenades, throw them at your feet and stand in the fire while getting kills. If fighting in the small park/forrest areas that 2 of the maps have, you can light the greenery on fire which will stay lit for a while. Having a healer on your squad will help to top you up.

Resident Doctor
Heal teammates for a total of 25,000 health

Eliminate an opponent by bouncing a grenade on a Jump Pad

Any Jump Pad will work - arena, teammate, opponent. But easiest to have it always available with Medium build for when the opportunity presents itself. Easiest to get while attacking or defending a cashout inside of a building. Bounce the grenades off the Jump Pad in the direction of enemies. The grenades get a little speed boost and travel straight ahead while not going very high up.

Space Rock Skipper
Bounce a meteor off a Jump Pad during the Meteor Showers event (Secret)

Medium build required. Random event can happen after halftime, near the end of the match.
Meteor Showers happen in a pretty small area somewhere on the map. All the meteors travel from the same angle, so when you see how they're falling, you should know how to position yourself to catch one.

Golden Bullet
Get a headshot elimination with the last bullet in the magazine of your primary weapon

Best to do with high damage precision weapons like R .357 on Medium or Sniper on Light (LH1 might also work).
User Mu6o noted that it is easy to get with Throwing Knives since every bullet is technically the last one.

Clip And Slide
Eliminate an opponent with a headshot while you are sliding

Same as above. I found it easier to get with R. 357 than Light build weapons.

Blast Caster
Place an Explosive Mine on a carriable and get an elimination by throwing it at an enemy (Secret)

Explosive Mine is a Medium and Heavy gadget. Any carriable should work. I got mine with the flammable carriable, throwing it at an enemy that was reviving. Throwing while running throws it farther. Explosive carriables travel in a straight line so those are good too.
Cash Box & Cashout
Asset Protection
Eliminate an opponent trying to steal your cashout, 10 times

Stop Payment
Eliminate an opponent while they are carrying a cash box, 5 times

Charitable Donation
Eliminate an opponent with a cash box

Buzzer Beater
Steal a cashout with less than 10 seconds remaining in the match

In Quick Play you do not need the last 10 seconds on the timer. It can also happen if you have 10k cash, the enemy team controls the next cashout, you steal that cashout 10 seconds before completion, which leads to you winning. Otherwise, Tournaments give a greater chance at completing this since matches go full time.

Last-minute Gift
Start a cashout with less than 10 seconds remaining in the match

Probably easier to get in Tournaments since Quick Play matches almost never last the full time.

Speed Run
Start a cashout within 15 seconds after opening a vault

Very situational. Again probably easier in Tournaments since 2 vaults spawn and there is a greater chance that one of them will be closer to a cashout. Could go Light build since it's the fastest, and might be nice to have a Zipline on Medium to get there faster if needed.

Field Goal
Throw a cash box into a cashout station from 20 meters away

You can see the distance to the cashout while looking at it. Hope for a good location spawn where this is actually doable. You thrown the cash box farther when running or run jumping.
Butter Fingers
Get eliminated by your own grenade (Secret)

Pressure Prize
Hit an opponent in the head with an explosive carriable

Dodgeball Champion
Hit opponents with 3 different carriables within 15 seconds

User IINTOMA noted in comments that this can be done with any items: chair, table, flowers, etc. Could start it off with explosive carriable and then grab whatever is nearby.

Sky Bridge Saboteur
Destroy the skybridge in Seoul (Secret)

The skybridge is in one of the corners of the map. You need to destroy it end to end. Easy with Sledgehammer on Heavy. Other explosives and carriables work too.
90 megjegyzés
GhettoPotato márc. 8., 19:44 
good to know thx
Rhizzy  [készítő] febr. 11., 4:35 
Thanks for confirming, then it does still work.
supak febr. 11., 0:10 
I can confirm killing teammates and yourself works for Multitasker, I accidentally killed myself with the pyro grenade, my mate died to a toxic gas cannister that I threw and an enemy died to my rocket launcher. Achievement unlocked.
Rhizzy  [készítő] 2024. dec. 30., 23:14 
@Niiju: Sounds like they might have changed what counts as a kill (or that killing yourself doesn't count anymore). Maybe killing teammates will still count (that is killing 2 of them with gas/fire). Or maybe that was removed as well and it may need to be done legit on enemies only.
Niiju 2024. dec. 30., 22:43 
Multitasker doesn't seem to be correct, I did it by killing one enemy then my friend with fire and myself with gas, did not get it
Rhizzy  [készítő] 2024. nov. 25., 20:51 
Thanks for confirming. I removed it from the guide.
For You Diamond Phillips 2024. nov. 25., 19:19 
didn't work for me, seems it was patched
For You Diamond Phillips 2024. nov. 25., 17:42 
Does Alien Invasion still work for Space Rock Skipper achievement?
Rhizzy  [készítő] 2024. nov. 24., 10:28 
Thank you for your service! o7
SN@KE 2024. nov. 24., 9:59 
It doesn't work.