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(ENG) Want some help on doing the online achievements?
Av TheR3dFox
Heya gamers! Here's a guide for all you folks wanting some help doing the online achievements for DBX1. And also for DBX2 if you might.
Hello and welcome to the pain of doing the online achievs' for DBX1

Why exactly is it a pain to get the online achievements?
So, you've decided to achieve 100% completion for this game. You searched for a guide on how to obtain all the achievements and noticed that there are 11 online achievements you'll need to earn.

How difficult is it to get them all?

Firstly, for 90% of the online achievements, you'll need to find 1 to 2 players to join you, and doing that in-game can be somewhat frustrating.

Since this is kind of an old game (it was launched in 2015), the online servers are a pain in the ass. Not many people play it, and there are lots of connection issues. Unless you've made friends in-game or have friends who own the game and played it previously, you'll need to go to forums discussing the online achievements and send friend requests to people or join a Discord server, and that is lame.

But worry not my gamer, I have a solution for you in the end of this guide!
Just keep reading or jump straight for it if you want.

Observação: Caso você seja brasileiro ou conhece o português brasileiro, sugiro que confira o guia traduzido para o Pt-Br: (PT-BR) Quer uma ajuda pra fazer as conquistas do modo online?.

Observación: En caso de que fables español, te sugiero que consultes la guía traducida al ESP: (ESP) ¿Quieres ayuda para obtener los logros del modo online?.
What are the online achievements?
There is a total of 11 (eleven) achievements that you'll have to do it with online players:

Heart-Thumping Encounter
Added a Time Patroller to your Favorites List!

Once you hit level 10, simply go up to a player, press Y (on Xbox controller) to open their character screen, and then add them as a favorite.

Share Your Energy With Me!
Sent a Gift!

You can send a gift to players that you've recently been matched with, or people from your favorites list. Visit one of the Timespace Delivery machines to send a gift.

I Got a Present For Ya!
Received a "Present!"

You'll need to reach out to a friend for this one, unless you're lucky and get sent something randomly. You can retrieve a gift from the Timespace Delivery machine.

Battle In Your Sleep
Completed 7 Auto-Patrols!

It is a simple but skethcy achievement, that requires you to basically just log in to the game seven times and each time you log in, an auto-patrol should populate.

For the Sake of the Future!
Played Online Battles for the first time!

Play an online match against another player for the first time. You can challenge or be challenged by another player in the lobby or create/join an online match.

Won't You Dance with Me?
Played Online Battles 7 times!

Play an online match against another player 7 times. Just do the same thing in as in the "For the Sake of the Future!" achievement, but 7 times.

A Fight of Courage and Pride
Won online 7 times!

Now, you need to win those online matches 7 times. I sugest you do this achievement and the "Won't You Dance with Me?" achievement togheter with a friend.

Take On All Challengers
Participated in Endless Battle 7 times!

Pretty similar to Online Battles, but instead is Endless Battles. Create/join an Endless Battle room and participate in seven of them.

Online Champion
Won Endless Battle 7 times!

Now, you need to win those endless battles 7 times. I sugest you do this achievement and the "Take On All Challenger" achievement togheter with a friend.

Rival to my Dreams
Observed 7 battles!

Now, you need to watch those endless battles 7 times. You can create your own Endless Battle room and choose to be a spectator only.

Team Player
Revived KO'd allies 7 times in online matches!

You need to revive your KO'd ally seven times in online battles. So, technically, you'll need 3 more players to make a 2v2 match. But you can cheese it by doing this:

To sum up: Just create a 2vs2 or 3vs3 match, join one team, and have another player on the opposing team. The remaining slots will be filled by bots. Then, let the other player defeat your allied bots, and you revive them seven times.

With that, the achievement 'Revive fallen allies 7 times' is yours!
So, what's the solution???
The solution to your problems, my gamer, is OUR STEAM GROUP!!!

A Steam Group is a built-in community group on the Steam platform where you can join.

It's better than waiting for random people to accept your friend requests or needing to join inactive Discord servers, because Steam Groups are specifically designed for fast community interaction without leaving Steam.

On our Steam Group, "Doing those pesky online achievements for DBX1 & DBX2", we provide various forms of discussion about completing online achievements, making it more efficient and reliable for coordinating and achieving those 11 online accomplishments for your account.

The main language of the group is English, but we also have dedicated chats for Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish speakers. So everybody is welcome!

Also, you can use this group for help with the online achievements for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2! So, if you own the game or plan to buy DBX2, feel free to join as well.

Anyway, here's the link for you to join:
And that's it, thanks for clicking on this guide!

Please, consider giving the guide a like and favorite, perhaps even a award if you might.

This guide was made by TheR3dFox, you can follow/reach me on:

╔══►⠀⠀ DISCORD [discord.com]
╠═══►⠀⠀ REDDIT
╠════►⠀⠀ TWITCH [twitch.tv]
╠═════►⠀⠀ YOUTUBE
╚══════►⠀⠀ PINTEREST [br.pinterest.com]

2 kommentarer
Gon freecss 28 maj @ 19:00 
I'd love some help with the online achievements!! I'm revisiting this game and honestly wanna try and platinum (or perfect as its called on steam idk) it
TheR3dFox  [skapare] 4 dec, 2023 @ 17:03 
That's it, folks! I hope the guide could shed some light for those chasing the online achievements. Welcome to the group, and I hope you can help each other out! :sans: